Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

Can anyone screengrab this thing or post a region free link? I can't seem to find anything for those outside the U.S.
did the ready room get bigger?
Not sure, but that's a lovely shot of the Phoenix on the screen.
Yeah, both etched ship displays from Season 1 have been replaced with screens, so they can cycle between different ships.
I heard that. Will be curious to see what they put up on the screens. There's the ones we all suspect, the Phoenix, NX-01, A Daedalus class, etc. But, what about some ones that we don't expect? Ring Ship? Romulan War era ships? The Franklin?
I wonder if Pike will be called to testify and if he does. he's probably going to be like "I don't care about what species she is. she's been a trusted friend and best first officer i have had. so screw this trial."
I heard that. Will be curious to see what they put up on the screens. There's the ones we all suspect, the Phoenix, NX-01, A Daedalus class, etc. But, what about some ones that we don't expect? Ring Ship? Romulan War era ships? The Franklin?

I wonder if Pike will be called to testify and if he does. he's probably going to be like "I don't care about what species she is. she's been a trusted friend and best first officer i have had. so screw this trial."
Probably the end of his relationship with Captain Baetel.
Once again, Starfleet picking officers for legal proceedings that have no business being there. The prosecutor is in a relationship with the accused Commanding officer! There are Jag officers whose job this actually is. Plus Patel is a Starship Captain, does she even have legal training? I know, rule of drama trumps all.
I was debating if I wanted to watch that clip considering it was the cliffhanger to Season 1, but I did and now I'm looking even more forward to the season. I love when Trek does the trial type shows (I'm not sure if it's well regarded, but one of my favorite underrated episodes of DS9, despite Jammer's bad review on it, was Rules of Engagement) and I'm excited to see how this one plays out. I also do like the dress uniforms and they rung the bell like the admiral rung the bell in The First Duty. It's those little touches that I appreciate.
I like the dress uniform callbacks to TOS because of course I do. :lol:

"What was she hiding?" and then the credits. You know that Spock's about to deliver a smack between the eyes to the people who've put Una on trial, right?
"She likes to sing, and that she is in fact, the model of a modern major general."

Because Spock is nothing if not a smart ass. A very straight laced, dry witted smart ass.