Things that frustrate us all

Remember when I had that customer come up to me and tell me to look after her son who's drunk and threatening to kill himself?

Well this time, not only am I OFF THE FUCKING CLOCK, but I'm in my car and actually in the process of driving out of the parking lot when a customer runs up to me and starts yakking about how her daughter put her car's hazard lights on and then vanished. What the FUCK am I supposed to do about that? Not only is it NOT MY FUCKING JOB to deal with this kind of thing, but I'm not even on the clock!

Hell, my store has a COP on duty inside! Go bother him, lady! :rolleyes:

Then Spock can mind meld with Pike and say "Forget."

I guess that after the accident, Pike can't accept a mind meld. Otherwise a Vulcan would have already done it. They wouldn't need the beeping chair.
Fire season. Fucking idiots are the cause of it, either through neglect or malice. There are now 4 fires burning in my local area, and sucking up all the resources and we have rain and lightning coming in. So now there is probably going to be more fires and more damage because people will not be careful with it.

People who don't know the meaning of 'no, leave me alone'.

It's bad enough I encountered that in the SNW thread, but when someone walks up to me by the front door while I am clearly doing work outside, trying to sell me something, and it takes FOUR TIMES of my saying 'no, not interested, have a good day' before he finally leaves?

First time, I am sweating heavily, panting, and the guy (with two others about 20 feet behind him on the swail near the street) comes trying to sell me solar panels. I tell him 'no thanks, not interested', and try to get back to what I'm doing.

Tries a second time... I tell him no again, and try to get back to work.

Starts a third round, saying 'do you like FPL?' I give him a very pissed stare and he says 'I'm just asking if you like FPL, not trying to sell...', and before I let him finish whatever sentence he was going to say, I told him, "I already said not interested. Good day."

And then I start to turn around to get back to work, and he starts a fourth time, and I stop him mid-sentence with a very angry look (I'm certain I conveyed this because my wife tells me I am horrible at hiding my real emotions) and I point my finger at him and then point to the street and told him, "I said... not interested. Good... day."

The fuck is wrong with people?! Four times?! What happened to 'no means no'?
Yeah, that's ridiculous, I think I would have at least threatened to call the cops on him at that point if didn't leave me alone.
I would have called the cops, probably after the second or third time.

Or just messed with the guy a bit. He asks "Do you like FPL?" and you reply "Do you like having me call the police who will throw you into a prison so lonely that the inmates pay spiders for sex?" That'll usually do the trick.
This conversation reminds me of this audio clip of the perfect response to a telemarker's call. (Just as a warning, the last few seconds might offend some people.)
Yeah, that's ridiculous, I think I would have at least threatened to call the cops on him at that point if didn't leave me alone.

I would have called the cops, probably after the second or third time.

Or just messed with the guy a bit. He asks "Do you like FPL?" and you reply "Do you like having me call the police who will throw you into a prison so lonely that the inmates pay spiders for sex?" That'll usually do the trick.

Honestly, I was so tired from working outside that it didn't occur to me to call or threaten to call the cops for harassment.
The fuck is wrong with people?! Four times?! What happened to 'no means no'?
Being poor, sadly. Sales people often feel under pressure to get stuff done. I recall working in retail and we had the District Supervisor in the store doing his visit. The store was slow and we had one customer. The sales staff member had checked in with the customer twice and then was working to try and appear busy. So, when the customer walked by him he didn't acknowledge them. The Supervisor told me to go "address this" since he though it was a customer being avoided. I knew the sales person and knew they probably hadn't but checked in and found out.

It's hard when you feel like you have to make contact. My wife gave up on any sales positions, call centers, retail, etc. because she felt she had to give the hard sale. In many sales trainings, especially door to door, "No doesn't mean no."
Being poor, sadly. Sales people often feel under pressure to get stuff done. I recall working in retail and we had the District Supervisor in the store doing his visit. The store was slow and we had one customer. The sales staff member had checked in with the customer twice and then was working to try and appear busy. So, when the customer walked by him he didn't acknowledge them. The Supervisor told me to go "address this" since he though it was a customer being avoided. I knew the sales person and knew they probably hadn't but checked in and found out.

It's hard when you feel like you have to make contact. My wife gave up on any sales positions, call centers, retail, etc. because she felt she had to give the hard sale. In many sales trainings, especially door to door, "No doesn't mean no."

I was in retail for 24 years. I get what you're saying.

But there's also a line... which is why I didn't start getting mad until his third attempt. Especially when it's very clear that the person you are trying to make a sale to is busy working outside.

A salesman trying this tactic on a customer in a store is one thing. They walked into the store. I don't agree with it, but at least it's not on someone's private property. The guy here walked to my front door and while I was visibly working outside. That's just wrong.

Even taking the salesman thing out of the equation, I've noticed a greater amount of times people in general don't seem to respect boundaries. I often wonder if this is a symptom of the internet and how people forget the basics of actual human interaction.
This never-ending "holy-fuck-is-that-really-the-temperature" heat.

No rain for weeks in part of the country known for it's swampy, rain-filled bayous and yearly floods.

It's so hot and dry we're being asked to curb water and electricity use-- for ex: only do dishes and laundry late at night. It's voluntary for now, but who knows when that will change?

I guess that's how the weather is going to be from now on: extreme drought or flooding.