Things that frustrate us all

I've been talking with my insurance broker. My insurance company will not deal with my broker anymore, and no other company will insure my house because of the fire 4 years ago. So I have to switch brokers and my insurance will increase by 40%.
Frustrating me is trash day. I had the roll away trash can and the recycle can out at the street and so did my next door neighbor. The neighbor is a renter and never does any home improvements but I did notice a truck backed up in his yard with a bunch of tools. I figured it was a handyman.

I went out later to roll the cans back to the house and noticed that the handyman had thrown 2 of those spongy paint brushes and a paint stir stick in my recycle bin and they were full of paint. I try to keep the recycle can clean (cleaner than the trash can) and this idiot not only threw them in my can instead of the one belonging to that house but he couldn't even get it in the trash can.

So I got home later and tossed them in their yard. :devil:
I feel a little less frustrated.
Frustrating me is trash day. I had the roll away trash can and the recycle can out at the street and so did my next door neighbor. The neighbor is a renter and never does any home improvements but I did notice a truck backed up in his yard with a bunch of tools. I figured it was a handyman.

I went out later to roll the cans back to the house and noticed that the handyman had thrown 2 of those spongy paint brushes and a paint stir stick in my recycle bin and they were full of paint. I try to keep the recycle can clean (cleaner than the trash can) and this idiot not only threw them in my can instead of the one belonging to that house but he couldn't even get it in the trash can.

So I got home later and tossed them in their yard. :devil:
I feel a little less frustrated.

Throwing trash in someone else's bin without asking... dick move.

Glad you tossed it back in their yard.
People entering a place through the exit, not the actual entrance. Especially when they are entering at the same time you are exiting with both hands full and it's not a wide enough space for two people to traverse.

(Made even more irritating when the entrance was wide open with no one else there to possibly block them.)
There is a massive road construction project going on near my store. And it is RUINING MY FUCKING BUSINESS! :mad:

I mean, today for example. It's a Saturday, "first of the month" time. So we should have been flooded with customers. But because of that damned construction, it's so hard to GET to my store that we were so dead. All day. For the second week in a row we had to send people home early!
There is a massive road construction project going on near my store. And it is RUINING MY FUCKING BUSINESS! :mad:

I mean, today for example. It's a Saturday, "first of the month" time. So we should have been flooded with customers. But because of that damned construction, it's so hard to GET to my store that we were so dead. All day. For the second week in a row we had to send people home early!

I'm not 100% certain on this, but because the road construction is county (or city, or wherever you are located) you should be able to let the county know and can get at least some compensation for lost business. Particularly if you have many months of sales data to back you up as a comparison.
I remembered the thing from the other day: touch-screen gloves.
...that never work right. :mad:

Caitlin Clark's gonna shatter Pete Maravich's record and I can't :censored:ing watch it because it's on :censored:ing Fox. :mad:

Edit: She just did.
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Ever get a package late because it somehow ended up in the wrong state? I currently am dealing with that from FedEx with two packages in two completely different states at the same time!
Ever get a package late because it somehow ended up in the wrong state? I currently am dealing with that from FedEx with two packages in two completely different states at the same time!
Yup, several times.

I live in the PNW, and a package we ordered from Home Depot ended up in Louisiana. Another one ended up in Maine.
I live in an apartment complex. UPS pretty consistently delivers my stuff to the wrong address. I know where they deliver it, so I tend to just walk over and grab it (it's right across the parking lot).

Several people have called the police on me for stealing packages. I've talked to them a few times now... they're aware of the situation, but it still happens. I mean... on end, good for people for actually trying to do something about it, but... damn enough is enough.

The police are super cool about it though. First time they were alittle aggressive. Since then, it's gotten much more cordial and they rarely respond anymore. I see a local cop at the coffee shop often, he tells me people still call, but they usually just tell them i'm just getting my things.
I had a FedEx driver seemingly just give up on delivering packages and left several packages to different addresses in front of the one house.
It's been awhile since I've had a package misdelivered, but sometimes I do get mail that wasn't meant for me.

I llive on an Avenue, and sometimes I get mail intended for the same house number, but on the STREET just east of me. Same address, just street instead of avenue.
Fucking prank callers, that’s all. My bf's cat was missing, posters were put up, posts were shared in several groups about the missing cat and one wanker called him said he found Endy dead, she was ran over bij a car and he was a vet. My bf was devastated, and boom one day later the cat was found alive and well and is now back at my bf's home. He reported the pranker to the police, we're both livid at the pranker but relieved Endy was found, what an emotional 24 hours.
Wow, what an absolute idiot! These are the moments when I wish that prisons were as they used to be 300 years ago, with the convicts getting beaten on a regular basis. I hope they find out who it was and fine him a sum that really hurts.
(These are also the moments when I regret my good education that makes me know no worse insult than idiot. If anyone can suggest a really bad word for that sort of people I am very much willing to learn!)
Unfortunately, it was a private number so yeah....

Anyway, there is a family get together on my father's side of the family because my father's family never got along with my mother's family, so they were never one whole family awesome right? But I digress, my point is I don't want to see them or my father, especially my father! I wish we weren't on speaking terms again