Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

Actually, they should have been finished off for good in BoBW. Or at the very least, after they met Hugh and instead of being all moral and not injecting him with the computer virus, inject him and send him back to the collective. Because every instance of the Borg showing up after that was just a downhill spiral. The entire concept of the Borg queen just diluted their threat.
"I, Borg" and "Scorpion" were good stories/eps, and Seven was a great (albeit overused) character. Voyager should have ended with a season-long (or at least a half-season) arc of the crew teaming up with other DQ civilizations for one final assault against the Borg, resulting in their lasting destruction.
We are the Borg - pre Kurtzman era

We are Borg - in Kurtzman era


Other series have used the term, it isn't just the Kurtzman shows.

First Contact and Voyager was also the only series to use the phrase 'We are the Borg' in the Pre-Kurtzman era.


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The "Art and Making of the Series" book from Titan Books can now be found in bookstores. I picked one up today at Barnes and Noble. It's WRAPPED IN PLASTIC so a bit of a blind buy going in. The preview pages already shared on Amazon and one of the Trek shill sites are very representative of the format. The print quality of the individual pages isn't exactly coffee table book quality, but not horrible.

It really glosses over the series' troubled production history. It also gets some of the details of season 1 wrong and would have benefited from some extra copyediting.

I skimmed through the whole book, and the main takeaways were some interesting deleted scenes existing that didn't make the Blu-rays, among which was 10 minutes from 205/206 with Picard talking with Tallinn about having fallen in love with Laris, Seven and Raffi breaking up in 210 with Raffi heading off to travel the stars, and Seven specifically joining Starfleet. It also places season 2 as being set in 2400 and not 2401 (which makes sense as Rios specifically says 2400, and 2401 is just a wine bottle graphic).

My quick verdict: it's well worth looking through, but at $50 I feel I overpaid by about $15 for what it is.
10 minutes from 205/206 with Picard talking with Tallinn about having fallen in love with Laris

Not sure why this was cut. It was obvious that Picard had feelings for Laris in the S2 premiere. The issue was why he would not act on those feeling. That’s what the season boiled down to.

Seven and Raffi breaking up in 210 with Raffi heading off to travel the stars

Don’t know why that was cut. It doesn’t seem to contradict Raffi joining Starfleet Intelligence in S3

Seven specifically joining Starfleet

Don’t know why that was cut either. Maybe because then Seven can’t suggest that both Picard and Janeway pushed her into joining in the S3 premiere. I’m not sure if that’s such a big deal though, as Seven would have joined Starfleet upon reaching Earth, she just wasn’t accepted. It was made clear in S1. It was a reason why she was a Fenris Ranger to begin with.

t also places season 2 as being set in 2400 and not 2401

They should have been clearer about that. Like a captain’s starlog or something.
Yeah, I always assumed season 2 must have been set during the harvest season in 2400 (I just attribute the wine bottles saying 2401 to being a production error) with season 3 taking place, obviously, in April 2401. I would have preferred longer gaps between all of the seasons, but I get that Matalas wanted the 250th anniversary of the NX-01's launch to be a plot point in season 3.
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Yeah, I always assumed season 2 must have been set during the harvest season in 2400 (I just attribute the wine bottles saying 2401 to being a production error) with season 3 taking place, obviously, in April 2401. I would have preferred a longer gaps all of the seasons, but I get that Matalas wanted the 250th anniversary of the NX-01's launch to be a plot point in season 3.
My argument is it could be set in October 2400, 18 months post April 2399 from season 1. That then gives season 3 six months later to breathe.

Zhabin really shouldn't have let that acid blood get on his hand...
Wow, imagine that! Some people's head would've exploded :D

“There was an episode once the Titan was on the run and it needed to hide. And so we had this idea of Seven bringing them to sort of like space Tortuga, like spacedock for pirates where the Fenris Rangers were. And she gets help from an older Naomi Wildman who had also followed in her footsteps as a Fenris Ranger and was a badass. But Seven realizes she sort of created a monster because Naomi had become harder than she was. And so it was it was a Seven/Naomi story. We broke the story and we had reached out to the actress who played Naomi [Scarlett Pomers]. But it just didn’t feel—if you had 13 episodes, you were doing this for sure. But if you had 10, you’re like, ‘I need to get to LeVar.’ It’s time to get there.”

“Harry Kim appeared as the captain of the Voyager-B in the first draft of Frontier Day. But Prodigy was telling a lot of Voyager stories and we didn’t know if Harry was going to appear and we didn’t want to step on their toes. But yeah, for me, I would have had as many as we could get. I would have made that Star Trek Avengers: Endgame. I would have made Frontier Day with many ships… I would have Kira [Nerys from DS9] there, even if all you get is a bridge shot. But all of that is very expensive. We were already way too ambitious.”
FFS, it appears the idea of using the Enterprise E instead of the F never occurred to him until after the episode aired. I think actually seeing the E one more time would have appealed to the fans far more than some cheap joke, but what do I know?

Though it is interesting Matalas says he dropped Harry Kim so that Prodigy could use him, as opposed to how Garrett Wang's claim that he is definitively in Prodigy and that's why he was removed from Picard.

But, yeah, if this is an idea of what we can expect from Legacy should that happen, than I am not enthused at all.
Some highlights from a new Terry interview


confirmed why they didn’t explain what happened to the Ent-E, he left that for someone else to tell. Which was my theory all along

No offense, but this sounds exactly like the bs that the producers of The Man In the High Castle said about their nonsensical final scene of the series finale; that they ‘left it to the audience’s imagination’ as to what was going on, when it was blatantly obvious that they had no freaking clue what the final scene meant. I call shenanigans on you, Terry.

FFS, it appears the idea of using the Enterprise E instead of the F never occurred to him until after the episode aired. I think actually seeing the E one more time would have appealed to the fans far more than some cheap joke, but what do I know?

You know more than you are giving yourself credit for.

But, yeah, if this is an idea of what we can expect from Legacy should that happen, than I am not enthused at all.

I wouldn’t worry too much about Legacy actually happening.
Wow, imagine that! Some people's head would've exploded :D

Ehh…he could have still got there with Naomi if he let Vadic’s story end in the gravity well. And have a Changeling version of Naomi takes Vadic’s place in Dominion. They did establish early on that the Fenris Rangers had a connection to Vadic. And who says there’s only one Shrike-type starship flying around anyways?

As for Harry Kim…I get the callback to Voyager, but why not captain of the Ent-F? Or even the Titan from the start, and give him Shaw’s personality?

FFS, it appears the idea of using the Enterprise E instead of the F never occurred to him until after the episode aired. I think actually seeing the E one more time would have appealed to the fans far more than some cheap joke, but what do I know?

It feels more like he was continuing the tradition from Berman-era Trek to not show the Ent-E on tv.
It’s not really member-berries as such, it’s just what Trek has been doing since at least 1979. (And arguably since The Menagerie)
There’s always been character cameos across the years and shows, that’s why Jonathan Frakes has been in at least one episode of every nineties Trek, and Sirtis only missed one.
The Naomi Wildman thing even makes decent sense.