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Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x03 - "Ghosts of Illyria"

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Overriding the actual tv canon apparently since as pointed out on this thread they were aliens in Enterprise. You think they could have at least changed their name.

I think with the Illyrians you can at least write that off as two different aliens having the same name.

I admit I am coming into this discussion without having read all of the prior 14 pages, but if the point of contention is that Una doesn't look like the Illyrians from Enterprise, we actually see an Enterprise-style, forehead-ridged Illyrian in the "Override, override!" scene where Una looks at a roster of genetic modifications. Seems clear they're the same species.

Forgive me if I'm misinterpreting these posts!
Another very enjoyable episode! I even love the classic Trek "Starfleet and risk assessments?!" when dealing with the approaching ion storm.
Starfleet does have a history of waiting until the last possible moment to beam out of a dangerous situation, though. You'd think they'd beam out hours in advance.
Pike has a dark secret, Number One has a dark secret, M'Benga has a dark secret. No wonder in-universe everyone keeps talking about Kirk's tenure on the ship and not Pike's. Pike's entire time is probably classified.
So what? If you're in Star Fleet, it seems whenever a Federation Computer says: "Classified"...If you just reply with "Override"; you get to see/read everything. ;)
What I didn't realize on first view was, La'an must have knocked Chapel out, instead of Chapel just passing out on her own.
I think with the Illyrians you can at least write that off as two different aliens having the same name. I think they did that before with the Tarrelians. I think we had the human looking ones from "Haven" and the ones with 4 arms like the piano playing lady from "Unification."

God, I fucking loved how they couldn't stop giving minor variations of that same name to alien after alien after alien. I mean who could ever confuse...

-- the Tarellian's of "Haven"
-- the Terellian's with four-arms
-- the Terrellian's (Alpha Quadrant) who boxed with young Chakotay
-- the Terrellian's (Delta Quadrant) from "Drive"
-- the Terelian's that were on Vulcan during Tuvok's youth
-- the Tyrellian's name-checked in "Starship Mine"

All completely distinct aliens! Not confusing at all! :biggrin:

I admit I am coming into this discussion without having read all of the prior 14 pages, but if the point of contention is that Una doesn't look like the Illyrians from Enterprise, we actually see an Enterprise-style, forehead-ridged Illyrian in the "Override, override!" scene where Una looks at a roster of genetic modifications. Seems clear they're the same species.

Oh, I missed that. That is some fine detail work actually. I retract my previous nitpicky annoyance about this.
That sickbay is comically large. I thought it was the cargo bay until they said they had to open one up later on.
That sickbay is comically large. I thought it was the cargo bay until they said they had to open one up later on.
Seems like they have a crisis center for when they take in wounded from various planets, or missions. M'Benga seems to imply that it's usually offline.
Starfleet does have a history of waiting until the last possible moment to beam out of a dangerous situation, though. You'd think they'd beam out hours in advance.
Maybe they get paid by the minute on away missions, with their non-currency-currency.

That sickbay is comically large. I thought it was the cargo bay until they said they had to open one up later on.

To be fair, the sickbay is more like what you'd expect on a ship with that many crew, that may have a lot of wounded in an emergency. Voyager - and the later reuse of the set on the even larger Ent-E - took the biscuit. What, 4 or 5 beds for 150-200 crew.
Huh... just noticed this very nice detail here.

I was a bit taken aback at the way the disease issue suddenly resolved itself (by Chapel, no less!) offscreen and suddenly everything was cool, but it did open up the entire end of the episode for character development and touchy-feely stuff.

I mean, TOS never did anything like that. ;)
Did anyone else tense up at M'Benga's bedtime story at the end, where he's talking about a dark object that has the power to conquer the whole storybook land, or whatever?

Felt like foreshadowing for a Discovery-style "all sentient life in the universe" threat! I swear I have PTSD from the relentlessly absurd stakes on the other live action shows. Don't start alluding to big looming galaxy-ending threats in your third episode, SNW! I had such a strong "YOU PROMISED ME EPISODIC! EPISODIC!!!!!" reaction. :bolian::biggrin:
Since this is the thread where everyone is currently yakking, I have a side question:

I've read a couple references indicating that the Talos mission we saw in "The Cage" happens 5 years before this series starts, which itself is 10 years before TOS. Spock is said to have served under Captain Pike for 11 years (there could possibly be a break there at the forward end where he is assigned somewhere other than Enterprise, I guess.)

Is this how it's supposed to be? I was under the impression that maybe the Talos mission was ahead of us, not behind us.
The "genetic engineering is bad kids!" thing came about on DS9 in order to give Bashir a tragic backstory. TNG said nothing negative about it, and portrayed several colonies which augmented themselves genetically.
Several - 2?

Unnatural Selection - they didnt quote the rulebook about the illegality at the Darwin Experiments but they did indeed have some negativity - unless you thought the funeral for the crew of the Lantree was a happy occasion. they were not impressed by the genetically engineered kids

The Masterpiece Society they rendered aid and tried to see if they could get along with the genegineered colonists. i think if theyd gotten along perfectly there wouldnt have been an episode. the only real continuity point is that they didnt have a converation about the illegality, but then again, neither did they embrace the genetic engineering and bring it back with them as if theyd discovered something cool

its not like they have standing orders not to talk to these people and to lecture them at every opportunity about the wrongness. nor are they supposed to attack at first sight, theyre just not allowed to mix it up with them - which they didn't