Things that frustrate us all

And now the death count at the roundup is up to 11, with 5 of them being foals. This is bullshit just getting out of hand, and something needs to be done. The wild horse advocates have been encouraging people to contact their members of congress to tell them we want this to stop, and I've never done anything like that before, but I'm finding myself very tempted to for this.
Doctors. I can't stand them.

My wife convinced me to go to the Urgent Care today because my coughing just kept getting worse. (Been getting worse for over 4 days.) I was virtually certain it's bronchitis, because I have had it multiple times over the years, so I just wanted the x-ray to confirm or deny it, get my meds to take care of it, and go.

I will say this about the medical community... I would take the word of a nurse over a doctor because they are in the thick of everything, and see so much more and are more direct and upfront. I liken the comparison of doctors and nurses to executives and actual workers... the doctors, like executives, might know more about the overall picture, but they don't actually work on the day-to-day and actually see and do all the stuff. The nurses, like the workers, are in the thick of all the real work and know by experience and observation and are far more likely to be real with you.

The nurse I saw was like this... understood what I was saying, and figured pretty much that it was bronchitis and ordered an x-ray. Easy, right?

Wrong. The doctor comes in, and tries to throw all sorts of other stuff that has nothing to do with what I said. Finally agreed that an x-ray was a good idea, and while it thankfully showed no other issues, guess what the conclusion was?

If you guessed bronchitis... ding ding ding, you're a winner.

But you know what she was trying to pull? That since my heart rate was a little higher than normal, that I was tachycardic and said I should go to the ER. And this is after I had already told her that I have always had a higher heart rate than most people (I even relayed my story of when I took the firefighters test many years ago, that they had me retest the heart part because it ran higher than normal for most people... I just naturally have a higher pulse), with my wife telling her the same thing, and with all the hard coughing I was doing, is it a surprise my pulse was a little high? This was just a ploy to get me to go to a more expensive place to charge me for a visit for a bunch of things I don't need.

(And sadly, this trick worked before... I took my wife to the same Urgent Care for something else earlier this year, and the same doctor pulls the same tachycardic stunt. She scared my wife a bit, so we ended up going to the ER right afterward... a decision that proved to be a waste of time and money because nothing else was wrong with her. And we are still paying for that ER visit.)

After a second round of checking my pulse and it being a little higher than normal, she was still insisting that I should go to the ER. Before I let her finish her analysis this time, I stopped her and told her I just want the prescriptions to take care of my bronchitis and leave. I wasn't going to an ER and take a bed away from someone else who actually needs it. And not fall for their strategy of double dipping money off of patients.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

Baptist has a history of double dipping patients over the years... I guess they finally got enough people that they screwed over that it has been harder for them to double charge people for stuff. Now their new strategy is getting their doctors to slap on all sorts of non-related things so they can charge more for services that were not necessary to begin with.

Fucking greedy medical community!!!
Whose in charge of it? State or Federal?
Federal, The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is in charge of most of the country's mustangs and wild burros (donkeys).
So, it's looking like a couple of the horses I visit on my bike rides might be gone. They haven't been in their yard since Friday and the trailer is gone too. They didn't appear to be getting the best care, so I'm hoping maybe they ended up in a better place, but of course there's always a chance they could go to a worse place. I'm just hoping if they are gone, that they don't end up getting sent to an auction that sells to slaughter buyers.
Federal, The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is in charge of most of the country's mustangs and wild burros (donkeys).
So, it's looking like a couple of the horses I visit on my bike rides might be gone. They haven't been in their yard since Friday and the trailer is gone too. They didn't appear to be getting the best care, so I'm hoping maybe they ended up in a better place, but of course there's always a chance they could go to a worse place. I'm just hoping if they are gone, that they don't end up getting sent to an auction that sells to slaughter buyers.
So write your senator, your representative, as well as the agency itself. You want more eyes Department of the Interior secretary or any members of that agency.
Yeah, I'm thinking about it. The site for the Arizona Wild Horse Campaign, one of the big advocacy groups, even has a page where you can put in your location and give you the information to contact your members of Congress, so I might use that. I think it might even tell you what to say to them.
Yeah, I'm thinking about it. The site for the Arizona Wild Horse Campaign, one of the big advocacy groups, even has a page where you can put in your location and give you the information to contact your members of Congress, so I might use that. I think it might even tell you what to say to them.
Thanks. I'll check them out.
Too many streaming services that cost too much. My friends basically went from pirating to paying for streaming to pirating again. We’ve come full circle.