Things that frustrate us all

You can communicate with animals too, hell a lot of the time I'd say it's easier to communicate animals than people, since animals are so much more open with their feelings than people are.
Amazon deliveries seem to be getting worse, had 3 this past week or so and not once did they knock or ring the door bell.

It was just left at the side of my house.

I know they did because my door bell camera picked them up.

Can understand if no one is home but surely its proper practice to at least hand deliver it if you can. Can understand too them not standing at the door for ages waiting too.
I think the reason they don't knock anymore is because they just do it all through notifications on the app. Usually as soon as they drop it off, they'll send a notification with a picture of where they left it.
Frankly, I'd take a dog over a vast majority of humans any day. As stated, they are not phony and are real.

And they are really good judges of character.
It's dogs and horses for me. I've spent my whole life around dogs, but it's just in the last few months I've started spending time around horses, and now I really like being around them too.
I think the reason they don't knock anymore is because they just do it all through notifications on the app. Usually as soon as they drop it off, they'll send a notification with a picture of where they left it.
Which is how a package got stolen from our porch even though I was home!
You can communicate with animals too, hell a lot of the time I'd say it's easier to communicate animals than people, since animals are so much more open with their feelings than people are.
I do not.

They like me. I will care for them but do not find it comfortable.
You can communicate with animals too, hell a lot of the time I'd say it's easier to communicate animals than people, since animals are so much more open with their feelings than people are.

I've also found it's sometimes easier to form a real emotional connection with dogs than with many people. Possibly because they live more on feeling and instinct than we do.
That in the upper levels of society, thing like big business and politics, money and power play a bigger role in the decisions than decency and morality.
Too true, when you get a footballer who will have earned millions already, and been a vocal supporter and ally of LGBTQ+ groups, then gets offered mega money to play in a country where the death penalty exists if you are a member of one of those groups...then you know money trumps morals.
You can communicate with animals too, hell a lot of the time I'd say it's easier to communicate animals than people, since animals are so much more open with their feelings than people are.

I think the reason they don't knock anymore is because they just do it all through notifications on the app. Usually as soon as they drop it off, they'll send a notification with a picture of where they left it.

It's dogs and horses for me. I've spent my whole life around dogs, but it's just in the last few months I've started spending time around horses, and now I really like being around them too.
Oh definitely. I'm that way with my cat. She's a sweetie and one of the nicest animals that I've ever been around. I like dogs ok too. Mine are nice beings and my oldest is my dog brother. He keeps an eye on me, wants me to play and even tries to take me out for walks.
Where did all the straight couples go on TV? I’m not seeing many these days. Maybe it’s the shows I watch.
Where did all the straight couples go on TV? I’m not seeing many these days. Maybe it’s the shows I watch.

Do you remember Neighbours (Australian soap), by the time that ended everyone in it was at least Bi - apart from the older couples. I mean it literally, everyone.

Strange New Worlds has a few straight couples.

Pike and Captain What's her face.
The Spock/T'Pring/Chapel love triangle.
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Oh definitely. I'm that way with my cat. She's a sweetie and one of the nicest animals that I've ever been around. I like dogs ok too. Mine are nice beings and my oldest is my dog brother. He keeps an eye on me, wants me to play and even tries to take me out for walks.
Sounds like he thinks he's taking care of you instead of the other way around.
I've never really been cats since I was a kid. We had cats for a little while when I was a kid, but really don't remember them.
Strange New Worlds has a few straight couples.

Pike and Captain What's her face.

The Spock/T'Pring/Chapel love triangle

And don't forget
La'an and Kirk. They actually make a cute couple! Pity it's only in an alternate timeline. :sigh:

I'm afraid of what might happen to Captain Batel though. She's not around when Pike has his accident (The Menagerie) so unless she leaves him - which is unlikely - they might be planning to kill her off! :(
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