Star Trek: Renegades

I've definitely in my own memories confused bits of Pilgrims with the actual show before (in specific, Apollo remarking on the moon missions that he was remembered, and Kirk reminding him; not as a God.... in my mind... when replaying the scene... its totally Shatner's voice; Uhura's happy ending in Of Gods and Men is heartwarming, and I like the thought of an Enterprise-M Museum ship existing. There hasn't been one episode of STC that isn't in my own personal headcanon. It pains me deeply that Renegades had to file off the serial #s on the Chekov/Uhura swan song, especially knowing in retrospect that things in production would have been good to go.
Honestly haven't seen it yet. It looks a lot better then the last one, but I haven't been really excited for the reboot movies. I am planning on checking it out at either the drive in or the dollar theater near the end of the summer.
While it's awesome to see the original cast memembers back in their familiar roles (or "close enough" in Requiem), unless CBS says so, it's not canon. What fans at large need to get, is that canon does not equal quality and never will.

And hey, when making Wrath of Khan, Nick Meyer supposedly said "The other film doesn't exist" with regard to The Motion Picture. Gene Roddenberry didn't think STV should be canon (or much of TOS, according to some reports.) Brannon Braga included a video apology for "Threshold" in the Voyager DVDs. Yet it's all officially canon. If you want to see something decanonized and buried, try to find an official release of the Star Wars Holiday Special

"We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock."
(That said, I was under the impression it was never officially released, so thanks for the correction.)
So it's pretty much Suicide Squad in Star Trek...ok, I only watched the first 15 minutes, so I won't criticize.
While it's awesome to see the original cast memembers back in their familiar roles (or "close enough" in Requiem), unless CBS says so, it's not canon. What fans at large need to get, is that canon does not equal quality and never will.

And hey, when making Wrath of Khan, Nick Meyer supposedly said "The other film doesn't exist" with regard to The Motion Picture. Gene Roddenberry didn't think STV should be canon (or much of TOS, according to some reports.) Brannon Braga included a video apology for "Threshold" in the Voyager DVDs. Yet it's all officially canon. If you want to see something decanonized and buried, try to find an official release of the Star Wars Holiday Special

To me canon, or rather 'head canon' is a personal thing despite what the officals say :) if you like it and it isn't so glaringly contradictory of the canon then you can count it as events 'that happened' (SPOILER ALERT: it's all fiction. Except TMP. That did happen ;) )
it's all fiction.

It's all subject to change, depending on who is writing it at any given time. Like the disclaimer they used to use in the comics, paraphrased: "This story takes place outside the events of the other books, and is as real as they are, no matter what you guys think."
So it's pretty much Suicide Squad in Star Trek...ok, I only watched the first 15 minutes, so I won't criticize.
I guess that is one way to look at it, but TBH I think the show has too much Starfleet for that to be the case, I never really felt the show wanted to focus on the renegades crew like it pitched itself
Looks really cool. What's up with Tim Russ in this? I thought he lost his Vulcan ears and eyebrows, but he's got them here. I'm guessing he's undercover/surgically altered, and Kovok normally has elf ears (;)) and slanted eyebrows?
Looks really cool. What's up with Tim Russ in this? I thought he lost his Vulcan ears and eyebrows, but he's got them here. I'm guessing he's undercover/surgically altered, and Kovok normally has elf ears (;)) and slanted eyebrows?

I'm confused too about this? Is he two characters or one? Will there be a reshoot?
I'm looking forward to seeing a new Renegades episode I really liked the movie that came out last year.
:rommie:That would be hilarious.
I know of a few fans who got terribly confused by Tuvok's retconning into the events of STVI via "Flashback" and Tim Russ' part on the nearly identical Enterprise-B in Generations.

They should digitally paint pointy ears and arched eyebrows on Tim's Generations character. Make it Tuvok