Survivor 20:Hero's vs Villians, live comentary

Reading Probst blog and that collapse Boston Rob had was real and it took him a while to recover. He was not the only one to get it, numerous crew caught it to. I was suspicious as well but seems it was legit.
I really think James was out of line. Steph is a great player, what a joke to act like it was her fault that she ended up the last player on her old tribe. Its more probable that she made it to the end because she is an intense player and didn't act like a dick towards the others. Its suicide to allow your best players to be removed from the game this early on. They are going to continue to get slaughtered in the challenges.

Makes me laugh that they remove a sheer force like Steph out of the game but keep an out of shape back stabber like Cirie in lmao..


What a shame to lose someone this hot for no reason at all..I can't wait for James to be voted out.
I never really cared much for Stephenie so I can't say it bothers me too much that she's gone. I don't know if I agree with James' reasoning at tribal council but I do think that he was right after the challenge. They all should have shut up and listened to JT. However, I'm sure no one appreciated the way James conveyed his frustration.

I can't believe how bad the Heroes are at puzzles. It's sad.
I used to like James. Man, now *he* is the one I hate the most -- even more than I hate Russell.
I never really cared much for Stephenie so I can't say it bothers me too much that she's gone. I don't know if I agree with James' reasoning at tribal council but I do think that he was right after the challenge. They all should have shut up and listened to JT. However, I'm sure no one appreciated the way James conveyed his frustration.

I can't believe how bad the Heroes are at puzzles. It's sad.

Stephenie has always played this game in a very whiny fashion. I would have preferred to see Bobby Jon in this. He seems to have handled his stardom better than Stephenie.

I just find it horrible that two of my favorite players, Tom and Colby, had to ruin their game by helping out Steph. But at least they did it for the reason I love them: they are honorable men.
And we're back...

Coach looks like a vampire at night...I keep expecting him to start talking like Dracula...
And the next person voted out of Survivor is....


He also happened to vote for Rob (as it sounded like Rob may have had something to do with getting rid of Randy rather than Parvati). Meanwhile, Russell decides to hide the machete (because he is an "agent of chaos!" ala Butters from South Park).

The preview indicates that there will in fact be a hidden immunity idol. I guess that means there were rules against looking before a clue...? Also, it looks like Rob is smart enough to know that Russell needs to go home...
I'm really starting to lose interest in this season.

I can remember the days when Survivor started. It did actually matter if you didn't do things around camp (I believe Nick from Australia got voted off for that reason, besides being in the minority)

Now it's become "Can we find a girl with bigger breasts than the girls from last season?" Or "Let's find someone so weird or so distant from real life a la Coach that viewers will tune in to watch them make asses of themselves!" Even Probst has changed. He knows he's raking in the money and does nothing but instigate problems for ratings.

I know ratings are the only thing that matters on television these days, but Survivor jumped the shark a long time ago.
I'm really starting to lose interest in this season.

I can remember the days when Survivor started. It did actually matter if you didn't do things around camp (I believe Nick from Australia got voted off for that reason, besides being in the minority)

Now it's become "Can we find a girl with bigger breasts than the girls from last season?" Or "Let's find someone so weird or so distant from real life a la Coach that viewers will tune in to watch them make asses of themselves!" Even Probst has changed. He knows he's raking in the money and does nothing but instigate problems for ratings.

I know ratings are the only thing that matters on television these days, but Survivor jumped the shark a long time ago.

I really miss the way it used to be before when the first phase of the game was doing things to overcome the hardship of being out there and the second phase was playing the game of Survivor. Now they just skip the first phase and go straight to phase two.

If you go to CBS's Survivor website, there is a section of videos called "secret scenes" where in one of them, Colby talks about the evolution of the game and how different it is now then when he played before. The videos on the website are kinda nice because they have stuff on there I thought was interesting like in the old days but omit now because it won't make the cut on today's television. :rolleyes:

It's bizarre that the villians got rid of Randy. He's not the weakest. Sandra is the weakest and she's a million dollar winner. I guess her social game is much better than Randy's though.

The Russell vs The Rob Father is interesting, but they both need to get back on the clock and realize that Parvati is really running that show. A smile, a giggle and a terrific ass can get you far in the game. :lol:
This was a tough call (Randy vs. Parvati). Parvati is obviously the bigger long-term threat, but she also represents a target who will keep everybody busy. One distracting contestant can be a huge advantage when you're trying to work a strategy behind-the-scenes. She has clearly gotten under-the-skin of the females on the villains tribe, so anybody can always use the "let's get rid of Parvati" card to stay in the game a little longer.

Randy, on the other hand, is probably the weaker player for challenges, so it does make sense to get rid of him early. Their chances improve dramatically each time they remove a player from the Heroes tribe, and, given the concept of the show (and how many players are still in this game), it's a long way until the merge.

Edit: I also think there's an unsaid belief that it's better to keep around the previous millionaire winners (as they're less likely to win a jury vote).
This was a tough call (Randy vs. Parvati). Parvati is obviously the bigger long-term threat, but she also represents a target who will keep everybody busy. One distracting contestant can be a huge advantage when you're trying to work a strategy behind-the-scenes. She has clearly gotten under-the-skin of the females on the villains tribe, so anybody can always use the "let's get rid of Parvati" card to stay in the game a little longer.

Randy, on the other hand, is probably the weaker player for challenges, so it does make sense to get rid of him early. Their chances improve dramatically each time they remove a player from the Heroes tribe, and, given the concept of the show (and how many players are still in this game), it's a long way until the merge.

Yeah see, I just don't think Randy was as weak as people perceived. In fact, even going back to his season, Randy usually does very well in challenges. There were other people on the villains tribe that are weaker than Randy (Courtney, Sandra) so I don't buy that it was a major determining factor.
I'm pretty much ready to give up on this show - I used to watch it religiously, until Russel showed up last time; gave up after the premiere. Can't stand that guy! And this one is pretty much just a dogfight, so far - that's not why I started watching the show.

Doesn't help they blurred out Sugar's boobs, either ... ;); that would've been something to keep me around. No, we'd rather entertain people by breaking people's toes and dislocating their shoulders. Sorry, CBS - ya lost me.

I seriously doubt that Russell will last very long.

As for tonight's ep, I am glad Sugar is gone, she is hardly a hero.

Also, I have no interest in seeing another female chase Colby. Hopefully Jerry will be voted off, or married to Coach, before the merge so that we don't see a second act of her "Colby Lust".

I hope Russell goes all the way.:techman:
Oh as usual, last week's promo was completely blown out of proportion. I didn't see any supposed melt down by James. He was emotional over the win but that was about it. Should have known. :rolleyes: