Star Trek: Renegades

AAAND that's a wrap! Renegades: The Requiem wrapped yesterday

Despite potential drama at the beginning (CBS fanfilm guidelines) I congratulate the Renegades crew for finding a solution to their potential dilemma and producing what looks like a very good follow up to ST:R with great sets, cool costumes and an exceptional choice of cast, some of whom I never thought would return.

I'm proud to support it, the indieGoGo looks like it's going to reach it's stretch goal.

Bring on the finished product around Dec/Jan!!
CNN Strikes again!! (at the 1:45 mark)

Thanks for the promo CNN :)
They gave CBS the credit :lol:

I guess it helps back up the idea that fan films can confuse brand recognition. If even "professionals" can't tell the difference. ;)

To be fair though it is true - especially if they have veterans reprising roles - I guess even if they saw clips from a NV with Takei or Koenig would a non-fan know the difference straight away? I have a rule in my head 'if it has proper actors it's in my canon', which goes from audios to games to fan films.

Look at it this way - it wasn't unti To Serve All My Days Walter gotto really explore Chekov, this continues in Of Gods and Men and Renegades - Star Trek Online is the only official time he got to play Chekov as a Captain but in the unofficial world he's played him as a Captain twice (Of Gods and Men and the upcoming 50th Anniversary Special of Starship Excelsior, the audio drama) and an Admiral (Of Gods and Men/Renegades). On TV/Film the last time we saw Chekov was as a Commander in Generations.
Chekov career is a bit of a mystery, Wharf of Khan opens with him as first officer on the USS Reliant, and whilst TSFS was a personal mission, and TVH was similar, TFF and TDC he is back on the Enterprise doing his old job.

We could say that despite being officially forgiven for his part in stealing the Enterprise, his career stalled, but that doesnt work either, because Sulu got his own ship.

That said if we pull this thread, aside from Sulu and maybe Kirk, no ones career makes sense.

:rofl: @ CNN
Does that make it canon?! :D lazy research (ah well. at least its not Axanar)

To me, if it has original actors in it, it is canon.

For instance, for all its flaws, I love Gods and Men, and definitely consider it canon; I just wish the original actors for Charlie and Gary had been able to film it. World Enough and Time from NV; Pilgrims of Eternity from STC; and most definitely Renegades, with Koenig. We don't see these characters enough as it is; I would never remove them from my headcanon on purpose!

EDIT: too funny... I posted this before I read down far enough to see an almost identical post! haha.
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To me, if it has original actors in it, it is canon.

For instance, for all its flaws, I love Gods and Men, and definitely consider it canon; I just wish the original actors for Charlie and Gary had been able to film it. World Enough and Time from NV; Pilgrims of Eternity from STC; and most definitely Renegades, with Koenig. We don't see these characters enough as it is; I would never remove them from my headcanon on purpose!

EDIT: too funny... I posted this before I read down far enough to see an almost identical post! haha.

I know CBS has 'only TV/film can be canon' as a rule but that's bogus - I know things have been contradicted, thre have been different versions of the same event told (best example the end of the 5 year mission) and things like Gold Key drifted far but isn't the point of the books, comics etc to expand the universe, give more depth, explaination, character development and adventures?

Also like you say the fan films have given actors a chance to reprise their roles, develop them and do different things with them. They are the same people as on TV just because it was made by fans doesnt lessen the worth
I once tried to do a serious parody of a comedy which in itself was a parody of a serious production from days gone by.
Now I'm not sure if I left everyone dazzled or baffled
Ive made a post on the subject of Of Gods and Men and Renegades and if the fact original cast is taking part, does that make it canon.

I can very much see why some people would call it canon, but for me its only really the copyright holder who can make that call. In an ideal world, it would be the person who created the show, but the show as made for a TV channel, and Gene Roddenberry has obviously died, so like or not a business owns Star Trek and can say what is and isnt canon.

Actors are a big part of any show, but they are not the be all and end of of it, some actors will have a genuine love for the franchise they are in, but not all of them.

TBH its the Of Gods and Men type productions which I thought would get "fan films" in trouble, its very easy to confuse a production like that for something official, even more so than a Star Trek Continues, which for all its high quality, is not built around original cast members, sure it had Apollo, but that was one episode. Chris Doohan is also just the son of James Doohan so cant really be counted.
While it's awesome to see the original cast memembers back in their familiar roles (or "close enough" in Requiem), unless CBS says so, it's not canon. What fans at large need to get, is that canon does not equal quality and never will.

And hey, when making Wrath of Khan, Nick Meyer supposedly said "The other film doesn't exist" with regard to The Motion Picture. Gene Roddenberry didn't think STV should be canon (or much of TOS, according to some reports.) Brannon Braga included a video apology for "Threshold" in the Voyager DVDs. Yet it's all officially canon. If you want to see something decanonized and buried, try to find an official release of the Star Wars Holiday Special
I once tried to do a serious parody of a comedy which in itself was a parody of a serious production from days gone by.
Now I'm not sure if I left everyone dazzled or baffled

Haha. That would be like someone taking Galaxy Quest and making a serious space adventure fan film built around it.... :D