Survivor 20:Hero's vs Villians, live comentary

Was that even a real quote? My guess was that he completely made that up.

He was close, not 100% but it was a pretty close paraphrase of it.

The Actual MLK quote:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

What coach said:

The greatest measure of a man is not in the way he handles times of comfort, but in the way he rises with controversy and challenge.
It's bizarre that the villians got rid of Randy. He's not the weakest. Sandra is the weakest and she's a million dollar winner. I guess her social game is much better than Randy's though.

She has better boobies than Randy.

This is really turning into a "who can I flirt with and save my ass" season.
Was that even a real quote? My guess was that he completely made that up.

He was close, not 100% but it was a pretty close paraphrase of it.

The Actual MLK quote:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

What coach said:

The greatest measure of a man is not in the way he handles times of comfort, but in the way he rises with controversy and challenge.

Hehe, I'm impressed.
Man I am so sick of Parvati. I consider her one of the most undeserving winners of the show. Her and Amanda are the two I dislike the most this season. They are useless. People keep saying they are so strategic and smart but I couldn't disagree more. Flaunting your body is not a strategy, it is just being slutty. It's sad to me that people reward that on the show. I feel the same way about male players like Tom or Colby who just use their strength to get by. Your physical abilities should not define a successful survivor, it is the mental abilities that are really impressive. This is why I hope the villians do well...they clearly have the heroes beat on any mental challenge or strategy. Except Cirie and maybe JT, who in my mind belong on the villains tribe. I hope Parvati goes next. She is so irritating and self-centered.
Man I am so sick of Parvati. I consider her one of the most undeserving winners of the show. Her and Amanda are the two I dislike the most this season. They are useless. People keep saying they are so strategic and smart but I couldn't disagree more. Flaunting your body is not a strategy, it is just being slutty. It's sad to me that people reward that on the show. I feel the same way about male players like Tom or Colby who just use their strength to get by. Your physical abilities should not define a successful survivor, it is the mental abilities that are really impressive. This is why I hope the villians do well...they clearly have the heroes beat on any mental challenge or strategy. Except Cirie and maybe JT, who in my mind belong on the villains tribe. I hope Parvati goes next. She is so irritating and self-centered.

What a complete and total crock. The goal is to win and if Parvati is smart enough to manipulate people in that manner and people are dumb enough to fall for it she should be rewarded. She's NOT a coat tail hanger like Natalie was last season with Russell. She actively manipulates people and gets them to do what SHE wants for her purposes and then cuts their throat when the time is right. She doesn't get led around by the nose.. she does the leading.

I root for a Russell, Parvati and Amanda final three. I'd be happy if any of those three won.
Rob once again wins an immunity challenge for the villains. Russell signs his death warrant.

Tom and Colby pull off a coup and get rid of Cirie (quite possibly the biggest non-Boston Rob threat).

All and all, this worked out very well for my favorite two players (Tom and Rob).
Damn. :(

Cirie is one of my all-time favourites, and one who I feel deserves to have won the game by now.

Bahahah to the Tyson telling Coach how people perceive him at the start. And wow, Jeff is really a lot more invasive/bullying this season than I've ever seen him.
Can't believe how clumbsy Russel was with the HI.

Rob: "We found a clue for the HI! Anyone who finds it we vote them off to force it into play."

Russel: "Ummm.... I'm going for a walk."
Russell is one big mass of ego, and his ego is wrapped around the idea that he's a hidden immunity idol magnet.

Congratulations, Russell. You just got yourself a one-way ticket to loser island (not that you were a big contender this season, anyway).
Oh man.. Amber all oiled up like that.. sweet.. :>)) Only wish Parvati was oiled up as well. :>((
Man, these girls are bony.

Is that attractive?
Depends on how much of a blanket statement that is...

For instance:


On the other hand:


Oh man.. Amber all oiled up like that.. sweet.. :>)) Only wish Parvati was oiled up as well. :>((
Amber? :vulcan:

I assume you and I are on the same page with pic #2 :techman:
Cirie. :( *sniff*

I hope Russell manages to save his skin, otherwise this season could really suck despite the promising start.
I like how coach from his heart, through tears cries to the other player trying to comfort him the he (coach) is the only one in the game who is honest, hardworking and has honor. If I was Tyson , I'd go back to the tribe and tell them that Coach just said they don't have the balls to vote him out.

Oh and my wife said the players should always be required to oil up. Her jaw went slack and made me feel wholly inadequate when she saw the shiny James.
James puts the Old Spice "look at me" guy to shame so don't feel too bad ;)

So I'm guessing the HII thing I mentioned earlier was that you weren't allowed to look for it until your side got a clue OR the producers told them "We're not placing HII in the camp until a certain date." because I really can't see how Russell wouldn't have been looking for it from Day 1.

Looks like they're better hidden then in Samoa though because even with the clue he wasn't finding it. Still was ultimately stupid "Oh i'm... Yea I'm going to go take a walk just a little bit after hearing the clue... :whistle:"

Dude you don't have Jedi Mind Trick ability to cloud the minds of everyone else.

As I said from the start I thought Russell would be one of the first players eliminated from the villains tribe mainly because of how he operates and being placed with the villains a lot of whom played manipulation games and would recognize him for what he is OR see him as a threat simply because they don't know how he played the game because Samoa wouldn't air on TV until after they finished filming this H vs V show.

If you look at all the previews for Survivor the only times you hear Russell talking with A LOT of bravado and trash talk is in clips from the show. Where as when you saw the contestants doing pre-air interviews with different web sites or magazines Russell wasn't doing too much trash talk. Which I think points to him not going far in the game.
I also think his demeanor and actions at the Samoa Survivor finale indicated he probably didn't do too well in H vs V.
So I'm guessing the HII thing I mentioned earlier was that you weren't allowed to look for it until your side got a clue OR the producers told them "We're not placing HII in the camp until a certain date." because I really can't see how Russell wouldn't have been looking for it from Day 1.

He has. Several people have mentioned that he was often gone for hours at a time, and I think Courtney even called him "little guy who lives in the woods" or something. :lol: