Survivor 20:Hero's vs Villians, live comentary

I like how coach from his heart, through tears cries to the other player trying to comfort him the he (coach) is the only one in the game who is honest, hardworking and has honor. .

Couch's "honor" is all in his head. He has a very selective memory of how things play out.

Look at last week. He pompously vows to defend Randy with his last breath, invoking Martin Luther King no less, then meekly goes along with the plan to oust Randy. And then insists that he has NEVER compromised.

He lives in a world of his own . . . .
So I'm guessing the HII thing I mentioned earlier was that you weren't allowed to look for it until your side got a clue OR the producers told them "We're not placing HII in the camp until a certain date." because I really can't see how Russell wouldn't have been looking for it from Day 1.

He has. Several people have mentioned that he was often gone for hours at a time, and I think Courtney even called him "little guy who lives in the woods" or something. :lol:

Wow I didn't pick up on that. That explains why Rob called him a hobbit on crack... I guess since he hasn't found it that the producers didn't show any footage of him searching.

On the other hand:


Oh man.. Amber all oiled up like that.. sweet.. :>)) Only wish Parvati was oiled up as well. :>((
Amber? :vulcan:

I assume you and I are on the same page with pic #2 :techman:

Amanda, not Amber.
Oh that pic is sooooo hot of Amanda. You can't believe how dissappointed I was that Parvati wasn't all oiled up!!!!! :>((

Also.. a pic of Danielle and her rather large flotation devices would be nice as well if someone has one. :>))
It's bizarre that the villians got rid of Randy. He's not the weakest. Sandra is the weakest and she's a million dollar winner. I guess her social game is much better than Randy's though.

She has better boobies than Randy.

This is really turning into a "who can I flirt with and save my ass" season.

She probably does but....

I really don't think Sandra is the flirting type nor do I think she gets flirted with very much.
The episode is just starting. Let's see if Boston Rob can once again win an immunity challenge for the villains.
So, James is hurt and the villains win a reward challenge...Rupert throws Jerri against a pole (by accident)...

Interesting bit of business: Boston Rob and Tom have a hand-shake hug after the reward challenge. It will/would be interesting to see how those two deal with each other in a merge.


So...five seconds after Russell shows Coach the idol...Coach, the guy who is practically in love with Boston Rob and always talks about alliances of the strong, is practically watering at the mouth over the opportunity to vote out Rob.... Nice... :rolleyes:
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The villains manage to catch up on the heroes in another puzzle part of an immunity challenge...Rob, of course, provides the final leadership. :cool:


Ah, crap. Tom got voted out. Well, I guess that will make things easier on Rob post-Merge (assuming he can avoid losing due to Russell's idol), and the villains get to benefit from hobbled James for a little longer.
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James should get the Survivor with the worst luck award, maybe a used Pontiac Aztec.

on the game three seasons -
first - gets voted out with TWO immunity idols in his pocket
Second - medically removed for a finger infection (talk about an Achilles' heel)
Now - hobbling around with leg in a brace.

I will say it was smart strategy to keep him in the challenge as the director. They can sit him when it is apparent his injury will interfere (running, jumping, swimming).
^to be fair, getting voted out with the immunity idol was stupid, and his fault, hardly bad luck.

I'm still with Russell. I think in a battle of wits, Rob will certainly be outmatched. I'm curious to see if next episode is actually the showdown that they keep hyping! The villains would have to actually lose for that to come to fruition, though :lol:
James should get the Survivor with the worst luck award, maybe a used Pontiac Aztec.

on the game three seasons -
first - gets voted out with TWO immunity idols in his pocket
Second - medically removed for a finger infection (talk about an Achilles' heel)
Now - hobbling around with leg in a brace.

I will say it was smart strategy to keep him in the challenge as the director. They can sit him when it is apparent his injury will interfere (running, jumping, swimming).

The first one in your list wasn't luck it was sheer stupidity.
I'm still with Russell. I think in a battle of wits, Rob will certainly be outmatched. I'm curious to see if next episode is actually the showdown that they keep hyping! The villains would have to actually lose for that to come to fruition, though :lol:
For some reason, the more the showdown is hyped, the more I suspect that the two of them will join forces instead.

I'm finding it hard to like most of the members of the Hero's tribe. It seems like many of them are trying too hard to change their strategy and they often comes off looking snarky. I guess it's easier for the Villians- they kind of know what to expect out of one another and aren't trying to change their game as much.
I have rarely seen such idiocy from a tribe as the Heroes have demonstrated this season. Wow. I wouldn't be surprised if they lose every challenge from here till the merge. And with the choices they're making, they deserve to.
I wanna thank Amanda Kimmel and the producers of Survivor for putting her sweet ass in the shot as much as possible.
I wanna thank Amanda Kimmel and the producers of Survivor for putting her sweet ass in the shot as much as possible.

My biggest complaint of the season so far is that we didn't get to see Parvati oiled up for that earlier challenge!!

And Amanda's ass is sweet to look at. :>) And her boobs. :>)) and.. lol
I will say it was smart strategy to keep him in the challenge as the director. They can sit him when it is apparent his injury will interfere (running, jumping, swimming).

Jeff has said in his blog that the whole "can't sit out back-to-back challenges" thing resets with every episode, so playing or not playing James in that challenge really has no effect at all on the next episode's challenges.
They probably won't be able to sit out James because the Villains will have a numbers advantage over the Heroes for awhile.
This season has got me interested in Survivor once again - I haven't watched since season 2 I think, the one where COlby lost in the final.

Some great characters, not to mention some nice eye candy. Can't believe the Heroes didn't vote out James, but I was definitely glad to see Cirie go. Can't wait to see the Villans start tearing themselves apart, you know it's going to happen.

And that Rupert guy is an ass, glad I'm not the only one that thinks so. :techman: