Things that frustrate us all

Another item that irks me…

Employers that say, ‘Oh, no we don’t work on Saturdays and we’re not expecting you to do so.’… Then you see them walking about a few Saturdays later, making note surreptitiously on who’s there or not.

Straight out of ‘Office Space’, with Gary Cole and his coffee mug.

Just say that it’s required in the job position, folks… don’t hem and haw around it. :mad::thumbdown:

Another item that irks me…

Employers that say, ‘Oh, no we don’t work on Saturdays and we’re not expecting you to do so.’… Then you see them walking about a few Saturdays later, making note surreptitiously on who’s there or not.

Straight out of ‘Office Space’, with Gary Cole and his coffee mug.

Just say that it’s required in the job position, folks… don’t hem and haw around it. :mad::thumbdown:


That reminds me. The shop was open Memorial Day for the Memorial Day Tire Sale. Everyone was here on a national holiday. The store didn't even sell one tire, and finished less than $1000 in sales. Not enough to even pay one employee salary. Corporate thinks that since all the other tire stores are closed we'll get all the business. No one is gonna spend money on a holiday if they're out of town. What a waste of time.
I have a lamp that sometimes doesn't turn on, and the only way to get it to work again is to unplug and plug it back in. Anyone know why that would happen?
Two different things that activists have been fighting for for horses and donkeys appear to be heading in the opposite direction, and getting worse instead of better.
It's so frustrating that it's this hard to get people to make changes to the way animals are treated.
Clients who disregard both time zone differences and their own contracts that plainly state you don't offer 24/7 support and still send you urgent requests at 9:30 PM while you're in the shower then loudly complain when you don't reply within 15 minutes.
That reminds me. The shop was open Memorial Day for the Memorial Day Tire Sale. Everyone was here on a national holiday. The store didn't even sell one tire, and finished less than $1000 in sales. Not enough to even pay one employee salary. Corporate thinks that since all the other tire stores are closed we'll get all the business. No one is gonna spend money on a holiday if they're out of town. What a waste of time.
I use to feel this way, because I've been working retail and had almost no customers. When I opened a new store in a smaller town, the town pretty much shut down at 6 PM, but because it was a chain store the hours couldn't be modified. So, myself and two other staff stood around. If the company wants to spend money on me to stand around and clean the store within an inch of its life it's their money.
I was talking with a customer this afternoon who was waiting to get her Jeep aligned and she was telling me that after working 18 years at Costco as a cashier, she's throwing in the towel and retiring.
She said something broke in people post-Covid and customers are ruder than ever.
She's been yelled at, had hot coffee thrown at her as well as food, and once when she was straighten up the jumpers/rompers in the baby clothes section, a customer swept them off the table because she couldn't find the right size for her infant and told her to have fun picking them up.
She says that several of the employees at that location have been verbally abused and Costco management isn't doing enough to address their concerns and that they're more concerned about making that days profit goals.
So, she and her fiance are going to sell their home in Gold Bar, buy an RV and travel down to California where they have family and live in an RV park.
Last couple days I've been the exact level of sick where I'm not so sick that I can't work from home but sick enough I can't exercise or go out. The worst level of sick that isn't horribly painful or life threatening.

Also, why is Roku TV the only place you can watch Babylon 5 for free? They don't track your position so you have to remember the exact episode you were on every time. They crop the screen weirdly and they have ad breaks at unnatural spots. Why can't any of the real streaming platforms have Babylon 5?! It's gone through Netflix and Amazon and they all lose it for no good reason.
It's not on Max anymore?
I was talking with a customer this afternoon who was waiting to get her Jeep aligned and she was telling me that after working 18 years at Costco as a cashier, she's throwing in the towel and retiring.
She said something broke in people post-Covid and customers are ruder than ever.
She's been yelled at, had hot coffee thrown at her as well as food, and once when she was straighten up the jumpers/rompers in the baby clothes section, a customer swept them off the table because she couldn't find the right size for her infant and told her to have fun picking them up.
She says that several of the employees at that location have been verbally abused and Costco management isn't doing enough to address their concerns and that they're more concerned about making that days profit goals.
So, she and her fiance are going to sell their home in Gold Bar, buy an RV and travel down to California where they have family and live in an RV park.
I thought CostCo was supposed to be a better place to work than that?
People who should know better pronouncing nuclear as “new-cue-ler”

I know…I know…small “po-tah-toes”
I always second guess myself in the pronunciation so I just don't say it anymore. I say atomic.
That reminds me of when my brother was in third or fourth grade. He wrote a paper in which he referred to a mother, father and their children as an "atomic family."