The Ahsoka series is coming.

I've seen a few blurry photos of the footage on social media and yeah, there's no mistaking Hera. You only see her from behind though, and the background was 100& NOT the Ghost's cockpit. Looked much more like the bridge of a blockade runner or something similar. Rumour is that it's not Marshall but Mary Elizabeth Winstead, which while a little disappointing, to be fair does make sense considering Tia and Ashley aren't reprising their roles either.
I'm curious if they only showed Hera from behind because she isn't cast yet, or if they just wanted the focus to be on Sabine and are saving the full Hera reveal for later?
I'm curious if they only showed Hera from behind because she isn't cast yet, or if they just wanted the focus to be on Sabine and are saving the full Hera reveal for later?
They've been shooting for 3 weeks. I'm sure they have more than just the 1-2 minutes of footage used in the sizzle reel, and just like in any trailer, the shots they have chosen to use are doubtlessly ones that are of the "tantalising but obfuscated" persuasion. Like say, ones that only show the character from behind.

So no, I don't think they'd be shooting actual scenes with a stand-in unless they've actually cast Hera. Stand-ins are generally hired *after* the actors, since the whole point is that they match the performer, not the other way around. They're just being coy because that day was about introducing Sabine's new actress. We'll get an announcement and see live action Hera before too long. Probably in a few weeks once 'Kenobi' is done.

ETA: Just out of my own curiosity, with the aid of google images, some online ai face replacer, a shot of Hera's digital asset from Squadrons (and a little photoshop correction) this is more or less what Mary Elizabeth Winstead may look like as Hera (assuming the rumours are accurate.)
I'd buy that as Hera. Just hope she can pull off the French accent if need be.
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Dave Filoni says he has developed an idea of how Ahsoka and Luke meet but isn't ready to tell that story yet.

Isn’t the main question here “where the heck was Ahsoka when the Empire was deploying two Death Stars and nearly obliterating the Rebellion?” And, will the answer be more compelling than “she was hibernating” or “she was already looking for some twerpy kid outside the known Galaxy”?

Because, here's how I picture the conversation going:

Luke: "Where were you during the war? I could really have used your help."
Ahsoka: "Well, I realized a year or two before you came on the scene that I had to battle Vader and Palpatine alone; I was the only one who could do it."
Luke: "Um, okay, but... Obi-Wan and Yoda were both alive."
Ahsoka: "I had no way of knowing that."
Luke: "Bail Organa knew where Ben was, and Ben knew where Yoda was."
Ahsoka: "Oops! So, anyway, I realized I had to battle Vader and Palpatine alone, but, I had a seven-year hibernation cycle coming up, and wouldn't be at full strength until afterwards. So, I hibernated for seven years, and when I woke up, turned out you, Leia, Obi-Wan, and Yoda had already fixed everything."
Luke: "..."
Ahsoka: "Great job, by the way!"
Luke: "..."
Ahsoka: "Timing's not really my forte, sorry. But, don't worry, it won't happen again. If your only nephew ever becomes a school slicer and murders most of your school, I promise to come right away and offer you moral support. I definitely won't just be doing something else mysterious and even more important while you run away from your remaining family and the galaxy to go live out your days in exile."
Luke: "You promise?"
Ahsoka: "Of course! I mean... unless, of course, I'm doing something else mysterious and even more important at the time."
The only satisfying answer to the question I can think of is that Ahsoka did face off against Palps, and he laid such a beatdown on her that she spent the whole OT years in a bacta coma recovering. But something tells me Filoni's eventual answer, assuming he ever bothers to tell one at all, will be distinctly lamer. :shrug:
What do you expect?
From who? From Filoni, who didn't have the nerve to kill off his pet protagonist at the end of The Clone Wars, or from the fans who say everything he touches, with the possible exception of Boba Fett (which can be blamed on Robert Rodriguez, maybe) is gold?
From who? From Filoni, who didn't have the nerve to kill off his pet protagonist at the end of The Clone Wars, or from the fans who say everything he touches, with the possible exception of Boba Fett (which can be blamed on Robert Rodriguez, maybe) is gold?
From Filoni. I don't mind Ahsoka at all, and I think Rosario will do a good job. But, Ahsoka living through the OT is not going to end satisfactorily.
I would like for Filoni to not undercut the story of Luke, Leia and Han even more than the ST and Book of Boba Fett already have by giving a satisfactory answer for why Ahsoka didn't help them out during the Galactic Civil War, and until he does, I'm highly unlikely to pay for a month of Disney+ just to watch his Ahsoka series. (At most, I'd watch the series while subscribing for something else, maybe Loki.) But, hey, to each their own. :shrug:
She was supposed to be dead, so she played dead until the empire was gone.

She didn't want to interfere with the timeline or something.

She was also out looking for Ezra.
story of Luke, Leia and Han even more than the ST and Book of Boba Fett already have by giving a satisfactory answer for why Ahsoka didn't help them out during the Galactic Civil War,
How does it undercut?
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Ahsoka could have been exploring the gates/paths in the Force like the one Ezra found. Depends on where they lead and when it lead. If she ended up someplace without a ship, it might be a while before the Rebellion finds her. And two of those years she was thought to be dead. Than Erza was missing, which might have lead her to explore the Unknown Region a bit. If she was out of contact with Rebel HQ, or the first thing she hears about is the destruction of Alderaan, she might lay low. The name Skywalker may interest her, but what happened to Anakin might keep her away.

We will see. Maybe.
She was supposed to be dead, so she played dead until the empire was gone.

She didn't want to interfere with the timeline or something.
But she was helping the rebels in Rebels, so why not during the OT? I think it's a valid question.

She was also out looking for Ezra.
And that was more important than battling an Empire that was blowing up entire planets?
I doubt she was actively searching for Ezra all that time. Following up leads when they appeared, sure. But I doubt that's all she spent your time doing. She might have been setting up a network to protect force-sensitive children as I believe that was hinted at in an episode of Rebels.