The Ahsoka series is coming.

So since the official announcement of Bordizzo's casting, I've seen a surprisingly large number of complaints (in various places) about how she's just another 'check-box agenda' casting. Like, how does anyone look at Sabine and not immediacy get that she's supposed to be Asian, unless they're so bigoted that they just automatically assume all lightish-skinned cartoons must be white people?

This is getting so fucking tiresome.

But even beyond that, Bordizzo looks exactly like her. Like, exactly.

She really does. It's almost eerie, seeing her onstage at Celebration.

But you think that's bad, wait until Ezra. If the casting rumors are true (and they are still very much rumors at this point), it's another fantastic choice. But the $#!^storm will only grow in those circles.
So since the official announcement of Bordizzo's casting, I've seen a surprisingly large number of complaints (in various places) about how she's just another 'check-box agenda' casting. Like, how does anyone look at Sabine and not immediacy get that she's supposed to be Asian, unless they're so bigoted that they just automatically assume all lightish-skinned cartoons must be white people?

This is getting so fucking tiresome.

But even beyond that, Bordizzo looks exactly like her. Like, exactly.
Yeah we had this play out right here in this very thread back when her casting was just a widely reported rumour (though clearly the sources were solid.) As one might expect, it was basically one or two irrational intransigents against the vast majority, which let's be honest is typically representative of how it goes down everywhere else.
I support Lucasfilm's 'cast people who look like the characters' agenda.
I also appreciate that there's been a slight shift in recent years for the animation and video games people to make characters look at least passably like their voice/performance capture actors. If for no other reason than it'll make any translation to live action reasonably smooth.

But you think that's bad, wait until Ezra. If the casting rumors are true (and they are still very much rumors at this point), it's another fantastic choice. But the $#!^storm will only grow in those circles.

How much you want to bet it'll be mostly the same people that complained he looked too much like Aladdin in the first place kicking up all the fuss, and without even a hint of irony or self awareness?
I love Ahsoka, but don't have as much anticipation for this show as I do for the Mandalorian because I've not yet watched Rebels.
"Rumour" well it's from Ign, and not doomcock so..
Apparently there was a press gathering and and footage was shown. And allegedly it was Ashoka on the Ghost with Hera and Chopper! And also a recreation of the rebels end scene in live action.
I saw that footage on Instagram before it was deleted less than an hour after it was put up. Can confirm its existence.

ETA: well, the footage I saw wasn't clear enough to confirm that that was The Ghost, but Chopper and Hera were unmistakable despite the quality.
That IGN article is just a description of shots from the trailer, so if they're identifying the location in which we see a reverse shot of Hera as the bridge of the Ghost, I don't see any reason (having seen the trailer myself) to discount that information.
Hope they got Vanessa Marshall to play Hera!

Also hope they got Chopper to play Chopper!
I've seen a few blurry photos of the footage on social media and yeah, there's no mistaking Hera. You only see her from behind though, and the background was 100& NOT the Ghost's cockpit. Looked much more like the bridge of a blockade runner or something similar. Rumour is that it's not Marshall but Mary Elizabeth Winstead, which while a little disappointing, to be fair does make sense considering Tia and Ashley aren't reprising their roles either.

And yes, they clearly built a new Chopper. From what I gather even if that old one wasn't up to movie quality spec (it wasn't, because let's get real, it was only made for a web-show, by one guy and mostly out of plywood), it had basically fallen apart by the 4th season of Recon anyway.
and the background was 100& NOT the Ghost's cockpit
There's a shot of Ahsoka on the Ghost. The Hera shot yeah is not the ghost.

I don't see any reason (having seen the trailer myself) to discount that information.

I've seen the trailer and Hera is not on the Ghost, the window doesn't match, but there is a shot of Ahsoka on the Ghost, or at least another ship with a round cockpit window similar to the Ghost's.
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^ If you've personally got better analysis of the trailer than IGN, I'll take your word over theirs.
They probably confused the shots or jumped to a conclusion that Hera being a ship automatically means it's the ghost.

They also do not have access to the trailer, so they would have most likely only watched it once and would have to go off memory unless they watched one of the phone recordings.

I would post a screen cap from the leaked recoding, but I don't think that would be legal. The site admins/mods might not like it.
I've seen the trailer and Hera is not on the Ghost, the window doesn't match, but there is a shot of Ahsoka on the Ghost, or at least another ship with a round cockpit window similar to the Ghost's.
Funny you should say that since the Silver Angel has almost the exact same cockpit interior as the Ghost. The asset was originally designed for CW (back when it was Nyx Okami's "Black Ace") and was one of may such assets from the unfinished episodes that got recycled into Rebels (other's include Pintu Son-El becoming the mining guild foreman, the Kessel spice mine showing up in the premier, and of course the ruins of Fort Anaxes.)
So it could be either . . . but with Hera and Chopper in the mix anyway, the Ghost seems like a more solid bet.
That IGN article is just a description of shots from the trailer, so if they're identifying the location in which we see a reverse shot of Hera as the bridge of the Ghost, I don't see any reason (having seen the trailer myself) to discount that information.
How are there shots from the trailer if they've been in production for a couple of weeks so far?

Cause, um, from the Sabine shot, I mistakenly thought there was a trailer shown at Celebrations, wondered if we would get one this week, then when searching for it discovered – along with an allegedly leaked trailer which I did not watch – that they had only began production?
How are there shots from the trailer if they've been in production for a couple of weeks so far?

Cause, um, from the Sabine shot, I mistakenly thought there was a trailer shown at Celebrations, wondered if we would get one this week, then when searching for it discovered – along with an allegedly leaked trailer which I did not watch – that they had only began production?
It's being shot in the volume, same as BoBF & Mando. That means everything displayed on the screens are real time renders like a videogame, and then it's all captured in-camera. No vfx post production required for the most part. So yeah I can totally believe they have a number of essentially completed shots just a few weeks into filming.

Due to this new method, a lot of the work that would traditionally be done as part of post production (digital asset creation, scene rigging and lighting, even some animation) are now being frontloaded into the pre-production phase.
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Well just like SNW shots through ship windows are using the volume tech so hyperspace swirl now can be used as reflections.