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Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x03 - "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"

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Damn.... how is it that Amazon gets preferential treatment over the service which owns the show?
Last year episodes were showing up so late on Prime I finally went to Paramount and watched them there. This year it seems to be the reverse.
So with the episode down now, maybe people who saw it can answer questions (it was pulled before I got a chance to see it)
Why do the Romulans want to delay the Eugenics Wars? What motivation could they possibly have? Also what timeframe do the Romulans come from? Wouldn't they be more concerned with, say, preventing the synth attack on Mars?
Without the EW, the Federation doesn't exist, it's just Earth and they won't even help the Vulcans against the Romulans.

Kirk was established in his first appearance as matching Spock in skill in tridimensional chess. Presumably he's also very good at the 2D version.
He even says how simple 2D is, but that suite looked expensive.

Last year episodes were showing up so late on Prime I finally went to Paramount and watched them there. This year it seems to be the reverse.
Several PIC episodes showed up on Amazon much earlier than on P+
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I happen to have my P+ service through AmazonPrime and, sure enough, it was there in my 'watch next' cue when I got home from work yesterday afternoon. Watched the episode before Prime discovered their error and pulled it. I'm not going to go into any spoilers, but, while a decent episode, it didn't fully land for me. Was left rather 'meh' after watching. Perhaps a second viewing is needed. Right now, can only go 7/10...
I happen to have my P+ service through AmazonPrime and, sure enough, it was there in my 'watch next' cue when I got home from work yesterday afternoon. Watched the episode before Prime discovered their error and pulled it. I'm not going to go into any spoilers, but, while a decent episode, it didn't fully land for me. Was left rather 'meh' after watching. Perhaps a second viewing is needed. Right now, can only go 7/10...

I just checked Amazon and it was still up there. I'm surprised Paramount+ just didn't put the episode on their app yet because it seems like everyone is already seeing it.
Not showing up on Amazon for me now. The episode is listed, but not playable. I started watching last night, but wasn't able to finish it.
Paramount + is really on my shitlist…….I’m subscribed to them directly since they launched, premium subscription and I don’t get it until Thursday…….Amazon Prime folks getting it early…….not to mention the whole Prodigy BS this week.
I'm not reading any further until I see the gorram episode tomorrow night. ARGH!
Damn.... how is it that Amazon gets preferential treatment over the service which owns the show?
I don't think they do. I'm sure that Paramount plus sends in the episode with instructions not to put it up for release it until a certain date.

The problem probably is the IT people don't bother to read the instructions and just assume if they received it, that means they can immediately release it.
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