Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

That’s the thing. They act like they know they are in a trek show. It’s a meta parody.

It is occasionally slightly meta, such as when Boimler says that he refers to the era of Kirk and Spock as "the TOS era - TOS for 'Those Old Scientists.'" But it's not a parody. A parody is where the meta element is saying to the audience, "The original program is dumb/bad because X." Lower Decks never says that to its audience. What Lower Decks's meta elements (such as referring to the 2250s and 2260s as the TOS era) says to the audience is, "Dang, Star Trek is awesome, isn't it?"

It would make more sense if the show was a holo program that cadets could watch rather than events “actually” taking place in the trek universe.

I mean, it sounds to me like you just don't think a sitcom is appropriate for the Star Trek Universe. Which is a legitimate opinion! I don't agree with it, but it's a legitimate stance to take. But that doesn't make Lower Decks a mockery rather than a loving tribute.

Or paramount just decided to copy the MCU.

In what way? None of the characters in the Kurtzman shows are superheroes.

Kurtzman tried his Dark Universe (which failed) so he tried to make a Star Trek Universe.

I hate to tell you this, but production on Star Trek: Discovery was already underway before The Mummy was released. And Paramount was always going to want to make more ST shows if DIS was successful.

Just keep pumping out content so people will stay subscribed.

Well, it is certainly true that there is a financial incentive to produce television programs for streaming. But that was true when Star Trek was being produced for syndication and network television, too.

I like comedy in Trek. When it’s laughing with the characters instead of mocking the Star Trek brand.

Lower Decks does exactly that.
That’s the thing. They act like they know they are in a trek show. It’s a meta parody. It would make more sense if the show was a holo program that cadets could watch rather than events “actually” taking place in the trek universe.

Actually, I think it's doing something that Star Trek has sorely lacked for a long time: Remembering that contemporary pop culture can and should exist. It's refreshing to see characters referencing their own cultural history rather than constantly referring back to centuries old pop culture.

Or paramount just decided to copy the MCU. Kurtzman tried his Dark Universe (which failed) so he tried to make a Star Trek Universe. Just keep pumping out content so people will stay subscribed.

Star Trek is the original shared cinematic universe. Kurtzman didn't create one, he expanded on the one that already had existed for decades.
It is occasionally slightly meta, such as when Boimler says that he refers to the era of Kirk and Spock as "the TOS era - TOS for 'Those Old Scientists.'" But it's not a parody. A parody is where the meta element is saying to the audience, "The original program is dumb/bad because X." Lower Decks never says that to its audience. What Lower Decks's meta elements (such as referring to the 2250s and 2260s as the TOS era) says to the audience is, "Dang, Star Trek is awesome, isn't it?"
That was Ransom, not to nitpick, but yes it was a hilarious bit of meta humor that acknowledged these are completely different eras. Which Voyager did the same damn thing, just not as funny.
No. 1966-2005 from 2009 to present. Totally different tones
TOS had totally different tones all the time. It was a variety platform.

People don't have to like it all. It's still Star Trek.
Edit: Ninja'd
DS9 had a significantly different tone than TOS. Different than TNG, even. That doesn't mean it wasn't Trek, just different Trek.
Awful convenient.
Not convenient, but truth in that you're incorrect. Gatekeeping in this instance is when someone dictates what they feel is or is not Star Trek, talk standoffish to people as if they don't have a right to like Star Trek, in general have a close-mindedness about what it is and that no one else is allowed to have an opinion on it or like it because it's theirs.
Whedon trek.
I don't know what that means.

I just take Trek as it comes. If I don't like it (TNG, VOY, ENT) I ignore it. If I do, I work with it.

That's me. I don't feel the need to hate all of it just because one part doesn't "feel like Trek." I hate horror but TOS had a lot more in it than I remembered so I accept horror in my Trek (begrudgingly).