Spoilers The Star Beast grade and discussion thread

How do you rate The Star Beast?

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I'd been pretty excited for this episode, and it didn't disappoint.
David Tennant jumped right back into the role perfectly, he didn't miss a step.
I have to admit, I kind of found Donna annoying during some of her original time on the show, but I liked her here.
The twist with The Meep was pretty fun, I had no idea until I came on to this thread just now that The Meep was a preexisting character, so I was not expecting that.
This really felt like RTD at his best, and it really has me optimistic for how his new run on the series is gonna go.
I forgot to mention in my other post that I really like the new open credits sequence and the new TARDIS control room.
Nostalgia and FUN get an A+.
Tennant and Tate have such an awesome chemistry together.

The plot twist involving the Meep was pretty apparent. Its a trope that has been used before and you could see the bleeding obvious from space. However i can forgive it because everything about the episode was FUN and I don't think RTD was thinking of anything deep with it either.

It was good to see old faces and the new UNIT person automatically being aware of who the Doctor was nice, because at this point I can only say his face should be drilled into every person with a high enough level of clearance. Would it of been nice to have seen Kate or Osgood instead? Yes, but the new lady wasn't bad at all either.

But I just love the fact that the Chibnal era already feels like a rapidly fading nightmare, the Cousin Oliver of Doctors and ready to be assigned to the dustbins of history along with the Salamanders/warp 10 plot in Star Trek, Roseanne winning the lottery, Nikki & Paolo in LOST or BSG 1980.

Loved how they handled Rose's storyline and love the fact they choose Rose as their new name. I wish we could keep the Noble-Temple family for more then these three specials!

And I love LOVE the fact they acknowledged Wilf and not killing him of either. Letting him go living in our memories like Sarah Jane was sweet.
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