Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x03 - "Ghosts of Illyria"

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Why try to over complicate something that could be so simple though?
I'm trying to do the opposite, I'm trying to simplify things and make things more consistent & easily readible.

Perhaps the production staff are just really bad at maths? Maybe someone *really* bad at maths like Elon Musk came up with the star dating idea on a whim? :shrug:
Usually it's not just one person who comes up with a idea. It's a large group of people.
Groups like ISO take a wide array of input and come to a group consensus between experts before standardization.
I'm trying to do the opposite, I'm trying to simplify things and make things more consistent & easily readible.

Usually it's not just one person who comes up with a idea. It's a large group of people.
Groups like ISO take a wide array of input and come to a group consensus between experts before standardization.
Maybe they are all on the pay check of someone with a whim then? :shrug:

I hope that this group is actually made up of scientists and mathematicians though!
The best stardate system I've seen so far in Trek was the one FASA came up with, which was easily convertible to Terran dates. Until the Starflight Chronology dropped a temporal bomb in their calculations. Some Trek timeline sites use the FASA system but convert to Chronology dates to this day.
The best stardate system I've seen so far in Trek was the one FASA came up with, which was easily convertible to Terran dates. Until the Starflight Chronology dropped a temporal bomb in their calculations. Some Trek timeline sites use the FASA system but convert to Chronology dates to this day.

Think you’re mixing things up here. The Spaceflight Chronology’s years matched those in FASA. FASA continued that calendar (with the addition of Reference Stardates based on it) — until onscreen canon definitively showed that the years were different. (That would probably be when TNG established Season One/“The Neutral Zone” as being in 2364. Since at the time they were saying it was 78 years since Kirk’s time and the Kirk movies were then ongoing, that put most of the movies in the 2280s — whereas the Chronology/FASA calendar would have had them in the 2210s through 2220s.)
Well, I know next to nothing about all the back story, canon and integral Star Trek ideas that most of you discuss - so I’m just enjoying the show :)

It’s much better than Discovery and 100x better than Picard. Just an interesting bunch of characters with some Star Trek-y stories and cool visuals.

I’m happy :)
Knowing this show, her haircut is part of her backstory.
Oh, so her dark secret is going to explain the hair?

I have been battling with the inconsistencies of Stardates a lot in my head recently. I just can’t find an overarching pattern, consistency or actual any sense to them. I wish that this could all have been finalised and worked out properly by the production staff over the years as it is all quite frustrating.
What do you think of the system I suggested? Years of 333 days of 3 stardates (shifts) of 10 hours (0.1 SD per hour) each, with a leap day every 3 years. It kind-of fits the franchise so far, except for the 30 hours a day thing. Otherwise you have to make it 24 hours but then the 0.X stardates gets a bit wonky.
What do you think of the system I suggested? Years of 333 days of 3 stardates (shifts) of 10 hours (0.1 SD per hour) each, with a leap day every 3 years. It kind-of fits the franchise so far, except for the 30 hours a day thing. Otherwise you have to make it 24 hours but then the 0.X stardates gets a bit wonky.
Yeah, that works. :bolian:
Rated 7.

Who or what were those storm aliens were never revealed. Neither they had any substantial contribution to the plot. Yes, they saved Pike and Spock, but that entire sequence could have beem removed without impacting the story. I don't like such loose ends which seem to exist just for effect.
I have a feeling where we're rapidly moving to a place where we can safely say: "An average episode of SNW is better than the best episodes of other nu-Trek." At least, that's how I feel about it.

Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But, is there in truth no beauty? :vulcan:

I like the show fine but I admit I prefer Picard and Lower Decks.
Rated 7.

Who or what were those storm aliens were never revealed. Neither they had any substantial contribution to the plot. Yes, they saved Pike and Spock, but that entire sequence could have beem removed without impacting the story. I don't like such loose ends which seem to exist just for effect.
The creatures were the remains of those Illyrians who hadn't "de-engineered" themselves and therefore could adapt to the disease and the storm. The fire effect used to represent them resembled the effect that appeared on Una's skin when her system repelled the disease.
The creatures were the remains of those Illyrians who hadn't "de-engineered" themselves and therefore could adapt to the disease and the storm. The fire effect used to represent them resembled the effect that appeared on Una's skin when her system repelled the disease.

I think they all deengineered themselves. If they hadn't, they would have been fine. They're "ghosts" and would have been what the crew became.
In a way they went in the opposite direction of noncorporeal life-forms like the Organians. They evolved into beings of energy. The Illyrians devolved and lost their bodies by pure accident.
I have that problem with him all the time - does he speak like that in his other movies/shows? He sounds like Picard at the end of that epidemic episode when Data couldn't understand him :D
glad I’m not the only one: I have to go back and turn on subtitles for most of his lines.

I had a similar issue (but not this bad) with Gray in discovery season 3. Interestingly I didn’t in season 4.
So we've all been joking about why Dr. M'Benga gets demoted from CMO before TOS but I have to admit I did not expect we'd be getting the reason (let's be honest, this is probably it) so soon!

Pike's defiance of Starfleet to protect genetically engineered Number One doesn't seem so courageous once you remember he knows the time crystal says he'll still be in Starfleet roughly a decade from now. Even Number One should realize this (and probably did going by her log entry).

Honestly, while I'm loving Dr. M'Benga's character thus far - I really want more spotlight on Nurse Chapel. She has the witty aura, which reminds me of both Dr. Bashir and Dr. McCoy. So if we do see the current CMO's departure before the show concludes, Im hoping that Chapel takes the reigns!