I loved this one (minority opinion, but for me episode 2 was the weakest, though they've all been great). Honestly, my only disappointment is that when I'd heard there was an "everyone goes crazy" virus episode, I was most intrigued to see how Pike & Spock would play it, and they were removed from that arc entirely.
But, not being the episode I imagined in my head is not an actual flaw, and I loved what we were served instead.
FANTASTIC production value on this show, even by the standards of Live Action Streaming Trek. The Enterprise looks so great and modern, but also like the same ship we know from the 60's -- it is a TRICKY line they are walking, and the manage it beautifully.
And all the stuff on the planet, just gorgeous. Even the planet had such a "modern TOS" vibe to it... I kept being reminded of the locations in "Operation -- Annihilate!"
Una's view of genetic engineering was a striking bit of writing. Instead of terraforming the planet, they're adapting themselves. That's such a clever notion that I can't recall seeing in Trek before.
Among a very strong cast, I continue to particularly adore Jess Bush's interpretation of Chapel. Hope she gets a nice showcase episode this season.