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Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x05 - "Imposters"


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Ro being back was a surprise. That wasn’t leaked at all. Not even a rumour. Picard was funny around her.
So this is just those Deep Space Nine episodes again. Just now the Changelings have some new skills. At least they explained the different looks they have

It leaked a little. I accidentally read a spoiler tag on this very thread so was not as blown away as I would have been.
"Edge of the Alpha Quadrant" is a useless statement. What does that mean in this context?
You're right, because the edge of the Alpha Quadrant connects to the Beta Quadrant on one side, or the Gamma Quadrant on the other side or the Delta Quadrant in the center where the SMBH resides.

Take your pick.

That's a VERY large set of "Alpha Quadrant Edges" to choose from.
I was not at all on board with the idea of using the Conspiracy parasites for this story, but this episode feels like it was written with them in mind. Infiltrating the upper levels of Starfleet to seize power, and the whole business with having corpses to dissect feels not at all like the Changelings, even with the handwave about evolution.
I assume with Rene gone Odo's not going to be mentioned anymore and we're lucky we got the mention of him that we did, but it strikes me as really strange for our detail oriented constable to neglect telling Worf about this new advancement in changeling abilities. Unless he did tell Worf and Starfleet covered it up, which is possible given what we're told in this episode.
What really baffles me is, this was produced and shot back-to-back with season 2, the season 2 that was (so I've read) garbled all to hell by COVID and other production problems. How did they pull this off?
Alex Kurtzman was distracted by THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH and Akiva Goldsman was off working on SNW and TITANS...

It might also have to do with Julie McNamara leaving Paramount+. She would have been out after season 2 had filmed at least some episodes... she could have been the one that interfered with the Laris travels back in time plot etc.
I assume with Rene gone Odo's not going to be mentioned anymore and we're lucky we got the mention of him that we did, but it strikes me as really strange for our detail oriented constable to neglect telling Worf about this new advancement in changeling abilities. Unless he did tell Worf and Starfleet covered it up, which is possible given what we're told in this episode.

Yeah, that too. It's like they came up with the idea of a secret takeover of Starfleet first, then retrofitted the Changelings onto it.

Not a major complaint because I'm enjoying the hell out of this season, but it does stick out.
Okona has appeared or been referenced in all three current 24th/25th century Trek shows recently. It's an Okonaissanse.

What is Omega? Has Okona's homeworld been established before?
I was not at all on board with the idea of using the Conspiracy parasites for this story, but this episode feels like it was written with them in mind. Infiltrating the upper levels of Starfleet to seize power, and the whole business with having corpses to dissect feels not at all like the Changelings, even with the handwave about evolution.
Somehow, this set of "Changelings" managed to mimic solids to the point of looking like them on the inside.
They must've done some crazy things to their own DNA to get to that point, might've had to make some trade-offs as well, ergo the sausage like transformation that allows them to pass StarFleet's scanning tech.

I assume with Rene gone Odo's not going to be mentioned anymore and we're lucky we got the mention of him that we did, but it strikes me as really strange for our detail oriented constable to neglect telling Worf about this new advancement in changeling abilities. Unless he did tell Worf and Starfleet covered it up, which is possible given what we're told in this episode.
Or Odo doesn't know about these changelings new abilities that went Rogue since they haven't had contact with the Great Link.

The only thing he does know is that some changelings have gone Rogue.
This one was okay. Hope the story widens out a bit more. Feels small only going between three or four settings with so few characters.

Nice to see Ro Laren again. But it does feel like the writers are trying to tie up every loose end with this series.
This one was okay. Hope the story widens out a bit more. Feels small only going between three or four settings with so few characters.

Nice to see Ro Laren again. But it does feel like the writers are trying to tie up every loose end with this series.

I'm pretty okay with this approach, honestly. There is no reason to assume we get a sequel spinoff, so I'm taking every thread I can get.
About the edge of the quadrant... they just had to fly a bit 'west' to get to the edge of the quadrant. Trying to get closer to DS5 makes perfect sense.

She didn't want to return as a series regular. This was one episode, and not to mention...it's been 30 years.
Yes, but I'm surprised they didn't make her Eddington, or at least some equivalent. So I'm assuming they either tried and she didn't even want a guest spot or that Moore/Behr/Berman/whomever didn't want her at all.

Given that she appeared in BSG, I assume it was nothing personal between her and Moore at least.
Maybe this leads into the Section 31 show? Georgiou ends up in the 25th century, and recruits Worf and Musiker into a new, better 31/SI enterprise to prevent any more of these infiltrations? I guess getting an Oscar winner to lead a Trek show is unlikely, though.
Best episode of the season so far. I’m enjoying each episode but I’m not caring much for the overall arc. Another conspiracy? Ok. I was hoping for something different from season 2. I think that the most compelling arc going on is what the hell is up with Jack Crusher. I do like the question of what makes these Changelings different. I just wish it was something not involving a conspiracy/Star Fleet infiltration. So far Vadic is a total miss of a character. She’s so bland.

Hard to believe that the season is half over already.

Where’s the poll? I’m giving this a 9.
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