Surely something good happened to you today

My mom got sick over the weekend, and it really kicked her ass, she was miserable and barely got out of bed on Friday and Saturday. I tried as best I could to keep my distance, but we live in a small house, so it was pretty much inevitable I was going to get sick. It hit me today, but not anywhere near as hard as my mom. I woke up with a little bit of a sore throught, and got a small headache, and felt just a little off this morning, but that was it. By this afternoon, I was back to pretty much 100%.
As usual the fans here in Boston have been very nice to me and my fellow Yankee fans. Never been yelled at or harassed or anything like that. I even got another “Good luck tonight!” (without any irony or sarcasm)

Redsox/Yankees may be the greatest rivalry in sports, but it’s also friendly and fun. :techman:

Oh, and the Yankees won the first game of the doubleheader today.. :beer:

Edit: And the second!
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It was a good day today. It was my birthday, and I decided to go out the park where the wild donkeys are, and we saw a ton of them, one group of about 9 out where they usually hang out, and then on the way back to the main part of the park, we saw two laying down together, and another three or four farther off. I this was the most we've ever seen in one trip. After that we finally checked out a vegan restaurant in another part of town that we've been wanting to check out for a few months now. The burger I got was good, nothing amazing, but I liked and we gladly eat it again.
Thanks! And Mother Nature decided to give me a present and now we're getting a thunderstorm with pretty heavy rain, which we've been desperately needing.
It was a good day today. It was my birthday, and I decided to go out the park where the wild donkeys are, and we saw a ton of them, one group of about 9 out where they usually hang out, and then on the way back to the main part of the park, we saw two laying down together, and another three or four farther off. I this was the most we've ever seen in one trip. After that we finally checked out a vegan restaurant in another part of town that we've been wanting to check out for a few months now. The burger I got was good, nothing amazing, but I liked and we gladly eat it again.
Happy Birthday. :beer:
It was a good day today. It was my birthday, and I decided to go out the park where the wild donkeys are, and we saw a ton of them, one group of about 9 out where they usually hang out, and then on the way back to the main part of the park, we saw two laying down together, and another three or four farther off. I this was the most we've ever seen in one trip. After that we finally checked out a vegan restaurant in another part of town that we've been wanting to check out for a few months now. The burger I got was good, nothing amazing, but I liked and we gladly eat it again.

Happy Birthday!

Sounds like you did indeed have a good day.
I forgot to mention this one...

A few days ago, my wife got this dry eraser magnetic board for our fridge. Has each day of the week on the left side, and a wide open spot to write big things on the right side. A reminder board for us for things that need to be done. (By 'us' I mean me because her memory is better in that regard. So I am fully acknowledging she got this because I need the reminders. :biggrin:)

Anyway, she basically has permanently written on the bottom section of the right side the following:


She is not really a fan of Klingons (she says they are 'ridiculous, over the top caricatures'), but she knows I really love how they have such a zest for life and live every moment to the fullest and give their all in absolutely every aspect of their lives.

Her adding such a Klingon philosophy to the daily fridge list... always puts a smile on my face. And it does help me keep a Qapla' attitude!
Met the current owners of the house I'm buying, they're moving to a different country and don't want to bring anything big with them so we went over what they're leaving to see what all I want. They're going to figure out prices and send them to me. Be nice if it works out, save me a lot of shopping/dealing with delivery.
I forgot to mention this one...

A few days ago, my wife got this dry eraser magnetic board for our fridge. Has each day of the week on the left side, and a wide open spot to write big things on the right side. A reminder board for us for things that need to be done. (By 'us' I mean me because her memory is better in that regard. So I am fully acknowledging she got this because I need the reminders. :biggrin:)

Anyway, she basically has permanently written on the bottom section of the right side the following:


She is not really a fan of Klingons (she says they are 'ridiculous, over the top caricatures'), but she knows I really love how they have such a zest for life and live every moment to the fullest and give their all in absolutely every aspect of their lives.

Her adding such a Klingon philosophy to the daily fridge list... always puts a smile on my face. And it does help me keep a Qapla' attitude!

I finally saw my first rattlesnake yesterday! We've lived in Arizona for 20+ years, and in all that time I'd never seen one until another cyclist stopped me from running one over at the trailhead of the trail I ride my bike on.
The only other native AZ animal that I want to see that I still haven't come across yet is a javelina.
We did have a black widow living in the box where our water meter is, but I was to scared to even go look at it.