Things that frustrate us all

I may try that! The good is that the smoke is starting to clear out. If we get rain on Tuesday, that may help me clear up. I’m also trying liquid diphenhydramine, something I haven’t used in some time. I seem to have allergy based and non-allergy based asthma, which explains so much. I was looking upward and having words with Mom today…
Autumn is when we can go outside again. :lol:

Sooo...I shouldn't go outside now?

Those of us who live in Arizona, pretty much have to stay in doors as much as possible after about 10AM all summer long. There's a reason why everybody does all of outdoor activities at 5AM.
You know, I sometimes envy people who have the ability to function in heat. Considering I was born here and lived here my whole life, in 44 years of living you'd think I would have acclimated to the heat.

Not only did that not happen, my tolerance for heat has gotten worse. (Though it has gotten much, much hotter over the years.)
I have really bad heat tolerance for a while, but now thanks to continuing my bike rides into the summer I've built mine up a bit. I can actually go outside for a few minutes when it's 110+ now, and I used to barely be able to even step out to door without being absolutely miserable.
Does this medical company really think that people have still have fax machines?

We finally got rid of our one at work last year (though it was combined with the photocopier/scanner/printer).

Of course, now our printer/scanner/copier can no longer OCR so personally, I'd rather have kept the old one:(
Electrical codes.

Hate them. Hate the nitpicky little frustrating detailed shit that they insist upon and the fact that manufacturers feels that not every thing needs to be included in a "complete" kit.

I'm over this shit today.
I can actually go outside for a few minutes when it's 110+ now

Oy. I'd burst into flame if I did that. :eek: I have little to no heat tolerance. I bitch and moan when it gets above 90! I wouldn't last ten seconds living in AZ. I have mad respect for anyone who can stand that kind of heat.

Good thing the baseball trip I took this year was in the middle of May. It was actually very nice when we were in AZ (even out in the desert with the Red Rocks). And the roof was open at Chase Field! I'm guessing that doesn't happen too often. :lol:
Bad drivers. A street was closed so they could repaint, although the workers could've done a better job at actually closing it off and marking everything. One lane turns left, the other goes straight, the driver can't so straight because of the painting, so she turns left at the same time the left turn driver is turning left, only there is only one lane for the both of them. So that could've turned out badly if the other driver hadn't noticed her.
Me too.

I mean, I don't hate to drive, I just don't particularly enjoy it either.

If I lived in a city with decent mass transit, I'd sell my car in a heartbeat.
I just don't like other drivers.

Yes, I'm not the world's best driver but the sheer amount of hurry people have in their daily commutes astounds me.

I love my commute; I enjoy the quiet time, and decompress from the day. But wow are people stressed out and in a hurry.
I just don't like other drivers.

Yes, I'm not the world's best driver but the sheer amount of hurry people have in their daily commutes astounds me.

I love my commute; I enjoy the quiet time, and decompress from the day. But wow are people stressed out and in a hurry.

Other drivers are idiots. At least, the vast majority in Miami. (Truthfully, ALL of South Florida.)

Speeding, taking red lights, no turn signals, going the wrong way in parking lots... it seems like an endless barrage of stupidity.

I'm not the greatest driver on the planet, but I'm a damn sight safer than roughly 90% of the others on the road. (I am probably being kind with that percentage, too.)
Good thing the baseball trip I took this year was in the middle of May. It was actually very nice when we were in AZ (even out in the desert with the Red Rocks). And the roof was open at Chase Field! I'm guessing that doesn't happen too often. :lol:
You must have gotten here at just the right time, we pretty quickly went from cold to hot this year. We seemed to pretty much go right from the 50s and 60s, to 90s and 100s, with very little time in the 70s and 80s.
Other drivers are idiots. At least, the vast majority in Miami. (Truthfully, ALL of South Florida.)

Speeding, taking red lights, no turn signals, going the wrong way in parking lots... it seems like an endless barrage of stupidity.

I'm not the greatest driver on the planet, but I'm a damn sight safer than roughly 90% of the others on the road. (I am probably being kind with that percentage, too.)
It's like that in Az too, I think we have pretty consistently ranked as one of the worst states for drivers.
When your adapter for your laptop abruptly dies, and you have to wait nearly a week for the new adapter in the mail. And you have to browse sites using your smartphone while you wait, even though the battery life of that smartphone isn’t all that great either.
Junk mail settings.

I get the same spam about naked Ukrainian Girls 6 times a day no matter how often I mark it as spam and to block the senders, but the email from my realtor about a house I'm potentially looking to buy, despite her being on both my safe & VIP lists, somehow goes to junk and I don't see it for three days.