Things that frustrate us all

When you make a post you think is especially clever, important, and/or about a subject you really want to discuss with people, and ... crickets.
Pretty much my experience every day of my life.

One of the challenges of getting older is that I realize that my introspective and deep thinking style is just not what people want in a conversation.
Yes, that's all it is. Problem is, many times the people creating them either didn't take proper measurements or are working from different fixtures at the home office than what you have in the store, and so what you've been given doesn't translate 1:1. I worked at Target two summers during college, and they had amazing planograms that were exactly measured and actually worked every time. No idea if their POGs are still up to that standard (I worked there 25 years ago), but it can be done.

The problem with planograms is that they can't work for every store. Even the alternate versions for the same area (3 door, 4 door, 5 door ice cream set, for instance) isn't always a match. Especially problematic when it shortens the space for a top selling product and gives more space to a very slow mover.

Usually when that happened, I simply made the adjustments myself after the reset was done so we'd maximize how much we sold overall. (The numbers always backed me up, which is part of the reason why I was rarely overruled in my adjustments.)
I had assumed that kind of stuff was pretty much the uniform through every store, or that they at least had specific planograms made for each different store layout.
My son was driving to the grocery store where he works from 5am to 11am this morning. It's about 2 miles from our house and a cop pulled him over and asked (rather aggressively) where are you going? My son said he was going in to work and showed the cop his work shirt with his name tag. The cop stammered something and let him go. Just throwing his weight around or what? Ok, it was just before 5am, but still, what the heck? Small southern town....
It's always a little unnerving when cops do that kind of thing. A while back while we were going to one of the neighborhoods where we take our dogs on walks, we had a cop car follow us until we pulled into the parking lot where we park. Our car is 20+ years old with a lot of the paint warn off after it spent a while stuck outside when the garage door was broken. It's a nicer neighborhood, so we assumed they must have been suspicious of such a beat up old car stopping there, and decided to leave us alone once they saw that we were white and/or that we had our dogs with us.
I work in a grocery store and my shift starts at 6 AM. When the pandemic hit, I had to carry around (in my car) a letter authorizing me to be out and about that early. I was never pulled over, though.
People/Drivers on the freeway who slow down and rubberneck to look at a wreck or crash that happened on the OTHER side/direction of the freeway to see if there’s any blood, guts, or a body… :mad::brickwall::thumbdown:


I hate that, too. Rubbernecking is dangerous behavior, particularly on a freeway. Rubbernecking is actually illegal. (At least in Miami.) This was years ago, but I remember driving on U.S.1 and there was an accident. This guy was moving at a crawl, and you can see him just looking at the accident and paying no attention to the road. Another cop saw that and pulled him over.

I was happy the cop got him. He had it coming.
Awful...good way to get shot, 'pendin' where you well and safe, and I hope you all recover soon!
What's up with these reusable grocery bags that say DOES THIS BAG MAKE MY HEART LOOK BIG?

Fuck. No, it does not make your heart look big. It makes you look like a malignant narcissist.

Not ALL reusable bags, of course. Just this one.