Spoilers The Marvels grade and discussion

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I was a little confused. Did Dar-Benn mean to open up a portal to an alternate Earth? Hadn't she already opened up a portal to Hala already with the single bangle? What was her intention with the second bangle there?
I was a little confused. Did Dar-Benn mean to open up a portal to an alternate Earth? Hadn't she already opened up a portal to Hala already with the single bangle? What was her intention with the second bangle there?

It was an accident caused by the Bangles' energies overloading her and killing her. They kept saying that she'd never survive the full power but she was ready to die for her cause.
It was an accident caused by the Bangles' energies overloading her and killing her. They kept saying that she'd never survive the full power but she was ready to die for her cause.
Right, but what was her *intent*? To just...open up a bigger hole?

Her plan with the atmosphere and oceans presumably worked. I suppose a sun-mass would take a lot *longer* to go through one of those holes, but it was working? Maybe?
Right, but what was her *intent*? To just...open up a bigger hole?

Her plan with the atmosphere and oceans presumably worked. I suppose a sun-mass would take a lot *longer* to go through one of those holes, but it was working? Maybe?

Her plan was to make a bigger hole and keep it open long enough to transfer power to Hala's Sun while draining the Sun of its power which would negatively affect Earth. Carol finally decided that if the Kree had become so desperate and deranged that this is what their leader would do, she'd just fix their Sun herself so they'd back off.
Her plan was to make a bigger hole and keep it open long enough to transfer power to Hala's Sun while draining the Sun of its power which would negatively affect Earth. Carol finally decided that if the Kree had become so desperate and deranged that this is what their leader would do, she'd just fix their Sun herself so they'd back off.
I guess I thought that was what the one bangle hole was doing, but maybe it wasn't working for some reason. They also had a shot of the sun dimming, which I thought could have been the sun beginning to lose mass, but also could have been the Kree ship's orbit passing in front of the sun (even a planet the size of Earth rotating in front of the Sun probably wouldn't make much of a brightness dent, but hey, it's Marvel).
The film actually has strong word of mouth.
It's just unfortunate that the strength lies in those that actually watched it and, as the numbers show, it wasn't many.

Based on what? Because the box office, poor holds, poor week to week, and lowest Cinemascore for the MCU demonstrates really bad Word of Mouth for The Marvels. Mainstream audiences don't care for it.

Again, compare that to Elemental. Which started off with a weak opening, but legged out a respectable box office due to strong word of mouth.
After this weekend's box office (Wish completely face-planted at $31 million, behind Hunger Games and Napoleon), I think it's time to consider the 500-lb mouse in the room. This isn't specifically a Marvel problem anymore (if it ever was), it's just caught in the crossfire. This is a Disney problem.
This is a Disney problem.
Considering how often people consider Disney to be a problem in the Hollywood business, and not liking their business practices or disapproving of their various dealings, I see this as a reflection of people finally actually expressing their displeasure with their wallets and not just their words.
Marvel struggles to recapture the gravitas of its infinity gauntlet arc going forward. It's harder to care now. They tried with Kang, but that seems to be potentially over.
Considering how often people consider Disney to be a problem in the Hollywood business, and not liking their business practices or disapproving of their various dealings, I see this as a reflection of people finally actually expressing their displeasure with their wallets and not just their words.

I suspect it has zero to do with their business practices or dealings. People don't care THAT much.

The simplest answer and probably most truthful is just apathy. They just don't care about the product. People generally don't care at all about what's going on behind the scenes, they just want to know if they think they'll be entertained or not. And their wallets are saying they think they'll be bored so they won't bother. Or just wait for Disney+. I think Disney+ is a huge enemy of the "Meh, I can wait a few weeks, it doesn't look THAT special" movie-going crowd.
I suspect it has zero to do with their business practices or dealings. People don't care THAT much.
You're probably right, and more's the pity. The lackluster shallowness of people continues to to disappoint me.
The simplest answer and probably most truthful is just apathy. They just don't care about the product. People generally don't care at all about what's going on behind the scenes, they just want to know if they think they'll be entertained or not. And their wallets are saying they think they'll be bored so they won't bother. Or just wait for Disney+. I think Disney+ is a huge enemy of the "Meh, I can wait a few weeks, it doesn't look THAT special" movie-going crowd.
Fair point. Still damn frustrating because people will still gripe over Disney yet do absolutely nothing to change their behavior!
My movie viewing habits have changed radically since the pandemic. I wouldn't say that I've moved on completely from seeing films in the theater, but I've not been since 2019, and I've no plans to go in the foreseeable future. I'm perfectly satisfied for now, being in home theater mode. I'd probably go see a new Star Wars or Star Trek film. This has zero to do with what else is being offered. Up to the outbreak, I'd seen all the MCU films. Public spaces are just different now.
2022 was the first year I didn't see any movies in the theater at all, since I've been old enough to go to movies, as far as I can remember.
After this weekend's box office (Wish completely face-planted at $31 million, behind Hunger Games and Napoleon), I think it's time to consider the 500-lb mouse in the room. This isn't specifically a Marvel problem anymore (if it ever was), it's just caught in the crossfire. This is a Disney problem.

It's a theatre problem. If it isn't good enough, people won't make the trip to the theatre. They'll wait for it to come out on streaming.
My movie viewing habits have changed radically since the pandemic. I wouldn't say that I've moved on completely from seeing films in the theater, but I've not been since 2019, and I've no plans to go in the foreseeable future. I'm perfectly satisfied for now, being in home theater mode. I'd probably go see a new Star Wars or Star Trek film. This has zero to do with what else is being offered. Up to the outbreak, I'd seen all the MCU films. Public spaces are just different now.

I rarely go to the theatre anymore unless it's something that I know will look and sound better at the theatre than at home.

The most I ever went to the theatre was the short period of time when MoviePass was a thing. I would go every week.