Things that frustrate us all

I love cucumber, it's one of my favorite healthy snacks.

I'd rather eat a bowl of Watermelon, at least then the watery snack tastes of something nice and sweet.
I find some things a chore to eat, like cucumber... and masses upon masses of mashed potato, without mustard or a good gravy it's so boring and bland.
I love cucumber. Plain mashed potatoes, though, isn't much better than paste. But if they are properly seasoned, buttered, covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits, then HELL YEAH. Sautéed potato slices in butter and garlic is heavenly.

What drives me crazy (ier), is that my husband has the most bland palate in the word. Not making this up: I put a sprinkle of plain, fine ground black pepper on our green beans--just a pinch between my finger and thumb and then sprinkled it over the bowl--and he complained it was far too spicy.
I love cucumber. Plain mashed potatoes, though, isn't much better than paste. But if they are properly seasoned, buttered, covered in shredded cheese and bacon bits, then HELL YEAH. Sautéed potato slices in butter and garlic is heavenly.

What drives me crazy (ier), is that my husband has the most bland palate in the word. Not making this up: I put a sprinkle of plain, fine ground black pepper on our green beans--just a pinch between my finger and thumb and then sprinkled it over the bowl--and he complained it was far too spicy.
I know guys that eat like 12 year olds. I’m surprised they got married. But I expect them to be divorced after their kids leave the home. Their wives are putting up with their childish ways for now. But I’ve seen this hit a tipping point for lots of couples as one matured and the other didn’t. I know one woman that snapped at 60 and got a divorce.
my husband has the most bland palate in the word. Not making this up: I put a sprinkle of plain, fine ground black pepper on our green beans--just a pinch between my finger and thumb and then sprinkled it over the bowl--and he complained it was far too spicy.

I actually like spicy food a lot more than I should. Logically I should have just as bland a palate as your hubby does but I do rather enjoy the grasshoppers I ate in Seattle awhile back. Only reason I don't continue to eat them when I go to Seattle is because they're very pricey.

The grasshoppers are delicious, BTW. :drool: But they ARE extremely spicy. The one time I had them, I was literally jumping up and down in the stadium concourse going "I need a beer!" :lol:

As for potatoes: My grandma used to make "riced" potatoes. She had a special grinder thing which she put the potatoes through. They came out very fluffy and delicious. Definitely not paste!
What drives me crazy (ier), is that my husband has the most bland palate in the word. Not making this up: I put a sprinkle of plain, fine ground black pepper on our green beans--just a pinch between my finger and thumb and then sprinkled it over the bowl--and he complained it was far too spicy.
I've got a friend like that. He eats plain macaroni with butter - no cheese.
When my cousin married her husband from New Delhi, it came with an Indian buffet. The food was delicious, but, man, did I pay for it the next couple of days. The only spicy sauce I put on my food now is Tabasco.
Stuck behind a slow driver today. Someone up ahead was backing out onto the street and the car braked to slow down, and my first thought was they could've sped up and still not hit the car.
What drives me crazy (ier), is that my husband has the most bland palate in the word. Not making this up: I put a sprinkle of plain, fine ground black pepper on our green beans--just a pinch between my finger and thumb and then sprinkled it over the bowl--and he complained it was far too spicy.

OMG, this sounds like my father. Can't handle anything beyond just salt. I remember one time at a holiday dinner he was complaining (vociferously, as is his way) that something was "too spicy". The spice in question? Some kind of herb seasoning. Dude, that's not spice, that's called "flavour".

I used to like spice aot more but now I'm too old.

This is one thing (out of the admittedly many) that I worry about related to aging. I love spicy food, the spicier the better, and it worries me that some day I may not be able to tolerate it.
This is one thing (out of the admittedly many) that I worry about related to aging. I love spicy food, the spicier the better, and it worries me that some day I may not be able to tolerate it.

Taste buds weaken as you age. If anything, you should be able to handle more. However, I find that the more I eat spicy food the more tolerance I build up. If I stop eating spicy foods, then I can't go straight back to eating the same spice level. I have to build up to it again.
Taste buds weaken as you age. If anything, you should be able to handle more. However, I find that the more I eat spicy food the more tolerance I build up. If I stop eating spicy foods, then I can't go straight back to eating the same spice level. I have to build up to it again.

Taste isn't the problem.
I'd rather eat a bowl of Watermelon, at least then the watery snack tastes of something nice and sweet.
I find some things a chore to eat, like cucumber... and masses upon masses of mashed potato, without mustard or a good gravy it's so boring and bland.
I can't stand any kind of plain potatoes, I need to have (vegan) sour cream or (vegan) cheese or something like that on them. They just really don't have enough flavor to them for me to be able to eat them plain.
I like a some spiciness, but not to much. When it comes to salsas or hot sauces, and things like that I'll usually go for the mild or medium.
Never had potatoes like that, but it does sound good.

This shit wouldn't be OK with cats or dogs, and it sure as hell shouldn't be OK with horses.
As frustrating as the Yankees' performance has been lately (although they did sweep the :censored:ing Astros which is nice :beer: ), I am STILL gonna wear my Yankee gear when I go to Boston next week.

Not only would I be a shitty fan if I didn't, but I also love Red Sox fans. They're some of the coolest people I've ever met. I got no beef with them. I've been to Fenway Park many times in Yankee gear and not ONCE was I ever harassed, yelled at, thrown at, spit on, or anything like that. Sure there's the "Yankees Suck" chant* but you really need a thicker skin. Just get over it already. It's a fun rivalry.

*the chant is sometimes even done when the Yankees are not, in the strictest technical sense, actually IN the game. I've even heard it done at a Patriots Super Bowl parade. :lol:
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