Game The Most Disliked Fifth Season Episode


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
THE OBJECTIVE: A sudden-death elimination game in which we remove our personal favorite episodes from a themed list, until we arrive at the episode that is, if not the worst, at least the most disliked. :bolian:

: Below is a list of episodes from the 5th seasons of every Trek show to run that far: TNG, DS9 and VOY.

Eliminate/save your favorite, or the one you deem the ‘best.’
Post something you love about the episode you are saving, and copy-and-paste the list with your choice removed.

You can use any standard you like to judge which option is "best." You can save episodes for being widely recognized “best Trek” classics, or for idiosyncratic qualities that no one appreciates but you.

But -- no tactical voting! You cannot remove an episode because you don’t think anyone else will, or because you feel it would threaten your preferred episode's chance to “win.”

You can take multiple turns. Leave at least 2 eliminations by other posters before you eliminate another episode.

New players are always welcome, you do not have to already be a "most disliked game" regular to dive in.


TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "The Game"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Power Play"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Next Phase"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Trials And Tribble-ations"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "For The Uniform"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Timeless"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
I am kicking things off with "FOR THE UNIFORM".

Love or hate Sisko's actions, they are still debated over 25 years later.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "The Game"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Power Play"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Next Phase"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Trials And Tribble-ations"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Timeless"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
"The Game" The first Trek episode I ever saw!

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Power Play"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Next Phase"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Trials And Tribble-ations"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Timeless"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
Season 5 is one of my favourite seasons of DS9. TNG's was a pretty strong effort, but there were far too many episodes with kids. making it hair below 3 and 4. And VOY season 5 has a lot of great episodes but was a bit hit and miss at times. A little step down from 4.

All YMMV, IMO, and all that jazz. :D

Enough waffle.

I'll go against what I've just been saying and go with VOY first - Timeless is a stone-cold classic. Literally, with the crash on the ice planet. ;)

Now Harry and Chakotay were two of the least interesting characters as the series went on, but Timeless made them very relatable. Harry feeling haunted after his huge mistake, was brilliant. As were the visuals when the ship crashed on the planet were something else.

I also liked the nod to continuity with the use of the Quantum Slipstream Drive from Hope and Fear.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Power Play"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Next Phase"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Trials And Tribble-ations"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
I was so thrilled to get here early for a change, but there are too many amazing episodes to choose from! I can't even decide which one I'd watch right now even if it's not my favourite. Umm...
Okay, DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume" it is. Just the thought of Amsha Bashir's little speech about why they had Julian genetically engineered and how much they love him almost breaks my heart :adore:

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Power Play"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Next Phase"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Trials And Tribble-ations"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
I suspect either TNG or DS9 will win this one...

My first vote is:

TNG: "The Next Phase"

Put the scientific implausibility stuff to the side* and there is much of interest to be had. The episode manages to carry itself despite the flaws, and the underlying philosophical discussions are genuinely enthralling. Data's subplot and putting the pieces together with phased-Geordi chewing at him while in front of his face is freakin' awesome. The Romulans are deliciously evil again. The incidental music, as with the tone of the story, is worthy of TNG's halcyon days of season 3 yet fits the new style introduced in season 5 just as wonderfully well**. The pre-credits teaser where they "die" is the first time since 1979's TMP where a transporter accident is seen to actually kill (until 5 minutes later when, oops and oh dear - it really didn't but that's okay because we really like these characters. Even/Especially Ro!)

* one honestly has to after a point

** and I'm known for not liking a lot of the style of the soundtracks from seasons 5-7. Wish they weren't all so flat and dour, but it makes episodes like this one stand out positively that much more. IMHO, YMMV since there've been a couple times when the flatter style helped...

What's left:
TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Power Play"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Trials And Tribble-ations"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
"Power Play" is one of the great Trek possession episodes. Any chance for Marina Sirtis to play harsh was always much appreciated!

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Trials And Tribble-ations"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
"Trials and Tribble-ations" is the greatest Trek comedy ever. Fight me.

('s also a brilliant homage to TOS.)

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
DS9: "Call To Arms"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
Call to Arms is an epic conclusion to the fifth season, where the shore really doubles down on the Dominion War story.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
DS9: "In The Cards"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
Last edited:
So many greats to choose.

Next up is "IN THE CARDS". One of my personal favorites. DS9 did so much with such a small concept... getting a gift for your dad.

Fun, and heartwarming episode from starr to finish.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Infinite Regress"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
So recently I was listening to the Delta Flyers podcast on "Infinite Regress", and they were talking about how Jeri Ryan was given the script at the last minute, had no existing knowledge of the many different established Trek aliens she was to play, and had to throw together all her multiple personality performances on her own with no prep time. And with all that she's still somehow so good in this! Amazing! I always liked this ep, but this made me even more impressed by it.

"Trials and Tribble-ations" is the greatest Trek comedy ever. Fight me.
We did already... in the Most Disliked Comedic/Light-Hearted Episode Thread. :biggrin:

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "The Inner Light"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
VOY: "Equinox, Part I"
My first save in "The Inner Light", one of Trek's finest. A tour de force for Patrick Stewart.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Children Of Time"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
Children of Time is very bittersweet. I knew that the crew was going to get back to the station eventually, but I just didn't expect Odo to be the one to pull the plug on making sure Kira survived. What an ending.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Ensign Ro"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
As with Next Phase,

TNG: "Ensign Ro"​

really speaks to me. Ro herself is a very well-written and well-acted charcter, but the Ro/Guinan has got to be the most brilliantly scripted stuff for any TV show anywhere. With icing and sprinkles too, but that's to be expected cuz the best cake has the best icing as well as whole grain low carb wheat and eggs and milk and red dye #5 (made from squished beetles, by the way, since the truth on milk and pasteurizing it to ensure all the pus in the milk doesn't contain stuff that will make you or your pet cat Tiddles sick wasn't the best food factoid of the day already...)

What's left:
TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Darmok"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
I am kicking things off with "FOR THE UNIFORM".

Love or hate Sisko's actions, they are still debated over 25 years later.

Great choice!

Kirk would be proud of Sisko as Kirk felt the need to do what it took if a situation was large and dire enough as well. Sisko thankfully spells out the situation before announcing his decision to use loaded torpedoes. It's the only reason the crew don't relieve him of duty, but hesitate briefly instead. Sisko doesn't play into Eddington's gaslighting since it was the Maquis that started all of this carnage.

He also mentions Traken II. In an episode already way-cool, they also make one of the best below-radar sci-fi callout references ever (to Doctor Who).
Saving "Darmok", one of my favorites. The use of mythology is why Joe Menosky is one of my favorite writers in the franchise.

Temba, his arms wide.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
I'll save TNG: "Silicon Avatar": Remy will understand why.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Hero Worship"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
Hero Worship gets a pass, just for that kid's imitation of Data. It functions within normal parameters.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"

Game changing DS9 episode, it was awesome from start to finish.

And for Garak.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Night"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"
Nigh an excellent episode, with cool aliens, that shows just how deeply the decision to strand her crew in the Delta quadrant continues to affect Janeway.

TNG: "Redemption II"
TNG: "Disaster"
TNG: "Unification I"
TNG: "Unification II"
TNG: "A Matter Of Time"
TNG: "New Ground"
TNG: "Violations"
TNG: "The Masterpiece Society"
TNG: "Conundrum"
TNG: "Ethics"
TNG: "The Outcast"
TNG: "Cause And Effect"
TNG: "The First Duty"
TNG: "Cost Of Living"
TNG: "The Perfect Mate"
TNG: "Imaginary Friend"
TNG: "I Borg"
TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part I"
DS9: "Apocalypse Rising"
DS9: "The Ship"
DS9: "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places"
DS9: "Nor The Battle To The Strong"
DS9: "The Assignment"
DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
DS9: "Things Past"
DS9: "The Ascent"
DS9: "Rapture"
DS9: "The Darkness And The Light"
DS9: "The Begotten"
DS9: "By Inferno's Light"
DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
DS9: "Business As Usual"
DS9: "Ties Of Blood And Water"
DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"
DS9: "Soldiers Of The Empire"
DS9: "Blaze Of Glory"
DS9: "Empok Nor"
VOY: "Drone"
VOY: "Extreme Risk"
VOY: "In The Flesh"
VOY: "Once Upon A Time"
VOY: "Nothing Human"
VOY: "Thirty Days"
VOY: "Counterpoint"
VOY: "Latent Image"
VOY: "Bride Of Chaotica!"
VOY: "Gravity"
VOY: "Bliss"
VOY: "Dark Frontier"
VOY: "The Disease"
VOY: "Course: Oblivion"
VOY: "The Fight"
VOY: "Think Tank"
VOY: "Juggernaut"
VOY: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
VOY: "11:59"
VOY: "Relativity"
VOY: "Warhead"