The Ahsoka series is coming.

Personally, I don't count anything as "rumour" until I see it repeated by actual industry insiders. I mean come on people; do we seriously think some niche fansite is going to scoop a genuine leak from a LF production ahead of the big boys? They don't have the clout, they don't have the access, and no low level contractor attached to production would be stupid enough to violate a Disney NDA to the likes of them. People will get fired, contracts will be voided, and companies will be backlisted. So not even remotely worth the risk.
Yup. Sorry, but this strikes of idle speculation in it for the clicks.
I'd hardly call that particularly newsworthy, beyond I suppose the implicit vote of confidence for what they already have in the can meriting a second season.

Also I dispute the assertion that Kenobi didn't end with any kind or room for a follow-up. I mean he literally said "if you need me again, you know where to find me." Granted it's very easy to interpret that as set-up for Rogue One & ANH, but still, between that and that literal last minute cameo; hardly a definitive cut-off if they later decide on a follow-up.
Indeed with young Leia being such a relative hit with the fans, I wouldn't be shocked if they brought her back in a few years for a young Leia show, which one might characterise as a spin-off of sorts (though that's a dubious terms when dealing with already legacy characters.)

Side note: Wasn't Mano also originally touted as a "limited series" or some similarly ambiguous terms? Seems like it mostly just marketing hedging their bets so if a new thing isn't a hit, they can just say it was always intended as a stand-alone than have to come out and say a thing was cancelled.
That doesn't apply to Andor of course since that very much was designed to be a multi-season story, but with a definitive beginning and end. No real way of spinning that one. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the announcement of a second season didn't come until late in production, so they may have indeed waited until they saw what they had before making and broader plans public.
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Not to surprised to see this go in that direction, I would have been more shocked if it stayed as a limited series. With the character being so popular, and her fate at this point being wide open, it makes sense they'd want to get more than just 8 or 10, or however many episodes Season 1 will be, out of her first solo series.
They have a roughly 25 year gap before The Force Awakens-The Rise of they have a lot of potential space to put any stories that they want to tell in the New Republic era. A lot can happen even if it is not happening to the fabled Heroes of Yavin. Even if the scale is nowhere near Galactic Civil War standards of the Skywalker Saga trilogies.
I wonder if the appearance by the Purgill in today's The Mandalorian premiere, was the start of setting them up for their role Thrawn and Ezra's storyline in this.
Wonder if they would do the like "previously on Star Wars" with scenes from The Clone Wars and Rebels, or so live action version of key scenes.
Pure awesome of awesomeness!
Just so great to finally get a look at live action Hera & Sabine.
Did we know Mon Mothma was in this?
Pure awesome of awesomeness!
Just so great to finally get a look at live action Hera & Sabine.
Did we know Mon Mothma was in this?
No, we didn't.

Also, I'm surprised we didn't get a glimpse of Zeb, unless I blinked. Obviously I need to watch it again. And again. And again. And...
No, I'm pretty sure Zeb isn't in the trailer. But meh, at this point, I'll be more surprised if he isn't in the show.
Random notes on the trailer: -
  • One assumes the ruins are of the Old Republic Jedi or Sith persuasion (probably the former.) Looks like a slightly simplified version of McQuarrie script in evidence.
  • Sabine with long hair? This plus some other details makes me think we'll be getting more context for the Rebels coda, and not just recreating it verbatim, but expanding upon it. For example; in the coda Sabines was geared up, pack in hand, ready to go, and clearly expecting Ahsoka. Here looks like they're showing Sabine's first reunion with Ahsoka.
  • Orange jumpsuit & jacket is a good look. Nice to see at least one Mandalorian that doesn't live in their armour 24/7. Also; as seen in the LF panel Sabine's armor paintjob looks a little different.
  • Phantom II chasing . . . something, carrying . . . something? I think this is linked to the scenes in the ruins and they're stealing a chunk of it. Maybe another gateway?
  • Not sure what this Baylan and his little side-kick is about. Their blades seems to hint at dark side, but they're more of an orange rather than red (especially compared to the Inquisitor seen later on), so the kyber hasn't been bled. Not Sith obviously. Maybe they're just antique weapons? They may not even be darksiders, despite the implied villainy. Thrawn may have found some ancient breakaway Jedi sect out in the unknown regions. Or they're Sith cultist? Either way there's something different about them.
  • Mon Mothma and what one can only assume is the NR High Council? After the Empire and corrupt Republic chancellors it makes sense they might move away from centralised leadership.
  • Hmm. White uniform. Blue skin. I'm stumped. That could be anyone!
  • Heir to the Empire namedrop? OK, they went there!
  • Morgan Elsbeth is back. Lending credence to the idea that this show takes place (at least partly) before Ahsoka's appearance on Mando.
  • Kinda looks like the Baylan/Ahsoka showdown is in a chamber similar to the World Between Worlds-ish room in the Lothal temple where Ezra communicated with Yoda. From all the equipment lying around, looks like Baylan is analyszing the starchart. Presumably they're looking for something specific?
  • For a seemingly still serving New Republic General, Hera sure does seem to really resist wearing anything resemblign a uniform besides the rank insignia. (Maybe they literally just reactivated her commission?)
  • Tiny Ezra hologram? That's got to be his final message because no way would he have posed for a portrait.
  • Ahsoka fighting an Inquisitor in a shipyard? Can't tell if that ISD is being build or dismantled. If the latter and this is "present day", then that may be the LAST surviving Inquisitor (quite the turnaround for them to have the Jedi hunting them as fugitives!) If it's the former then the flashbacks in this show may go all the way back to what she did after Malachor, if not further.
  • Not 100% sure, but I think that Shipyard might be Corellia.
  • A Huyang on Lothal? A Huyang on Lothal!
ETA: In case anyone missed it, the teaser poster is up on
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Sabine with long hair? This plus some other details makes me think we'll be getting more context for the Rebels coda, and not just recreating it verbatim, but expanding upon it. For example; in the coda Sabines was geared up, pack in hand, ready to go, and clearly expecting Ahsoka. Here looks like they're showing Sabine's first reunion with Ahsoka.
Ahsoka is also not in her white robes, and no staff.