Star Trek: Renegades



From the makers of Of Gods and Men - TrekWeb exclusively announced this will be directed once again by Tim Russ.

Yes OGAM was a bit rough around the edges and they released it over a year late, however I enjoyed it for the fact that it developed Chekov, Uhura and Harriman plus featured so many past stars. The story wasn't too bad.

I wonder if this will be 23/24th Century? A Titan movie starring Frakes? Voyager reunion? The Captain Worf movie Dorn's on about?

I look forward to learning more on September 8th...
Beyond Russ's involvement, all i can say is there will be some actors that were in STOGAM in this, as well and some new ones. This is not a sequel to STOGAM, but something a but a little different. :)
Yes OGAM was a fan film simply because it was an indie outside of the licence holders, however with so many pro-actors and the three leads reprising their roles it feels like so much more...

It's 24th Century post Voyager! (Or 'Silver Age' as I believe Barbara likes to call it)

From Twitter:

post-Voyager, and yes, more celebs - will be announcing a few more before our big announcement September 12th

How many actors will be reprising roles?

Will be interesting to see what they do about sets. How long after Voyager? A Voyager reunion or actors from multiple shows? The Titan or is Tuvok on another ship? Could this be Dorn's Captain Worf idea? LaForge on the Challenger? It's TNG25 so that may play into things - the good thing is for post-series stories blending TNG, DS9 and VOY can be relatively easy.

The plot thickens!! I'm going nowhere...
I absolutely love Hidden Frontier/Intrepid etc focusing on new characters, however it's always interesting to revisit old favourites.

Apaart from Nimoy's wonderful reappearance in Star Trek 2009, NV and the Titan thing, OGAM is the only thing we've has with Prime actors returning to their parts since Enterprise was cancelled.

This is why I appreciate this project.
Don't know how deep they are into making this thing but it would be nice to see Jeffrey Combs in it, playing a human.
Yes OGAM was a fan film simply because it was an indie outside of the licence holders, however with so many pro-actors and the three leads reprising their roles it feels like so much more...

It's 24th Century post Voyager! (Or 'Silver Age' as I believe Barbara likes to call it)

From Twitter:

post-Voyager, and yes, more celebs - will be announcing a few more before our big announcement September 12th

How many actors will be reprising roles?

Will be interesting to see what they do about sets. How long after Voyager? A Voyager reunion or actors from multiple shows? The Titan or is Tuvok on another ship? Could this be Dorn's Captain Worf idea? LaForge on the Challenger? It's TNG25 so that may play into things - the good thing is for post-series stories blending TNG, DS9 and VOY can be relatively easy.

The plot thickens!! I'm going nowhere...

The Twitter feed is wrong, the announcement is on September 8th not the 12th, yes it is also post Voyager. Like, STOGAM We have some actors from different Trek series that have agreed to be a part of this.
Yes OGAM was a fan film simply because it was an indie outside of the licence holders, however with so many pro-actors and the three leads reprising their roles it feels like so much more...

It's 24th Century post Voyager! (Or 'Silver Age' as I believe Barbara likes to call it)

From Twitter:

post-Voyager, and yes, more celebs - will be announcing a few more before our big announcement September 12th
How many actors will be reprising roles?

Will be interesting to see what they do about sets. How long after Voyager? A Voyager reunion or actors from multiple shows? The Titan or is Tuvok on another ship? Could this be Dorn's Captain Worf idea? LaForge on the Challenger? It's TNG25 so that may play into things - the good thing is for post-series stories blending TNG, DS9 and VOY can be relatively easy.

The plot thickens!! I'm going nowhere...

The Twitter feed is wrong, the announcement is on September 8th not the 12th, yes it is also post Voyager. Like, STOGAM We have some actors from different Trek series that have agreed to be a part of this.

Earlier than later then! ;) Amazing...
Earlier I was looking at pictures from Star Trek: The Experience - such a pity it was all closed down, after OGAM I thought it would be great if a 24th Century film could be shot in Vegas

I think they did do a few shorts there, the actors who worked at the Experience, but there was DS9's Promenade, Quark's Bar and Federation starship interiors all set up and ready!
I had some fond memories at The Experience (R.I.P), still those mock ups would not that great for shooting.
I had some fond memories at The Experience (R.I.P), still those mock ups would not that great for shooting.

Maybe not due to size/lighting etc - obviousy rather than a set they were 360 degree environments. I never got there, but Vernon Wilmer's documentary makes it look just incredible!

If you're going post-Voyager (post-Nemesis??) unless you greenscreen, nobody is known to have replicas of the 24th century sets - if you need them of course haha!! So It'll be intersting to see where you take it.

So either you're using your own sets, greenscreening or something you can't say until after September 8 ;)
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Star Trek Hyperion did, at one point, have a physical bridge. Unfortunately nothing's been heard from them in a while.
Star Trek Hyperion did, at one point, have a physical bridge. Unfortunately nothing's been heard from them in a while.

That looked quite good, I contacted them about a year ago but alas no reply. They' were in Birmingham UK, and the bridge did look good.

Few hours to the news now folks...
Last I hear Hyperion's bridge ended up in a dumpster. They offered it to us, but we had no way of transporting or storing it, which kinda sucked.
Star Trek Hyperion did, at one point, have a physical bridge. Unfortunately nothing's been heard from them in a while.

That looked quite good, I contacted them about a year ago but alas no reply. They' were in Birmingham UK, and the bridge did look good.

Few hours to the news now folks...

Sorry Danlav05, I must have missed that somehow. I've not been on here in years. I love it when someone or a group builds a set, I love the look so it'll be interesting to see what they've come up with.

Unfortunately our set ended up being most of a local councils bonfire. :(