Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

They slapped any old shit on the OG Stargazer. It was 2 Enterprise-A kits and whatever the hell else was in the shop, IIRC.

Just like all those kitbash jobs from Wolf 359, the Qualor II depot, the Centaur, unlimited rice pudding, etc, etc.

And then when they do a show with amazing CGI ability, they end up rushing it and use 3 variants of the same ship (I'm looking at you Picard S1E10 :shifty:)
Just like all those kitbash jobs from Wolf 359, the Qualor II depot, the Centaur, unlimited rice pudding, etc, etc.

And then when they do a show with amazing CGI ability, they end up rushing it and use 3 variants of the same ship (I'm looking at you Picard S1E10 :shifty:)
Cgi still takes time. Last episode was a last minute change.
Just like all those kitbash jobs from Wolf 359, the Qualor II depot, the Centaur, unlimited rice pudding, etc, etc.



It always annoyed me when kitbashed ships were greeblied up the wazoo for no good reason. I assume the real world reason for this was to hide flaws in the hastily assembled and low-budget physical models, but one of the key features of Starfleet ships, to my mind, is that they have these wonderfully smooth curvilinear hull shapes and streamlined geometries. The Constellation-class and the Centaur in particular just don't need it, their basic designs are fine without all the crap glued to them. Once I saw that the Constellation had the Constitution refit nacelle pylons glued flat to the top of its saucer I just can't unsee it.
Are there pictures of this?

Yes there are, and I have some of them. Unfortunately I’m away on vacation and can’t access them at the moment. If you Google ‘stargazer model parts,’ you might be able to find them. Many of the underside parts came from various anime model kit parts. On the filming model, Jein made the robot much less noticeable than the yellow desktop model did.
I don't mind a lot of the Frankenfleet designs except where they mingle ship parts from different scales. I do appreciate the effort they made to pare down the Galaxy class saucers to represent smaller primary hulls, but some of the ships ruined that effort with obvious model kit part swapping which looked so wrong with mixed scales