Spoilers The Expanse Season 6

Based on the latest episode, Can we assume that Camina Drummer is the assumed leader of the OPA ?

She called Inaros a traitor, maybe due to his killings of Anderson Dawes and Fred Johnson, who led the OPA previously.

BTW, doesn't Admiral Duarte sound a little like Babylon 5's Commander Jeffrey Sinclair in his speech mannerism ?
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I don't know, Admiral Duarte doesn't seem to have the presence I imagined him having in the novels. I don't know if that was the point, take a seemingly larger than life figure and show he is just a man or just a by product of him not matching my imagination exactly, but there we are.
I'm getting real worried that they won't have enough time to wrap up the Laconia and Ring Builder killers story lines in a satisfactory way. If they were still producing 10 episodes a season, I'd wouldn't fret. But we are down to our last 2 episodes for the series.

We have the war with Marco, the politics of the Belt's future, Earth and Mars post the asteroid strikes, Holden and Roci's crew stories to bring to a close. Feels like they're all in on the conflict with Marco and stories beyond the ring with the protomolecule will end up as an epilogue.
Well, Laconia plays a larger role in the final three novels, and I suspect the Laconia scenes in this episode are primarily about setting up for whatever new production comes along the pipe to adapt them. Indeed, based on the books, I'm pretty sure I see what's ahead for the Laconia storyline in the remaining episodes.
Duarte came across as a rather sympathetic character, which was a bit of a weird feeling to experience. However, if he's going to kill everyone who makes a mistake, in reality his colony would not last long I suspect.
However, if he's going to kill everyone who makes a mistake, in reality his colony would not last long I suspect.
In the books, it isn't so much you get killed for making a mistake, indeed Laconia is pretty liberal over screwup and what gets tolerated. You do get killed for causing another death regardless the circumstances, however.
In the books, it isn't so much you get killed for making a mistake, indeed Laconia is pretty liberal over screwup and what gets tolerated. You do get killed for causing another death regardless the circumstances, however.
Lesser transgressions were punished by being experimented on by Cortázar - that's effectively a death sentence. Transgressions had to be hidden very carefully. Fear of discovery was a prime motivator for one character in book 9.
Good point. I was basing my comments on stuff from later books when Laconia begins conquering Sol and their efforts to be seen as a force of good, to the point of tolerating insurgents and punishing the military officers who try to crackdown on them using lethal force.
That was a very good episode. Can't believe there's only two episode left :(

Go Drummer!

Looking forward to Marco's end, just not sure who I want him to take him down!

Love how even minor characters have little arcs, for all that Michio has been portrayed as someone who can't hack stressful situations, yet who steps up in a moment of crisis and takes decisive action without hesitation? Love that.
Based on the latest episode, Can we assume that Camina Drummer is the assumed leader of the OPA ?

She called Inaros a traitor, maybe due to his killings of Anderson Dawes and Fred Johnson, who led the OPA previously.
Strictly speaking, the Outer Planets Alliance no longer exists in any meaningful way. The Free Navy basically absorbed and consolidated what passed for the OPA's military, and it's governance has been essentially co-opted by Marco who has either assassinated any rivals he might have had, and leashed the remaining major factions to his cause.

What Drummer is leading right now could only be described as a band of dissident pirates.
Finished binging the entire series...

Camina Drummer is one of the greatest TV characters of all time.

And she should be cast as a Romulan.

Prediction: We will have a spin off show called Ring Worlds.
Strictly speaking, the Outer Planets Alliance no longer exists in any meaningful way. The Free Navy basically absorbed and consolidated what passed for the OPA's military, and it's governance has been essentially co-opted by Marco who has either assassinated any rivals he might have had, and leashed the remaining major factions to his cause.

What Drummer is leading right now could only be described as a band of dissident pirates.
The OPA was always made up of different factions and gangs to begin with. Dawes and Anderson were never really a united front.

I can't ever remember if a name was put on the anti Marco belters in the books. Drummer is about as close as there is to a leader of the now defunct OPA
The OPA was always made up of different factions and gangs to begin with. Dawes and Anderson were never really a united front.

I can't ever remember if a name was put on the anti Marco belters in the books. Drummer is about as close as there is to a leader of the now defunct OPA
Right. And now most of those factions have been disintegrated and dispersed throughout the Free Navy.
The way it used to work is that the factions each controlled their own ships, ports, and territories, hence "Alliance". Marco ended that when he started mixing crew from all factions in all of his new Martian ships, with officers loyal to his cause in command. The factions have mostly been neutralised since they've ceded any kind of independence or ability to leverage power. Those that refused have been hunted and destroyed.

Drummer and some in her fleet may have been OPA once as individuals, but now they're just rogue elements and survivors from exterminated factions forming a new pirate group.

So calling it the OPA is a stretch at best (especially since Drummer left the organization before all this even kicked off.) Also, the heart of the OPA was always the stations, since that's where the resources are. That's where the food is grown, where the mines, refineries and factories are, where the water is stored, and where the money is made. No rock hopper can stay on the float forever.
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Finally caught up with this season. I'm loving it!! The characters are fantastic and the complex interactions between them are utterly believable. The universe and its politics feel real. Add in the intense action at points and other intrigue, and it's got it all!

I think Holden made the right call for disarming the nuke but for the wrong reasons. In episode four, we see it starting to bear fruit, particularly with Drummer giving an assist!

Only downside is that it feels like it's moving along too quickly. Undoubtedly that's due to the truncated season.

Also, is it me or do the interior ship scenes (excluding the Roci) look cheaper? It might just be more garish lighting.

The Expanse is by far my favorite SF show at the moment, beating my usual favorite franchises.
Also, is it me or do the interior ship scenes (excluding the Roci) look cheaper? It might just be more garish lighting.
Don't really agree with that, though something I have noticed, when the characters are outside the ships doing an EVA, the scenes are now entirely CG as opposed to previous seasons, where the actor was filmed in front of a green screen. I suspect that may be a pandemic precaution, avoiding having to have the actor hooked up to a harness and all the various support people who need to be on set for that to be done safely.