Things that frustrate us all

This never-ending "holy-fuck-is-that-really-the-temperature" heat.

No rain for weeks in part of the country known for it's swampy, rain-filled bayous and yearly floods.

It's so hot and dry we're being asked to curb water and electricity use-- for ex: only do dishes and laundry late at night. It's voluntary for now, but who knows when that will change?

I guess that's how the weather is going to be from now on: extreme drought or flooding.

I feel you. Where are you located, if you don't mind my asking?

Miami is insanely hot. High temperatures and high humidity? Frosty Paws has been melting here for weeks. (Frosty Paws was a nickname I had during my 10 years at Whole Foods.)
That's why I could never live in Florida. I hate hot weather. And also hurricanes. Only time I've ever been down there is to see Marlins and Rays games.

I guess if the Rays ever get off their ass and build a decent stadium I will be back for that as well.

I remember last summer, Hurricane Ian hit like the day after I flew home from my last vacation (Philadelphia). I admit I felt a bit guilty for just thinking how lucky I was that I dodged that bullet.
I feel you. Where are you located, if you don't mind my asking?

Miami is insanely hot. High temperatures and high humidity? Frosty Paws has been melting here for weeks. (Frosty Paws was a nickname I had during my 10 years at Whole Foods.)

We live in a small city in the Greater Houston Metro area--just south and slightly west of Houston. In all the years I've lived here, I don't ever remember it being this hot for this long. This past month was the hottest July ever in the area's history.
This never-ending "holy-fuck-is-that-really-the-temperature" heat.

No rain for weeks in part of the country known for it's swampy, rain-filled bayous and yearly floods.

It's so hot and dry we're being asked to curb water and electricity use-- for ex: only do dishes and laundry late at night. It's voluntary for now, but who knows when that will change?

I guess that's how the weather is going to be from now on: extreme drought or flooding.
Climate change is really having an impact this year. I can’t wait for it to cool down.
My wife showed me something a couple weeks ago about how we've gone from Global Warming to Global Boiling.

Whether it was a joke meme or not, it certainly feels accurate.

I don't think it was a joke. It comes from a speech by the secretary-general of the United Nations, discussing climate change, and the fact that July 2023 was (technically "was on track to be" at the time of the speech) the hottest month ever recorded in human history.
hottest July on record here, too. Plus a major draught: from New Year to July 31st my town had 6 (!) days with rain and a mere 4 inches of snow all winter.
Now we had 3 days with torrential rain in a row. No floods in my area, apart from my brother's place being soaked by a leaking roof just on his birthday, but in Southern and Eastern Europe the situation is dramatic. There are landslides and floods. In Asia, too, from what we hear in the news.

Compared to that my personal argh-experience is negligable: I'm fighting anxiety fits (accidentially got retraumatized) plus made the mistake to drink 2 comforting pots of Indian tea so that I didn't sleep a wink all night, due to the caffeine flush.
Morale: in future I'll buy only decaffeinated tea. Almost blasphemic, I know, but better than no tea at all.
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wrong country, Maik. In Central Europe, buses are very quiet. What is really noisy over here is the people who use 4 wheel drive in town because they are too lazy or too stupid to switch it off. And the "posers" who think driving in lowest gear with maximum speed is cool because the motor screams (in pain, the poor thing!). I bet they feel very hot instead when they see their gas bill :devil:.
Wrecked my damn knee. Something just snapped, out of the blue. Can barely walk. I already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Wednesday. Now I have to weigh trying to get into the GP (which is usually impossible) or pay a huge fee for the ER ...or just wait to see if it improves.

Getting old BLOWS.