Surely something good happened to you today

easier said than done as I'd filled that hole with silicone caulk
Yep, silicone clings worse than any toddler. My janitor gave me the tip to use acrylic sealant instead. That's really awesome stuff. It has the same sealing qualities as silicone, is just as watertight but you can easily remove it by simply cutting and pulling it out. I can wholeheartedly recommend it =)

good things today: while I still haven't gone on with the quilt, I managed to do almost everything else on my to-do-list. Plus: it's a lovely fall day, sunny but pleasantly cool. It's shopping sunday (shops are usually closed on Sunday but on a maximum of 4 sundays per year that ban is lifted) so that I might go on a short shopping expedition later. I urgently need a new belt as even my tightest trousers are slipping now =) I lost 13 kg/ 29 lbs within a year.
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Just tried things out tonight via composite to hdmi adapter via my Wii U and it worked. Only switched out the adapters USB cable with the one that came with the Wii U since it was a better cable and used some store bought HDMI cables and some composite ones and was pleasantly surprised. Both sound and picture were good. So onto getting the Switch. Planning on moving onto a better one in the future (av to hdmi box wise), but this one works ok for the time being.
^ You can't always roll a one - sooner or later a six must turn up :)

I had a very sudden and unexpected turn [most literally!] of luck today: saw my orthopedist because of my dislocated rib. As I was the last patient before lunch break he walked me out and tripped over his 2 year old grandson who was playing in the anteroom. I grabbed the doc by the arm and while twisting my body pulled so as to prevent him from falling on top of the child. There was a loud crack and my rib was back in place ROTF!
Luckily, neither the doc nor the toddler were injured.
I say to myself, almost on a minutely-basis, "Please, something go right."

As promised, the developer delivered the script that I'd meant to purchase on Sunday. Thankfully Sunday night in Russia is Sunday morning here in the States.
I had a very sudden and unexpected turn [most literally!] of luck today: saw my orthopedist because of my dislocated rib. As I was the last patient before lunch break he walked me out and tripped over his 2 year old grandson who was playing in the anteroom. I grabbed the doc by the arm and while twisting my body pulled so as to prevent him from falling on top of the child. There was a loud crack and my rib was back in place ROTF!
Luckily, neither the doc nor the toddler were injured
Bloody ‘ell.
Outwardly, I am the picture of serenity. Inwardly, I have all the composure and dignity of Donald Duck. That said, after today’s Godly trials, I have all the excuse I need to buy and consume a bottle of wine, so there’s that.