Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

Matalas acknowledged that the F was included as a nod to STO fans so as not to completely decanonise the Odyssey-class Enterprise, but he also mused on Twitter that maybe they should have just used the E instead – which honestly I would have preferred.
Same, yes. Could have acknowledged the Odyssey in some other way.
Terry can make whatever kind of show he wants. I just found a lot of his decisions to be rather odd. And nothing he has stated so far has made me change that opinion, or go ‘ oh, ok, I hadn’t thought of that; now that he’s explained his rationale I totally get it.’ Quite the opposite, actually.
Terry made the show he wanted to make. He also wants to make nice with everyone, so he'll say, "Maybe I should've done X" because he wants to be everyone's friend. He should either not comment and be above the fray or defend his decision.
Yup. Just stand by your work. That's sufficient for me. Because it's not my art.
I'm still trying to understand why he gave a shit about honouring a non canon video game? I mean..... why?

It's not like he honoured Amanda or Elite Force. What about New Worlds, Starfleet Academy, Klingon Academy, Shattered Universe, etc.

He essentially "wasted" an Enterprise, while at the same time diminishing the next one, by making it a renamed ship. Nevermind the spit in the face to the name "Titan."
I'm still trying to understand why he gave a shit about honouring a non canon video game? I mean..... why?
I thinking because they lent them some of their ships in Season 2 (and a couple more in Season 3).

Or maybe for the same reason Lower Decks used the Luna Class titan instead of designing their own. It already existed, why create something new?
As it shakes out, it can still line up with STO. The game recently introduced the Neo-Con class Titan-A in 2411.
Perhaps the Enterprise-G gets decommissioned in 2408, taking the place of Captain Data's Enterprise-E in The Needs of the Many novel.
Starfleet then relaunches the Enterprise-F under Captain Shon in 2409.
In 2411, the Enterprise-G hulk is recommissioned in 2411 as the USS Titan-A.
As it shakes out, it can still line up with STO. The game recently introduced the Neo-Con class Titan-A in 2411.
Perhaps the Enterprise-G gets decommissioned in 2408, taking the place of Captain Data's Enterprise-E in The Needs of the Many novel.
Starfleet then relaunches the Enterprise-F under Captain Shon in 2409.
In 2411, the Enterprise-G hulk is recommissioned in 2411 as the USS Titan-A.
You don't need to make it work.

Cryptic have already said they won't try to fit Picard season 3 into STO's timeline, they're completely ignoring the events that lead the Titan-A to becoming the Enterprise-G.
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As it shakes out, it can still line up with STO. The game recently introduced the Neo-Con class Titan-A in 2411.
Perhaps the Enterprise-G gets decommissioned in 2408, taking the place of Captain Data's Enterprise-E in The Needs of the Many novel.
Starfleet then relaunches the Enterprise-F under Captain Shon in 2409.
In 2411, the Enterprise-G hulk is recommissioned in 2411 as the USS Titan-A.
That would be a mistake. We don't know if there will be a series or film set in 2409. If there is and it still doesn't match STO, then the twisting and turning would've been for nothing.

is right. STO has to be regarded as an alternate timeline now that we actually have Star Trek productions set in the early-25th Century.
I'm still trying to understand why he gave a shit about honouring a non canon video game? I mean..... why?

It's not like he honoured Amanda or Elite Force. What about New Worlds, Starfleet Academy, Klingon Academy, Shattered Universe, etc.

He essentially "wasted" an Enterprise, while at the same time diminishing the next one, by making it a renamed ship. Nevermind the spit in the face to the name "Titan."

My issue is that if Matalas wanted the Titan-A to be the next Enterprise, fine. But showing the Enterprise-F from STO just to please a tiny percentage of fans, and then having it disappear without even any on-screen explanation made no sense to me. Honestly, there was no reason to show it at all. Just make the Titan the Enterprise-F, Terry, if you wanted a new Enterprise so badly.

I thinking because they lent them some of their ships in Season 2 (and a couple more in Season 3).

Or maybe for the same reason Lower Decks used the Luna Class titan instead of designing their own. It already existed, why create something new?

Well, for one thing, they could have marketed a new design better rather than using an old one. And they could have designed it to be more inline with the other ship designs LDS was making. The California and Parliament classes are unique designs to that show. Giving the Titan similar attributes would have made more sense to me rather than using a hodgepodge of a Sovereign and an Akira class (which, let’s be real, Tourangeau’s design emulates and is not original at all.)

LDS wasn’t beholden to the novelverse, just like PIC wasn’t beholden to STO. The only reason McMahon used that design was in tribute to Tourangeau. Which is nice and all, but makes little sense logically.
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Matalas acknowledged that the F was included as a nod to STO fans so as not to completely decanonise the Odyssey-class Enterprise, but he also mused on Twitter that maybe they should have just used the E instead – which honestly I would have preferred.
And the thing is, he could have done both. Use the Enterprise E at the Frontier Day event, then end the season with Seven taking command of the Odyssey class Enterprise F, along with Raffi, Jack and the surviving Titan's bridge crew. I mean, what we saw of the Enterprise F's bridge was a redress of the Titan's bridge anyway, so they can't even use the excuse of "then we'd need to build a new set."
And the thing is, he could have done both. Use the Enterprise E at the Frontier Day event, then end the season with Seven taking command of the Odyssey class Enterprise F, along with Raffi, Jack and the surviving Titan's bridge crew. I mean, what we saw of the Enterprise F's bridge was a redress of the Titan's bridge anyway, so they can't even use the excuse of "then we'd need to build a new set."

But Matalas wanted the Titan-A to become the next Enterprise. Despite that decision making no logical sense.