Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

I don’t see why they would use for discovery - Picard is another matter

I think it would make more sense to hear Majel's voice on the Discovery than it would the La Sirena. On Starfleet Computers would be a different story. But I have a feeling Picard will stick with Julianne Grossman, the computer voice on Discovery. With all these Star Trek series coming out, Grossman struck gold. She'll have a steady paycheck for a while.

EDIT: But it would be a hoot if they used Majel Barrett's voice in flashback scenes, to recreate the Berman Era.
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It would be far less work to just have someone else read the computer's lines rather than having to cut-and-paste prerecorded dialogue.
My expectations right now...

So Starfleet in secret, was building Data style androids, possibly with Borg tech, for controlling them en masse. Picard finds out about it, tries to report it, and is dismissed.

Cue the gathering of friends and allies he has made over the years - along with Hugh, and Seven of Nine - who have personal experience of achieving freedom and individuality.

Picard wants to destroy the facilities and expose those responsible - the Romulans want access to that tech and go along with Picard, with the aim of betraying them.

Intermixed with Picard seeing visions/recollecting his time guiding Data on his quest to become more human, as his motivation. His driving force is to not let Data's legacy be ruined.
As far as Starfleet is concerned, I think Picard is "seen and not heard". They have the Enterprise-D on display but the Admiral doesn't want to hear anything Picard has to say and wants him to leave. Maybe they'll bring him out to talk about the Good Old Days and then send him along. They've moved away from him. They already were during late-DS9 and the Dominion War, so 20+ years later, I imagine it's even worse.

In the TOS Movies, I think Starfleet Command wanted Kirk promoted to Admiral and be Chief of Starfleet Operations, so they could pick his brain but keep him out of action. Then, when he didn't want to be an Admiral, they had no further use for him. They didn't want him out there in command because he didn't fit what Starfleet wanted from its Captains. They wanted Captains like Esteban, Terrell, Styles, and Harriman.

So Picard, right now, seems to be at a point that's a cross between where Kirk was after TUC and where he was before TWOK, with a dash of TSFS. Out of Starfleet, out of favor with Starfleet, but wanting to do his own thing anyway because he feels he has no choice.
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More than out of favor, I got the impression from the way the admiral delivered that line about it no longer being his house that she, at least, is resentful of serving in his shadow.
Could the Admiral be Phillipa Louvois? Considering that she ruled in favor of Data against Maddox, that would be interesting...
Could his intensely real dreams be a side effect of the Irumodic Syndrome?

Anybody think that They will touch on that in the show?
Could his intensely real dreams be a side effect of the Irumodic Syndrome?

Anybody think that They will touch on that in the show?
I hope they do touch on it. Either it plays a role in the storytelling or at least a throw away line that he has it or it's been cured or something.
Could the Admiral be Phillipa Louvois? Considering that she ruled in favor of Data against Maddox, that would be interesting...
I don't think that was the actress who played her in TNG, and I'm pretty sure they would probably bring back the same actor for anybody who was returning.
Whenever someone refers to Picard as "STP", all I can think of is oil. Granted that's a Hell of lot better than "STD" with Discovery. I want to think about oil. Sometimes I let it go on my car too long. So thank you to STP for reminding me of what I have to take care of every few months or blank thousand miles.
Whenever someone refers to Picard as "STP", all I can think of is oil. Granted that's a Hell of lot better than "STD" with Discovery. I want to think about oil. Sometimes I let it go on my car too long. So thank you to STP for reminding me of what I have to take care of every few months or blank thousand miles.

Given you're almost exactly the same age I am, I'm surprised you don't think of Stone Temple Pilots.
Some comparison shots of the Picard and TOS BoP fromTrekyard's video on it
Also, I noticed the BoP doesn't seem to have an obvious bridge window. Maybe they've decided not to include them, at least for some ships? I think the 'hero' ship will have one personally.

Some comparison shots of the Picard and TOS BoP fromTrekyard's video on it
Also, I noticed the BoP doesn't seem to have an obvious bridge window. Maybe they've decided not to include them, at least for some ships? I think the 'hero' ship will have one personally.

I cannot wait to see the Romulan Turbolift Funhouse™!
What annoys me most about the „Picard going Rogue“ angle, is how washed out the idea is, at least from a storyline standpoint.

So it appears that Picard tries to convince the admiral to do the „right thing“ and yet he immediately gets called into line.

This is just a weak starting point for Picards renegade career considering that:

- he saved earth und the whole galaxy on several occasions
- he was longtime captain of the fleets flagship
- he is usually right
- his moral compass is always spot on
- he is a frequent time traveler

The whole quadrant knows Picard as one of the most reputable diplomats who ever served the federation.

In a more realistic scenario, Picard would just have to request a number of starfleet vessels to follow his commands. Retirement is not a valid justification for declining his requests...
In a more realistic scenario, Picard would just have to request a number of starfleet vessels to follow his commands. Retirement is not a valid justification for declining his requests...
Which is why it probably isn't the only reason for denying the request.