Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

Whether the program was historically accurate or not, the fact is that Kirk's ship was supposed to be the first Federation starship Enterprise. Therefore they had to decommission the NX-01 before the formation of the Federation. So either the holoprogram was accurate, or the ship was used as a non-Starfleet, non-Federation ship after 2161.
True, She could have been decommissioned in 2161 but with the refit hull, that wasn't represented on the Horrible TATV.
I'll go with she was refited for the Romulan War, and the events depicted in TATV were some persons depictions in a Holo Novel that they cooked up like a Romance Novel.
So let's talk about the Enterprise F. Is it just me, or do I not understand why it had such a short lifespan in the timeline of events?
according to the backstory logs they released before the season aired, it had been in service for at most 14 years. Which is longer than most Enterprises.

What information is there in canon? I am not sure if I could count Star Trek online as canon.
What information is there in canon?
Next to nothing. We know it existed, that it took part in the Frontier Day celebrations/attack and was no longer in service by 2402. We can infer that it's been in service since the 2380s, but even that isn't canon in the strictest sense.

As for its short lifespan, eh, Starfleet must have incredibly terrible quality control in this era. Between 2380 and 2402 they've gone through two Enterprises, two Voyagers and two Titans. Granted, one of those Titans got renamed Enterprise, but still.
Next to nothing. We know it existed, that it took part in the Frontier Day celebrations/attack and was no longer in service by 2402. We can infer that it's been in service since the 2380s, but even that isn't canon in the strictest sense.

As for its short lifespan, eh, Starfleet must have incredibly terrible quality control in this era. Between 2380 and 2402 they've gone through two Enterprises, two Voyagers and two Titans. Granted, one of those Titans got renamed Enterprise, but still.
Rapid replacements after the Dominion War and Utopia Planitia attacks.
Next to nothing. We know it existed, that it took part in the Frontier Day celebrations/attack and was no longer in service by 2402. We can infer that it's been in service since the 2380s, but even that isn't canon in the strictest sense.

As for its short lifespan, eh, Starfleet must have incredibly terrible quality control in this era. Between 2380 and 2402 they've gone through two Enterprises, two Voyagers and two Titans. Granted, one of those Titans got renamed Enterprise, but still.

I don't think I am too fond of the Enterprise G being a re-named Titan. I much prefer this concept.
Terry Matalas said it's not the age, it's the mileage. We know almost nothing about this ship. I'm going to guess they worked that ship into the ground. My best guess. Honestly, much like the Kelvin Enterprise, I don't care about the Enterprise-F. So I don't mind that it was decommissioned so soon. It looks like a gigantic -- and I mean gigantic -- shrimp in space.

The Enterprise-E, I like less and less as time goes by. I like the Enterprise-G, I just think it looks too retro for its time. But, that having been said, the G is the first Enterprise I've cared about since the D. Even though the Refit/A is still my favorite by a long shot.

I don't know. I think the F was just a placeholder in Star Trek Canon and a bone thrown to fans of Star Trek Online. Nice to see Shelby get command of the Enterprise-F. Not nice to see what happened to her, though... but occupational hazard. :p

One thing I'll say I like about the F is the twin necks on the sides. That seems really futuristic.
I wondered if we were supposed to see the decommissioning of the Enterprise-F as speaking to Starfleet's arrogance, and the inability to see the threat of the Changelings and others, in committing to Fleet Formation and automation. That with Fleet Formation they decided they don't need enormous ships of the size, armament, and capability of the Odyssey Class anymore. Or at least wanted to push that idea.

In that way, the decision to decommission the ship might have been a public relations flex by the Federation, to both the public internally and adversaries. They were trying to say we believe so much that our new system works so well we're decommissioning one of our most powerful ships, our flagship, while demonstrating it.

Except it all goes wrong and blows up in their faces.
The Enterprise-F was spoiled (by CBS/Paramount no less) six months before season 3 even premiered. The showrunners clearly did not care all that much about revealing the ship, or any backstory behind it, before it was never seen again, for the total of one minute it was seen on screen. Matalas stated that they showed it for fanwank for the STO crowd, which makes no sense because people who play STO make up 1% of the Star Trek fandom. He could have easily used the Enterprise-E and had the ship be scheduled for decommissioning, and it would have made more sense and appeased all the fans who saw the TNG films and wanted closure for that ship rather than some lame offhand joke.
You can come up with a number of in-universe reasons. Perhaps the planned decommissioning was meant to be temporary while they fixed the problem, but then Frontier day happened. Starfleet lost a lot of people and others quit due to the trauma. No point fixing a (clearly major or at least intractable) issue with a ship when you don't have the people to man them (Odyssey class has a crew of 1600). So they put it in storage and looked around for a ship to give the name Enterprise to. Perhaps in time it'll return to service under a new name when they have enough people again. Decommissioning doesn't need to mean forever, HMS Severn was decommissioned in 2017 but recommissioned in 2021 due to the need for ships in the Royal Navy. USS New Jersey was formerly decommissioned four times, in 48, 57, 69 and 89.
it’s even more amusing to see people be smug about other people being angry about it.
Smug, eh?

No, not really. It's hilarious to me the things that people find distressing, though I am easily amused. It reflects upon the different values we all have as fans and it offers a viewpoint on the ship that I don't have. It's a learning experience for me. :beer:

Any smugness is read in to the text and not present there.
He could have easily used the Enterprise-E and had the ship be scheduled for decommissioning, and it would have made more sense and appeased all the fans who saw the TNG films and wanted closure for that ship rather than some lame offhand joke.

Matalas acknowledged that the F was included as a nod to STO fans so as not to completely decanonise the Odyssey-class Enterprise, but he also mused on Twitter that maybe they should have just used the E instead – which honestly I would have preferred.