Surely something good happened to you today

I think I know that episode. Was that where a guy was working with alternate versions of himself to track down a murderer version of himself?
I think I know that episode. Was that where a guy was working with alternate versions of himself to track down a murderer version of himself?


The main character (Mason Stark) has just been fired from his job. In the privacy of his office he pulls out a gun and considers killing either himself or his coworkers. But before he can do either he's pulled into a parallel universe filled with hundreds of copies of himself. His counterpart native to that universe is the CEO of the company.

The CEO version ("Stark") had pulled hundreds of his counterparts out of their universes and was studying them to see which one was happiest - one he could replace. That was "Mace", the killer. (In his own universe Mace made the choice to burst out of his office and murder all of his coworkers.)

Then a fight breaks out between all three of them. "Mace" is sent to the original Mason's universe, where he commits suicide in his office. "Stark" is sent to Mace's universe, and is killed by the police who think he is Mace. In Stark's home universe, original Mason takes his counterpart's place as the CEO of the company.

Identical twin actors (Mitchell and Matthew Laurance) played the various versions of him. Mitch was the original, Matt was "Mace" and "Stark".
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We got Apple TV free for a month by ordering Pizza Hut. (No idea gow this was accomplished, but grateful.)

I just watched the FOUNDATION pilot, and I will be binging this series.

Along with FOR ALL MANKIND, when I finish FOUNDATION.
If you like post-apocalyptic stuff, I would recommend checking See too, if you get the chance.
House inspection passed, unlike last time. I'm a home owner again
One of the ladies I visit at the horseback riding club during my bike rides, actually left me in charge of horse for a couple minutes while she went to deal with another horse that she takes care of. I thought it was kind of cool that she trusted me enough to leave him with me. He was just wandering around grazing, so I didn't have to do too much, but it was still pretty cool.
I cut my own hair all the time. Ideally every second day but I often end up too tired for that. Only about 10% of the time does it end with me hemorrhaging blood.
I cut my own hair all the time. Ideally every second day but I often end up too tired for that. Only about 10% of the time does it end with me hemorrhaging blood.
This was the first time I’d done more than my bangs in a long time. My dad evened up the back for me, but he reacted when I told him what I’d done. See, the last time I did more than my bangs was when I was seven years old and was trying to get back to school after a week dealing with head lice. My mom said we’d talk about cutting my hair after she got off the phone. Roughly an hour or so later, Mom got off the phone and I came to her with a ball of hair. I’ll allow the emojis to show her reaction…
:crazy::censored::crazy::censored::scream::scream::scream::censored::cardie::cardie::cardie::censored::censored::wtf::wtf::wtf::klingon::klingon::klingon:, and later…:):biggrin::lol::rommie::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
"I find it suspicious that only one company makes the game Monopoly." - Steven Wright :D

I cut my own hair and it isn’t a disaster!

It would have been if I tried to cut mine... :eek:

It's one of the reasons I shave my head. When I had hair, no matter how it was cut, I looked like Invasion of the Dork Patrol. Now I just look like Ming the Merciless, which is kind of a step up. :lol:

And strangely enough I rarely cut myself shaving (even on the back of the head which I can't see).