No. It’s a sensor beam or something that pulses from the Enterprise. It’s been there since season 1.YO IS THAT A WARP RING?
Clearly it's photic sonar.No. It’s a sensor beam or something that pulses from the Enterprise. It’s been there since season 1.
I've been meaning to say so.I like Uhura’s new hairstyle.
She looks great. But then, she always has done.
Nice to see styles getting switched up though.
Just as long as they never give Spock a beard again.
Why not? People grow beards and I don’t feel having one impacts the character?
Mostly for aesthetic reasons. Just not a fan of the look,except for him in the mirror universe of course. If their was one character in Trek who never rocked a beard but could have IMO it would be Geordi. I wish they had let him do it, beyond that one time they did because he wanted one for his wedding.
Seriously, it’s like Grizzly Adams decided to take a break from the wilderness and hit the dance floor. And hey, he even brought the headpiece to the staff of Ra as a fashion accessory. Because why not?How dare you?
"Mister Worf, lay down the groove."
How dare you?
"Mister Worf, lay down the groove."
Took me too long to get that.Step aside Dr Culber. This was Trek's first real, Disco Doctor.
How about Spock's discarded caveman look instead?Not Prince Valiant Spock?
Are they doing pickup shoots, or is this just stuff from when S3 production was still doing principal photography? (Assuming they mentioned anything when posting these.)Posted today.