The Good News Thread

Well, since I haven't been here in almost a year and have returned to exclaim that the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated, I would think it good news. Though I am sure that there are those who would disagree.

Otherwise - good news for today - The sun is shining and I'm getting to shoot video again!
I've just received my job evaluation, signed by the Principal himself. Here's a sample of the adjectives used "serious, conscientious (me? Le fuck?!), highly regarded by his students and his fellow teachers... (again, Le fuck?)"

needless to say I have an E2EG! :)
Well, since I haven't been here in almost a year and have returned to exclaim that the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated, I would think it good news. Though I am sure that there are those who would disagree.

Otherwise - good news for today - The sun is shining and I'm getting to shoot video again!

I don't think I've ever seen you around before, so welcome back and nice to meet you. :techman:
I just passed a Microsoft Certification Exam, 70-271. So now after 12 years in the computer field I am finally an MCP!

It's a small victory.

Oh and my favorite show is being shown on a TV channel I now get, so I have already recorded a few episodes.
I bought some herbs and a variegated honeysuckle today for the garden. I'm drinking wine and there's a chicken roasting in the oven. We have an Indian friend coming over tomorrow night to cook a feast. Basically I have a great life.
WOW! Congratulations to everyone who's posted...really great stuff!

Today mine is a bad news/good news item: i ordered flowers for my mother for mother's day, they were delivered yesterday but she never got them (we are thinking someone stole them).... i called the company and they are going to resend them for free. AND gave me a $20 coupon for my next order. I thought that was really great of them to do.
It's great to read everyone's good news!

I had a calm, happy day at work, ordered Chinese for dinner, and spent the evening watching movies with my kids while my husband was at work. Husband is now home and we're about to open a bottle of wine. Life is good.
I've been taking anti-depresseants since a while back, and a few weeks ago we upped the dosage, so now they're really making a positive difference to my mental health. And they help me loose weight :D
Many things...
1. I've got my job for another year
2. I helped assemble an AVTT Viet Nam Wall model yesterday and am the keynote speaker Sunday
3. Daughter got it together enough to get out on her own (been in dumps since dad died)
4. New emoticon and this is the perfect place to indtoduce her "booty dance"

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I'm going back to work on monday after having been on sick leave for almost 3 months due to a broken ankle.
Fortunately the academy has an excellent program to get me back on track (and in shape!). I can walk again (yay!), drive my car, but no running just yet. My reintegration program involves sports five times a week.. :o
So hopefully if all goes well, I can finish my study in august and graduate in december. :)
The weather was absolutely gorgeous here today, I got a new mobile website design contract, and after Jeopardy! we are going to get ice cream. Yay ice cream!
My new job is going really well. The teachers and kids all seem to love me, and all but a few in a non-creepy way. English classes in elementary school basically amount to playing games all day, which is fun and involves very little actual work on my part. There's lots to do around where I am, and I'll be going out on a date next weekend with one of my former penpals in downtown Tokyo.
I've been taking anti-depresseants since a while back, and a few weeks ago we upped the dosage, so now they're really making a positive difference to my mental health. And they help me loose weight :D

Great news! It's wonderful when you finally get the dosage right on meds like that. Medication isn't right for everyone, but when they work they really work! :techman:
I scored some awesomely priced airline tickets to Long Beach, CA.

I hope you are going to see family. Just because I live next to Long Beach and unless you going to the new Comic-con or seeing family I can't see why you'd wanna go there.:lol: And the Comic-con isn't until October.

(Actually I kid. Long Beach has some really nice areas. My girlfriend and I love to go to the dog beach there).