Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x04 - "No Win Scenario"


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Yes, I've heard that he does, and the legal issues are worked out. But it sounds like they want to work on separate RD media projects rather than jointly. That's a shame because I thought the best episodes were their collaboration years.

I caught that in the statement… it’s gonna be weird if they both want the cast. Maybe Naylor is going to resume the books, they already both did a follow up to BTL. I only read the Last Human for the first time the other week. (It’s a story in itself why I left it so long… but am already OT.)
We could end up with a reboot and a sequel running concurrently. Weird.
Yes, I've heard that he does, and the legal issues are worked out. But it sounds like they want to work on separate RD media projects rather than jointly. That's a shame because I thought the best episodes were their collaboration years.

^^this, the first six years are hard to beat and, IMHO, only series 10 and 11 come close.

Doug Naylor eventually captured the feel, and even despite some nominal templating there's still plenty of freshness in series 10 through 13 (even if 12 feels the weakest.)
I always felt Rob Grant had a better handle on Red Dwarf than Doug Naylor did. Compare their divergent novels – Backwards is a vastly better continuation of the story from Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers and Better Than Life than The Last Human is. Red Dwarf was a formative part of my childhood and teenage years but when I rewatch it today it's only the Grant/Naylor era. Everything after season six just lacks a spark, though there are small flashes of brilliance.
When LaForge appeared through the door to assist Shaw, did you say...that's the Changeling? I just didn't expect her/its demise would be so quick. Nice work Han..uh 7
I've merged this into the episode discussion thread, as it didn't seem to warrant a thread of its own, and removed the spoilerish title from the original thread as it appears on the forum's front page.
I always felt Rob Grant had a better handle on Red Dwarf than Doug Naylor did. Compare their divergent novels – Backwards is a vastly better continuation of the story from Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers and Better Than Life than The Last Human is. Red Dwarf was a formative part of my childhood and teenage years but when I rewatch it today it's only the Grant/Naylor era. Everything after season six just lacks a spark, though there are small flashes of brilliance.

The Last Human was one of the best books I’ve read in a while ironically. Even the bits of episodes used were made new again. I’m still surprised Backwards even turned up at all. Haven’t read it yet though.
"I could reinstate you, but you remaining in an unofficial capacity could work to our advantage."

What could Seven do unofficially that she couldn't if she was back as XO? Is it purely that should could kill the Changeling without breaking any Starflett regulations?
"I could reinstate you, but you remaining in an unofficial capacity could work to our advantage."

What could Seven do unofficially that she couldn't if she was back as XO? Is it purely that should could kill the Changeling without breaking any Starflett regulations?
I took this to mean that she was free to roam around the ship and investigate while officially she was locked up in her quarters. I think any active Starfleet officer would be perfectly within their rights to kill someone or something that was attempting to destroy the ship.
"I could reinstate you, but you remaining in an unofficial capacity could work to our advantage."

What could Seven do unofficially that she couldn't if she was back as XO? Is it purely that should could kill the Changeling without breaking any Starflett regulations?
If the changelings have infiltrated the crew, and Seven is not in an official capacity, her wearabouts and actions may be more difficult to trace.

And Seven would kill it regardless, and has broken Starfleet regulations before, as has Worf, so I doubt that's the concern.
"I could reinstate you, but you remaining in an unofficial capacity could work to our advantage."

What could Seven do unofficially that she couldn't if she was back as XO? Is it purely that should could kill the Changeling without breaking any Starflett regulations?
If Seven was to return as Riker's XO, she would be expected to remain on the bridge until the crisis was over. Riker wants Seven to find and neutralize the changling and not remain on the bridge as XO.
The Artificial Tango is finally here, sorry it is late!

The Shaw who met Jean-Luc in Ten Forward was a changeling (he wasn't using a cane).

The whole Wolf 359 sob story was a lie.
That'd be a Helluva twist, but no, that was the real Shaw in the holodeck.

The cane should be easy enough for an imposter to replicate if they wanted to do it. :shifty:

Sure ... Spill your guts to someone you absolutely despise. Who does that?