Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 2x01 - "The Star Gazer"

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The curved LCARS displays are active playback. Looks like maybe some sort of rear projection?
The idea that an organization formed from combining four worlds' space forces would ever be dominated by only one of those worlds in the first place doesn't make sense.

I mean, there's nothing remotely weird about the idea that Earth puts more into Starfleet in terms of personnel and resources than other nations. It happens all the time in RL.
It's been more than 25 years since Rom became Grand Nagus. I could definitely see his more benevolent and progressive leadership of the Ferengi Alliance and Nog being a member of Starfleet as the impetus for a much closer relationship between Ferenginar and the Federation.
It's been more than 25 years since Rom became Grand Nagus. I could definitely see his more benevolent and progressive leadership of the Ferengi Alliance and Nog being a member of Starfleet as the impetus for a much closer relationship between Ferenginar and the Federation.

I admit a part of me wants the Ferengi to have used Rom's reforms to become EVEN WORSE and be the Hutts of the galaxy.


Just, you know, no longer misogynist ones.
First, I would like to apologize that I have no time to read the previous 37 pages.
I absolutely loved this one. There were some minor issues, mostly the whole family trauma/abuse for young Picard, but overall this was a great season premiere. I gave it a 9.
It is really impressive how "Picard" manages to do things so much better than Disco. Is it the previously established universe from the TNG series that helps? I don't know, but the 10mins or so that we spend in the bridge of Stargazer, were enough for me to want to know more about its crew and definitely like the idea of a Stargazer spin off. I mean for 3 seasons (haven't watched the 4th) Disco treated its bridge crew mostly like an awkward part of the bridge decoration.
Anyway, let's hope that the rest of the season will be as good as its premiere.

Mon Capitaine!! :)
Picard's early life shares the same problem as Kelvinverse Kirk. It's like they were always destined to be great figures, contrary to Star Trek's push-back against the concept of predestination (well outside of Sisko anyways). So now Picard is just like Luke Skywalker.

Predestination is the only way the mirror universe makes any sense. Otherwise, there'd be no chance that the same people would be interacting long after the universes significantly diverged.
You're... upset that a work of art is being artistic?
Hey, if that's how you want to view it...

I agree with the speculations… except… what if the Borg queen is Beverly Crusher?
Except we don't know what's going on with Dr. Crusher. We don't even know if she's still alive, and the series has shown that can and will kill established characters. Also, the Queen did sound like Jeri Ryan.
Predestination is the only way the mirror universe makes any sense. Otherwise, there'd be no chance that the same people would be interacting long after the universes significantly diverged.
The Mirror Universe is probably the result of Temporal Cold War/ Temporal War shenanigans.
Also even being born.

And considering this new timeline Picard finds himself in has a divergence point in 2024. It's the same deal. Him and none of the other people he knows should even be born with all those butterflies.

Q has prior form here. From TNG: "Tapestry"...

PICARD: You mean change the past? Q, even if you have been able to bring me back in time somehow, surely you must realise that any alteration in this timeline will have a profound impact on the future.
Q: Please. Spare me your egotistical musings on your pivotal role in history. Nothing you do here will cause the Federation to collapse or galaxies to explode. To be blunt, you're not that important.
PICARD: I won't do it. I won't alter history.
Q: Oh, very well. Since you attach so much importance to the continuity of time, I will give you my personal guarantee that nothing you do here will end up hurting anyone, or have an adverse affect on what you know of as history. The only thing at stake here is your life and your peace of mind. Now, whether you believe me or not, you are here, and you have a second chance. What you choose to do with it is entirely up to you.

If it were anyone else altering the timeline I'd say yeah, that would definitely be an issue. But with Q, we know he's doing it deliberately to toy with Picard for reasons, and he's powerful enough to make any scenario come to pass.
What's the symbol on Q's jacket? :confused:

Predestination is the only way the mirror universe makes any sense. Otherwise, there'd be no chance that the same people would be interacting long after the universes significantly diverged.

In an infinite multiverse, literally anything is possible.

It is simultaneously no LESS, and no MORE, likely that the Mirror Universe turns out the way it did, vs. any other way.