The Good News Thread

Robert Maxwell

Premium Member
I sometimes (okay, maybe more than "sometimes") complain about the level of negativity in Misc. So, I'll be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

This thread is for good news--good things that have happened to you recently. What's going on in your life?
I got a new part-time job that's more than minimum wage, and the graphics I did for an iPhone app got approved by the client. Also, it's practically summer already and I have all my mornings free to hit the beach! :)
My new iPhone is working perfectly and I'm loving it! That and the weather is great! :techman:
Well I got contacted today by the clinic where I get my medication and I am probably going to be able to start individual psychotherapy soon with a program that is specifically tailored to my problems. I know that is good news to a lot of you who think I really need it:lol:.

I also got an e-mail from my school, and I am probably going to start my externship soon. I have been studying to be a pharmacy technician and I am almost done with the program. That will be a huge step for me not only to be working and feel like a man again, but to have a real career where I don't have to worry about a job anymore and can start really start building for the future.

Oh and best of all I found out I have the greatest girlfriend in the entire world. I mean what other girlfriend would hear it mentioned on the radio that Roger Waters is performing The Wall one last time and think, "I just have to get tickets to that for my boyfriend and I".
Someone, somewhere, just saved a lot of money by switching to Geico insurance. :p

"Good news everybody!" "Futurama" is only 49 days away from it's first new episode since cancellation!
Well I got contacted today by the clinic where I get my medication and I am probably going to be able to start individual psychotherapy soon with a program that is specifically tailored to my problems. I know that is good news to a lot of you who think I really need it:lol:.

I also got an e-mail from my school, and I am probably going to start my externship soon. I have been studying to be a pharmacy technician and I am almost done with the program. That will be a huge step for me not only to be working and feel like a man again, but to have a real career where I don't have to worry about a job anymore and can start really start building for the future.

Oh and best of all I found out I have the greatest girlfriend in the entire world. I mean what other girlfriend would hear it mentioned on the radio that Roger Waters is performing The Wall one last time and think, "I just have to get tickets to that for my boyfriend and I".

That's all great news, DJ! You're on a roll :)
I have a book contract, with Oxford University Press. I have to deliver the final revisions by 1 September, so I expect my book will be published some time early next year.
Someone, somewhere, just saved a lot of money by switching to Geico insurance. :p

"Good news everybody!" "Futurama" is only 49 days away from it's first new episode since cancellation!

That was me actually! I just saved big time 3 days ago by switching to Geico! Great stuff!

Oh, and more Futurama is always good news!
I have a book contract, with Oxford University Press. I have to deliver the final revisions by 1 September, so I expect my book will be published some time early next year.

NIce one! Is this the one about Northern Ireland, or am I getting it mixed up with something else.
The past two weeks have certainly been a rollercoaster for me, but it has ended on a high note!

First, I got my license plates for my new car!!! I guess that doesn't seem that exciting to other people, but I have been wondering for a month and a half what my numbers would be! They are awesome!

I finished my processing project at work, which is always an awesome feeling. Today I started my next project, which is also a great feeling.

I found out yesterday that I won a drawing for taking a survey from my University! A $10 gift card, yesssss!

But most importantly.....
I turned in my Master's thesis yesterday!!!!! After months of hard work and dealing with some irritating paperwork issues in the past couple of days, it has been accepted by the University and I will be graduating this month. What a weight off my shoulders. I am done with school after 20 years!

Oh, and the weather is great!

I think this week is so awesome because last week was so awful, but I'm happy for the change.
I have a book contract, with Oxford University Press. I have to deliver the final revisions by 1 September, so I expect my book will be published some time early next year.


But most importantly.....
I turned in my Master's thesis yesterday!!!!! After months of hard work and dealing with some irritating paperwork issues in the past couple of days, it has been accepted by the University and I will be graduating this month. What a weight off my shoulders. I am done with school after 20 years!


Have you heard the good news? He is risen!

Oh, wrong board. :shifty:

I think this is the board you're looking for.
Ought to be good news for someone. :lol:

My good news is a little more mundane, but some of the jacaranda saplings I planted around the yard over the last couple of years look as if they're getting ready to flower for the first time. I hadn't really been expecting that to happen until next year, at the earliest, so this is kind of a bonus.