The Ahsoka series is coming.

Did she ever escape from the collapsed Sith pyramid in Rebels? As I remember, we only saw her in the World Between Worlds, and it was quite clear she could only get out the same way she got in, and the first we see her back in the real world is the epilogue, after the OT. She could’ve been down there the entire time, that really seems like the most straightforward answer rather than presupposing she got out earlier, but had another thing that prevented her from participating in the main story.
She was supposed to be dead, so she played dead until the empire was gone.

She didn't want to interfere with the timeline or something.

She was also out looking for Ezra.

My theory: She continues working on the fringes of the rebellion, then Scarif and the Death Star happen. She hears about the Rebel hero who destroyed the station, Luke Skywalker. She puts two and two together, because she's no fool. And she chooses to stay the heck away. This is Luke's fight, his destiny. Her presence only complicates the issue. Particularly prior to ESB when Luke doesn't know his father's true fate. So she puts her faith in the Force, and in another Skywalker.

She should only approach Luke after RotJ, when things have settled.
Did she ever escape from the collapsed Sith pyramid in Rebels? As I remember, we only saw her in the World Between Worlds, and it was quite clear she could only get out the same way she got in, and the first we see her back in the real world is the epilogue, after the OT. She could’ve been down there the entire time, that really seems like the most straightforward answer rather than presupposing she got out earlier, but had another thing that prevented her from participating in the main story.
the easiest solution is either to have her stuck on that planet for a few years or her returning to it after meeting Ezra in the world between worlds a few years later than she entered it after her duel with Vader (time travel works in mysterious ways). This way she is totally out of the picture during the OT.
Did she ever escape from the collapsed Sith pyramid in Rebels? As I remember, we only saw her in the World Between Worlds, and it was quite clear she could only get out the same way she got in, and the first we see her back in the real world is the epilogue, after the OT. She could’ve been down there the entire time, that really seems like the most straightforward answer rather than presupposing she got out earlier, but had another thing that prevented her from participating in the main story.

What we saw in 'World Between Worlds' was Ahsoka fleeing back through the Malachor gate, and remerging back in the ruins of the old city some time AFTER the weapon detonated. How much time is uncertain, but given Ezra seemed to have been gone from his time for about the same amount of subjective time he experienced (give or take) it's reasonable to presume that the same holds true for Ahsoka, since by the time she starts to make her way towards the passage down into the catacombs, Vader has already made his way from the temple back up to the surface.

Back in I think 2016, Filloni drew these for a series of Topps cards that's meant to tell the story of what happened after she went down those steps.

As with the Mortis stuff, this is clearly both literal and metaphorical, but if all one is interested in is the literal side then it seems to go something like: Magical bird leads her through some flooded chamber, up some stairs and though a portal back to the World Between Worlds.
Since it's clearly the Lothal gate she's stepping through, not the Malachor gate, one assumes that means that while the others were back on Atollon, Ahsoka re-emerged at the Lothal temple . . . presumably snuck past the Imperials there and went into hiding.

The metaphorical stuff is pretty obvious if one has a basic grasp of mythic storytelling, but the short version is; she goes on a journey through the underworld ("death"), following the path of light until she ascends back to the world of the living, forever changed. Note that in a lot of ancient myths, water is a symbol of (re)birth, of spiritual change, and as a gateway from one world into the next.

As for why she doesn't show up in the OT: obviously she can't reconnect with anyone until AFTER Ezra re-emerges in his time since she can't risk altering events (because then she'd never have been able to survive Vader.) From the Coda which could take place anything from four to nine or even ten years after Ezra's disappearance; it seems clear that she'd already reconnected with Sabine at least, though we have no clue when (yet!) But she had to have essentially been all on her own (again!) for 2 years at the very least. It could have taken some time for her to be able to reconnect after the allotted time had passed, any number of things could have occurred in the meantime, so it could have happened literally at any point.

It's also worth baring in mind that we see very little of the actual rebellion in the OT. For all we know she was the one that had Hera paged right before Scarif (hell she could have been ON the Ghost!) She could have also been on Hoth for a while before the evacuation, and she could very easily have been at Endor; maybe even with the first wave of landings after the fleet arrived and fought her way to the bunker just as the shield generator blew . . . I personally doubt it, but there's no reason why it couldn't have been so.
I mean we know the Ghost was at Endor, even though we never saw it, so why not Ahsoka?
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It's also worth baring in mind that we see very little of the actual rebellion in the OT. For all we know she was the one that had Hera paged right before Scarif (hell she could have been ON the Ghost!) She could have also been on Hoth for a while before the evacuation, and she could very easily have been at Endor; maybe even with the first wave of landings after the fleet arrived and fought her way to the bunker just as the shield generator blew . . . I personally doubt it, but there's no reason why it couldn't have been so.
I mean we know the Ghost was at Endor, even though we never saw it, so why not Ahsoka?
mainly because having Luke meet her during the OT would raise a lot of uncomfortable issues.
Well, first and foremost why didn’t she help him training, especially between episodes 4 and 5, and didn’t help against palpatine. Not to mention that she knew who Vader was.
mainly because having Luke meet her during the OT would raise a lot of uncomfortable issues.
Her being around with the rebellion and her being around Luke are not necessarily the same thing. It's entirely possible that their paths just never crossed until after Endor. It's a big galaxy after all, and not everyone in the Alliance knew everyone else.
Also, who's to say she'd even feel fit to train Luke. She certainly wasn't up for training Grogu and that was years later. Perhaps she knew through the force that Luke's destiny wasn't with her, that it wasn't her place to define his path that way his father defined her's, that only he could find his path. And find it he did.
Well, first and foremost why didn’t she help him training, especially between episodes 4 and 5, and didn’t help against palpatine. Not to mention that she knew who Vader was.

These objections don't make any sense because they draw false correlations between Ahsoka and Luke's respective life journeys.
Did she ever escape from the collapsed Sith pyramid in Rebels? As I remember, we only saw her in the World Between Worlds, and it was quite clear she could only get out the same way she got in, and the first we see her back in the real world is the epilogue, after the OT. She could’ve been down there the entire time, that really seems like the most straightforward answer rather than presupposing she got out earlier, but had another thing that prevented her from participating in the main story.

She probably had no means of leaving the planet after the end of S2, and being presumed dead by Kanan and Ezra.
Her being around with the rebellion and her being around Luke are not necessarily the same thing. It's entirely possible that their paths just never crossed until after Endor. It's a big galaxy after all, and not everyone in the Alliance knew everyone else.
Leia knows Ashoka, one would think that when Luke decided to become a Jedi she would arrange for them to meet.
She probably had no means of leaving the planet after the end of S2, and being presumed dead by Kanan and Ezra.
I don't think anyone was questioning why she didn't show up prior to 'World Between Worlds', that's self evident.
The question is where she could have been from then on, until she shows up again in Mando and/or the Rebels coda.
Leia knows Ashoka
To my knowledge they have never interacted in any story.
From the novel we know Ahsoka knows Leia exists, because she knows Bail and saw her as an infant. At that time she didn't have any clue as to Leia's true identity and Bail was deliberately keeping it that way. Nothing beyond that as far as I know.

Even so, knowing someone in a massive galaxy spanning organization that is constantly fractured and on the run is no indication of how much time (if any) they every spend in each other's company,
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They are literally working for Bail at the same time, working with the same people.
That doesn't mean they know each other. As already been stated, it's a big galaxy and the Rebellion has many different cells, which are deliberately structured in such a manner that none of them know everything in case of capture.

Also, remember Ahsoka walked away from the Jedi and specifically says in The Mandalorian that she doesn't think of herself as a Jedi. Perhaps because of that and because of Anakin's downfall, she didn't want to go down that path again.
They are literally working for Bail at the same time, working with the same people.
And? Leia is working as Bail's senatorial aid; directly for him. Ahsoka was running his intelligence network, again, directly for him. As was made explicitly clear in season 1, the way Bail's network of cells are organized, information only moves up and down, not horizontally. The cells are kept separate from one another, so that if one is compromised, the others are kept safe because there's no information to leak.

That runs all the way to the top. This the the very essence of "need to know" and "compartmentalisation". Leia doesn't need to know who Fulcrum is, and Fulcrum doesn't need to run her like other operatives (like Hera) because Bail is handling it. So there's no fundamental reason for the two to ever communicate, let alone socialise.

That changes later somewhat as smaller cells are merged and/or expanded into larger ones, but the vertical structure remains the same at the operative level because the cells aren't talking to each other, they're just getting bigger.

To get an idea just how compartmentalised things got; just watch Rogue One. Bail and Mon Mothma have a brief exchange about Kenobi. There they are, in the nerve centre of the Alliance, in the heart of their most secret base, surrounded by people who are necessarily exposed to more than enough sensitive information to obliterate the Alliance . . . and she looks around and lowers her voice to a whisper. Indeed it's inferred from what she says that she just knows he has "a" Jedi in his back pocket, but not who, specifically. That's how secretive it is. The two heads of the Alliance kept operational secrets from each other, not out of distrust, but to protect one another.

In a twisted way, the best thing the Empire ever did for the Alliance was to destroy Alderaan. If they ever caught and interrogated Bail they'd be able to expose the entire network and make things far more difficult for Alliance intelligence in the coming years, because he was the keystone. By killing him, they made sure that any secrets he had died with Alderaan.
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And? Leia is working as Bail's senatorial aid; directly for him. Ahsoka was running his intelligence network, again, directly for him. As was made explicitly clear in season 1, the way Bail's network of cells are organized, information only moves up and down, not horizontally. The cells are kept separate from one another, so that if one is compromised, the others are kept safe because there's no information to leak.

That runs all the way to the top. This the the very essence of "need to know" and "compartmentalisation". Leia doesn't need to know who Fulcrum is, and Fulcrum doesn't need to run her like other operatives (like Hera) because Bail is handling it. So there's no fundamental reason for the two to ever communicate, let alone socialise.

That changes later somewhat as smaller cells are merged and/or expanded into larger ones, but the vertical structure remains the same at the operative level because the cells aren't talking to each other, they're just getting bigger.
Yes, all of that is what I was trying to get at but you said it better (and in more detail) than I did.
Ahsoka could have been doing any number of things during the Galaxtic Civil War and never come into contact with Luke and/Leia or drawn any correlation between them and Anakin/Vader.