Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

@Timofnine it's been more than 20 years. First Contact came out in 1996, Picard Season 3 is coming out in 2023. That's closer to 30 years. FC takes place in 2373 and PIC Season 3 takes place in 2402 (?), that's also almost 30 years in-universe.

The Enterprise-E is old. Time flies. Given how long every other Enterprise lasted, I'm not going to say the E was around for a short time.

NX-01 --> 10 years
NCC-1701 (Pre-Refit) --> 25 years
NCC-1701 (Post-Refit) --> 13 years (I'm treating it as if it was effectively like a new ship)
NCC-1701-A --> 7 years
NCC-1701-B --> Unknown (commonly thought to be 30 or 40 years)
NCC-1701-C --> Unknown (commonly thought to be less than 10 years)
NCC-1701-D --> 8 years

20 years or even 30 isn't "short" for an Enterprise. Plus the more time passes, the less I like the E. So I welcome the F. Something about the E lasting so much longer than the D feels wrong, especially since it's the D we associate with TNG, not the E.

And look at how much the Enterprise-E got beat up in the TNG Movies. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that it wouldn't still be around by the time of Picard.
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New spoilers from the anti-NuTrek yet pro-Picard season 3 section of YouTube, especially for S3E01. It looks like a lot of the trailers reflect events early in the season.

  • S3E01 opens with the attack on Crusher's ship, we see the guy she's working with (maybe he's one of the new opening credits regulars...)
  • Laris appears for about 5 minutes at Château Picard and then is gone for the rest of the season
  • Picard hears Crusher's message from the TNG era combadge
  • Picard meets with Riker at the bar from the trailer... they need a ship to travel to Crusher's coordinates
  • It's Frontier Day, the 250th anniversary of... something (NX-01 launch? otherwise Earth Starfleet would be too late and Federation about a decade too early)... many ships in Sector 001 for the celebration
  • Riker can use the excuse of an inspection tour to visit the Titan-A and divert the ship to Crusher's position
  • Seven is the first officer, the (12 Monkeys) Captain hates Picard and Riker because they're dangerous and don't go by the book
  • Worf beheads someone in his introductory scene -- the pacifism is aspirational
  • There are small ties to seasons 1 & 2... the android Picard part isn't retconned, but the season can easily be seen without 1 & 2 and has ties to events all throughout Berman era Trek
  • Major difference in the tone vs seasons 1 & 2... Picard sounds much more like Picard and not Patrick Stewart
  • There's an offhand reference to something from the Shatner / Reeves-Stevens The Return novel
  • The main credits are at the end of each episode and are full of spoilers for subsequent episodes

Well I haven't been this excited for any live action Star Trek since 2005, so hopefully some renewed optimism for the anti-NuTrek people that are willing to give Picard another chance.

In other news, the Popcast guys have also seen Picard season 3 and are posting weekly recap videos covering Terry Matalas's new Tweets
This really is like the TOS Movies. Note that's a compliment coming from me.

Picard meets with Riker at the bar from the trailer... they need a ship to travel to Crusher's coordinates
Fits two scenes from TSFS: Kirk meeting with Marrow, and McCoy meeting with that sketchy alien.

Riker can use the excuse of an inspection tour to visit the Titan-A and divert the ship to Crusher's position
TWOK right there. "Jim, what about the rest of the inspection?" "Later."

Seven is the first officer, the (12 Monkeys) Captain hates Picard and Riker because they're dangerous and don't go by the book
Asshole Captain who's the outsider. One of the key staples of a TOS Movie.

On the other hand...
There's an offhand reference to something from the Shatner / Reeves-Stevens The Return novel

The only good novel from the Shatnerverse was The Ashes of Eden. Forget about the rest.
So much this. The Return was a muddled mess and the later novels just get worse.
So this must mean that the V’Ger will indeed be the origin of the Borg, or William Shatner returns for a cameo. One or the other. I loved that book.:shrug:

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New spoilers from the anti-NuTrek yet pro-Picard season 3 section of YouTube, especially for S3E01. It looks like a lot of the trailers reflect events early in the season.

  • S3E01 opens with the attack on Crusher's ship, we see the guy she's working with (maybe he's one of the new opening credits regulars...)
  • Laris appears for about 5 minutes at Château Picard and then is gone for the rest of the season
  • Picard hears Crusher's message from the TNG era combadge
  • Picard meets with Riker at the bar from the trailer... they need a ship to travel to Crusher's coordinates
  • It's Frontier Day, the 250th anniversary of... something (NX-01 launch? otherwise Earth Starfleet would be too late and Federation about a decade too early)... many ships in Sector 001 for the celebration
  • Riker can use the excuse of an inspection tour to visit the Titan-A and divert the ship to Crusher's position
  • Seven is the first officer, the (12 Monkeys) Captain hates Picard and Riker because they're dangerous and don't go by the book
  • Worf beheads someone in his introductory scene -- the pacifism is aspirational
  • There are small ties to seasons 1 & 2... the android Picard part isn't retconned, but the season can easily be seen without 1 & 2 and has ties to events all throughout Berman era Trek
  • Major difference in the tone vs seasons 1 & 2... Picard sounds much more like Picard and not Patrick Stewart
  • There's an offhand reference to something from the Shatner / Reeves-Stevens The Return novel
  • The main credits are at the end of each episode and are full of spoilers for subsequent episodes

Well I haven't been this excited for any live action Star Trek since 2005, so hopefully some renewed optimism for the anti-NuTrek people that are willing to give Picard another chance.

In other news, the Popcast guys have also seen Picard season 3 and are posting weekly recap videos covering Terry Matalas's new Tweets

Massive grains of salt. HOW did they see season three, particularly when the last episodes are in post production? Man, why do these types of people claim they’ve seen something when it’s really not likely they have?

Oh right. Clicks.
Massive grains of salt. HOW did they see season three, particularly when the last episodes are in post production? Man, why do these types of people claim they’ve seen something when it’s really not likely they have?

Oh right. Clicks.
That was in the back of my mind, but I figured I'd sit on it.
Massive grains of salt. HOW did they see season three, particularly when the last episodes are in post production? Man, why do these types of people claim they’ve seen something when it’s really not likely they have?

Oh right. Clicks.
Whenever I see stuff like this I just think of a comic. Little girl comes up and ask dad "What are you watching?"
"The pre-game show."
"What's that?"
"It's where people talk about the players and what will happen in the game."
"And then what?"
"Then I watch the game."
All it takes is to use the info that RMB leaked a while ago, tie it together with the stuff Terry Matalas has hinted at on Twitter, put a few reasonable assumptions in the middle and there you go, you’ve “seen” the episodes.
Massive grains of salt. HOW did they see season three, particularly when the last episodes are in post production? Man, why do these types of people claim they’ve seen something when it’s really not likely they have?

Oh right. Clicks.

Well showrunner Terry Matalas did confirm people have seen season 3... Just watch his interview with Robert Meyer Burnett. The Popcast guys were very anti-season 2, but now have "Terry Trek" merch and want him to make more Star Trek.

Is YouTube subject to grifting and audience capture? Sure. But I think it's perfectly legitimate to have issues with the Kurtzman Trek output, and if somehow a good live action season that respects continuity / tone / doesn't break the universe comes out, I'd be happy, not wanting to burn everything down. There's far more nuance to YouTube than people realize, but at the same time yeah the top 2-3 figures you might be thinking of probably are bad faith actors.

Let's consider the audience that stopped watching NuTrek in general or Picard in particular. If 80% of what made them unhappy was fixed, that would then be a massive reservoir of viewers that could then boost the numbers. Paramount+ apparently really wants to see social media engagement as well... so it does make sense to engage with already active influencers.

BTW, I agree, hash tags really are obnoxious :)
Well showrunner Terry Matalas did confirm people have seen season 3... Just watch his interview with Robert Meyer Burnett. The Popcast guys were very anti-season 2, but now have "Terry Trek" merch and want him to make more Star Trek.

Is YouTube subject to grifting and audience capture? Sure. But I think it's perfectly legitimate to have issues with the Kurtzman Trek output, and if somehow a good live action season that respects continuity / tone / doesn't break the universe comes out, I'd be happy, not wanting to burn everything down. There's far more nuance to YouTube than people realize, but at the same time yeah the top 2-3 figures you might be thinking of probably are bad faith actors.

Let's consider the audience that stopped watching NuTrek in general or Picard in particular. If 80% of what made them unhappy was fixed, that would then be a massive reservoir of viewers that could then boost the numbers. Paramount+ apparently really wants to see social media engagement as well... so it does make sense to engage with already active influencers.

BTW, I agree, hash tags really are obnoxious :)

None of that gives me reason to believe they’ve seen it. There’s been too many examples of “I have inside info!” which have been proven to be patently false. There’s a lot of spoilers in your post and frankly people who are getting to see this early? They’re not going to release spoilers at risk of not getting the hook up on other projects. Sorry, I am very jaded on these kinds of “leaks.”

Could this all be true? Sure. But I stand by my commentary that I’m taking with huge grains of salt.

Terry said back in August that the season should be completely finished in September. So if his prediction held true, it's been finished for a few months.

I don’t have the time and energy to keep up with every iota of BTS information so thank you for that nugget. I was unaware and stand corrected.
But I think it's perfectly legitimate to have issues with the Kurtzman Trek output, and if somehow a good live action season that respects continuity / tone / doesn't break the universe comes out, I'd be happy, not wanting to burn everything down.
I don't need a video on a free platform to tell me that. I can come to my own conclusion.
Sorry, I am very jaded on these kinds of “leaks.”

Could this all be true? Sure. But I stand by my commentary that I’m taking with huge grains of salt.
I'd rather just watch the damn thing and make up my own damn mind. Long gone are my days of enjoying YT talking points. It's just not that interesting.