Tim Russ Hints At A Voyager Movie!


Vice Admiral
Yesterday on Tim Russ's official facebook page he posted this on his wall:

"Might be in a new Voyager Movie"

Replying to a bunch of wall comments, Tim posted:

"We do not know if we are going to make the film yet" (notice the 'We')


MY Opinion:

Based on that, I would say that this would NOT be an official Paramount film (they are in JJ land now), but rather an Independant film probably produced and directed by Tim. This probably would not have Kate Mulgrew or Jeri Ryan but could feature the other cast members in returning roles (infact, i can think of at least 4 who would be up for this).

Tim has experience in these types of films before, he directed and was in 'Star Trek: Of Gods and Men' that had over 15 professional scifi actors in the film, yet was produced independantly of Paramount studios.

The down side to making such a film in not being able to profit on the film (re-couping costs etc..) since CBS owns the copyright to Star Trek. CBS would either have to buy the film or come to some sort of arrangement for that to happen.

Anyways, that is my guess based on my connections and being part of the STOGAM production team. This could be something with a game or other media, or he could be pulling our leg, who knows. Let the speculation begin!
Again it is pure specualtion on my part that if it is an independent production, Kate woudl want to much $$$ to be a part of it, money they would not have. Then again it all depends if the other cast could talk her into it as well. I don't know there dynamic, just a guess on my part.
Again it is pure specualtion on my part that if it is an independent production, Kate woudl want to much $$$ to be a part of it, money they would not have. Then again it all depends if the other cast could talk her into it as well. I don't know there dynamic, just a guess on my part.

I know Kate has very recently said she'd be open to reprising her role as Janeway, which made me giggle like a school girl. In the past, she has dodged that question. So, there may be more to the speculation than we think.

We can hope!
Again it is pure specualtion on my part that if it is an independent production, Kate woudl want to much $$$ to be a part of it, money they would not have. Then again it all depends if the other cast could talk her into it as well. I don't know there dynamic, just a guess on my part.
that's not necessarily true. she forgave her salary to be in a very low-budget short indie movie, "the response," two years ago that was about a military tribunal at guantanamo. she was the baddie in it too.

i think the bigger problem is how many of the cast you could get. jeri is most probably out. RDM and RD are both busy directing and producing tv shows. in fact, a few years ago RDM said he preferred now to be known only as a director. while i'm sure ethan would like to be in it, unless the crew are in the DQ he's probably out. the only actors who, at this point i think are definitely up for it are russ, wang, and picardo.

all the others i think are of different shades of gray as to whether they'd join or not with jeri being the only one who's dead set against coming back.
How can these people spend tn years doing the convention circuit, be washed in the adultion usually reserved for sports celebrities and pornheroes, and quibble about the nonproffitness of one of Timmy's Star Trek Movies?

So sad.

I remember they did a time travel episode during one of the later episodes of charmed after Shannon Doherty had buggered off... They explained her noninvollvement by appearing into the episode where she had tuned in to a bitch. ;) Dog, evil spell turned her into a dog.

There's a million ways they could have Janeway without Kate.
There's a million ways they could have Janeway without Kate.

Much like all Trek, I consider the corner stone of a series to be the captain. I can't imagine a TNG movie without Picard or a DS9 without Sisko.

I think not having the captain there detracts. All I would be thinking is, "What's going on with the Captain?"
For the actors they can not have they could also pull in a few actors from the one of the other series to either revise there role or play someone different, we did this with STOGAM. Still speculation, it's fun to keep and eye on it.
Beltran wouldn't come back. He hated doing Voyager.

No he didn't. But if all you've seen is that Skitz TV video I guess you could be forgiven for thinking so.

He didn't like the way the writers stopped caring about *Voyager* and how they treated his character in the final seasons. It was Beltran who stood up and said that *Star Trek* deserved better. He was the first one to do so during *Voyager's* time and he was also the one who tried to make something happen to fix things up.

And if everything goes to plan, he's going to be appearing with Kate, Tim, Robbie and other *Star Trek* celebrities at Collectormania 16 in Milton Keynes U.K. at the end of May.


Maybe they'll say something more about their plans while they're there.

Chuckling :rommie:
Yesterday on Tim Russ's official facebook page he posted this on his wall:

"Might be in a new Voyager Movie"

Replying to a bunch of wall comments, Tim posted:

"We do not know if we are going to make the film yet" (notice the 'We')


MY Opinion:

Based on that, I would say that this would NOT be an official Paramount film (they are in JJ land now), but rather an Independant film probably produced and directed by Tim. This probably would not have Kate Mulgrew or Jeri Ryan but could feature the other cast members in returning roles (infact, i can think of at least 4 who would be up for this).

Tim has experience in these types of films before, he directed and was in 'Star Trek: Of Gods and Men' that had over 15 professional scifi actors in the film, yet was produced independantly of Paramount studios.

The down side to making such a film in not being able to profit on the film (re-couping costs etc..) since CBS owns the copyright to Star Trek. CBS would either have to buy the film or come to some sort of arrangement for that to happen.

Anyways, that is my guess based on my connections and being part of the STOGAM production team. This could be something with a game or other media, or he could be pulling our leg, who knows. Let the speculation begin!

I think you're right.
Who is "RDM and RD"?
RDM = robert duncan mcneill (or robbie mcneill as he prefers to be called)
RD = roxann dawson

just in case...
RB = robert beltran
KM = kate mulgrew
RP = robert picardo
TR = tim russ
GW = garrett wang
JR = jeri ryan
EP = ethan phillips
JL = jennifer lien

i think i've seen all their initials used at one point or another.
There's a million ways they could have Janeway without Kate.

Much like all Trek, I consider the corner stone of a series to be the captain. I can't imagine a TNG movie without Picard or a DS9 without Sisko.

I think not having the captain there detracts. All I would be thinking is, "What's going on with the Captain?"
I can imagine a DS9 movie without Sisko. It would be just like most of the relaunch novels. DS9 was a real ensemble show, with many interesting characters that could carry a good storyline, and a loss of any one character could be overcome.

TNG, on the other hand, I cannot imagine without Picard, because he dominates the show and is head and shoulders above the rest of the cast. Only Data and Worf come close as stronger characters, but nobody has Picard's presence.

I'm not sure where VOY falls. Janeway doesn't dominate the cast the way Picard does on TNG, but it did not work as an ensemble show the way DS9 did, either. Some of the characters were very weak (Chakotay, Kim), and most of them got sidelined too much. But maybe this kind of movie could help in that respect, by giving disregarded characters something to do.
Again, taken with a grain of salt. Just reporting what I read and added my own speculation on what it 'could' be. If Tim had posted this on April 1st, I would have chalked it up to an Aprils Fools gag but he just posted it the other day. As of this morning he still has not made any other comments about it.
An independant "fan film" is what I thought of when I first read that. It definately won't be a theatrical film, even ignoring that Paramount is devoted to Abrams Trek movies now, I doubt Voyager is popular enough to warrant a theatrical film.

I suppose a DVD/telemovie could happen, but I think fan film is more likely.