Spoilers The Star Beast grade and discussion thread

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The Nth Doctor

Infinite Possibilities...
Premium Member
The Star Beast.jpg

The Doctor is caught in a fight to the death as a spaceship crash-lands in London. But as the battle wreaks havoc, destiny is converging on the Doctor’s old friend, Donna.

It's been a long year (at least for me...) but Doctor Who is finally back! Coinciding with the 60th anniversary (conversely, ten years went by fast!), we're getting the first of three specials this Saturday.

As cautious as I have been about Davies returning and the risk of rethreads with Tennant, Tate, and company all returning, I remain optimistic that we're in for a treat. I'm particularly excited about Ruth Madeley joining the Doctor Who universe properly (since she's already done Big Finish).
Ah, the discussion thread. Helps makes things feel more real. Hard to believe it's been close to a year and a half since the first filming images got posted online, and now we're less than a week away from watching it.
Articles have already popped up from those who've already seen it, such as this one from the BBC directly:

Article contains arguably mild spoilers (including the headline and URL so I embedded it - don't recommend reading the URL beyond the top-level domain if you're looking to see who made it (again, it's a BBC article, not from the usual scifi outlets)), not so much about the plot but perhaps tone or other aspects, and some quotes within are predictable and make you wonder. I won't say which ones, as the article already had.

The Doctor is caught in a fight to the death as a spaceship crash-lands in London. But as the battle wreaks havoc, destiny is converging on the Doctor’s old friend, Donna.

It's been a long year (at least for me...) but Doctor Who is finally back! Coinciding with the 60th anniversary (conversely, ten years went by fast!), we're getting the first of three specials this Saturday.

As cautious as I have been about Davies returning and the risk of rethreads with Tennant, Tate, and company all returning, I remain optimistic that we're in for a treat. I'm particularly excited about Ruth Madeley joining the Doctor Who universe properly (since she's already done Big Finish).
I literally cannot wait, especially with the revival of Doctor Who Confidential as Doctor Who Unleashed, and the whole rebrand?? The rebrand is the only thing i’m nervous about but I cannot wait for Donna i’m just scared for her fate, and the Toymaker’s return is my everything.
Hoping all the theories about the Toymaker being the master isn’t true (i love the toymaker just i don’t want NPH as the master) like the theory of Rory being the master luckily turned out not to be true
I'm very, very disappointed that after 60 years of loyal support, the (Aust) ABC is not showing Dr Who.

I don't see how the title or URL are even remotely spoilerish either.

It's debatable, but some people might find, among other things, even a brief adumbration of the tone of the piece in a URL to be equated as "egregious spoiler". "Whimsical" seems to describe the tone of the episode. It'd be like, if this were 1981 and the internet existed with all the related minutiae, the Blake's 7 finale article would read ".../.../blakes7-final-episode-dire-disheartening-tone". But any tv previews showing snippets would reveal some of the tone as well. But some people tend to avoid those. Ultimately, I took zero chances and went "over the top" with the disclaimer.
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