Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x10 - "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2"

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But that body was designed with an immortality option. And they completely needlessly removed it. That they would do it is insane, glorifying death this way is insane.

I disagree. I believe they were pretty clear in that it is only the context of time that gives life meaning. To have immortality thrust upon a being who has not evolved to it would be a torturous and inhumane thing to do. They were not glorifying death rather reinforcing the precious thing that is life. One feature of Ann Rice's "Interview with a Vampire" I loved was how she illustrated what a curse "immortality" could be on a mortal and that many were driven insane by it.
Spock should have stayed dead.


Just kidding! :lol:
I disagree. I believe they were pretty clear in that it is only the context of time that gives life meaning. To have immortality thrust upon a being who has not evolved to it would be a torturous and inhumane thing to do. They were not glorifying death rather reinforcing the precious thing that is life. One feature of Ann Rice's "Interview with a Vampire" I loved was how she illustrated what a curse "immortality" could be on a mortal and that many were driven insane by it.
I also love what Lorien, the oldest being in the universe said in Babylon 5; I think it's a beautiful description of the profound loneliness of immortality from the perspective of someone who was born with and evolved for it. The way he tells it, I definitely wouldn't want to exist like that, no matter how much I fear the Reaper:

"To live on as we have is to leave behind joy, and love, and companionship, because we know it to be transitory, of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those, whose lives are brief, can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received."
This was a great ending to the season. We got another cool Riker appearance, some interesting twists, and Data got an amazing ending (that also felt in character for him). The season had some ups and down, but overall I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see a second season.

10/10 for this episode
They kind of just glossed over the crew crying and everything, then the next minute Picard is up and running and the crew is like.. Oh.. Ok.. No problem.. No reactions..
So ..
Spock's Resurrection wasn't instantaneous the same way it was in this episode of STP.

John Luc Picard dies; and effectively after the next commercial break he's 100% fine, Brain abnormality fixed, and ready to go.

Spock's Resurrection required Kirk to have to steal the Enterprise; travel to a quarantined planet, fight Klingons, and escape in the nick of time. Further, it took one more movie, to really get Spock to recover his mind.

Again in STP, if you decided to take a bathroom break, you could have missed John Luc Picard's death entirely, and it really didn't affect the overall story at all.

It was an absolutely classic TNG reset button move. They killed off Picard , resurrected him, and had him 100% back to normal in the last 5 minutes.:guffaw:

It's interesting that TNG's episodic, "reset button" was criticized in contrast to PIC's serialized nature, and yet PIC ended up doing the same thing.
We get Picard's new crew: Captain Rios, Raffi Musiker, Agnes Jurati, Elnor, 7/9, and Soji Asha.
Agnes Jurati ends up murdering Bruce Maddox and confesses to it. Picard says she'll face charges.
Raffi says, "I'll get you guys half way there, and I'm out."
7/9 helps Picard but believes in her own sense of justice and goes back to vigilantism.
Jean-Luc Picard himself has Irumodic syndrome and dies from it.
But by the end of the episode Raffi sticks around, Jurati being a murderer is forgotten and her and we see her and Captain Rios share a kiss, 7/9 and Raffi hook up and presumably are part of the crew again, and Picard is back to life and saying "engage."
It was a single, 10-hour episode that hits the reset button so we can have a second 10-hour episode.
In any event, I'm sure most can agree it was better than Enterprise and Discovery.
Hardly. I'm not a TNG fan I'm a big TOS fan, just wanted to get that out of the way; but overall season 2 of Star Trek Discovery blows season 1 of Star Trek Picard out of the water in both story and execution IMO.
But by the end of the episode Raffi sticks around, Jurati being a murderer is forgotten and her and we see her and Captain Rios share a kiss, 7/9 and Raffi hook up and presumably are part of the crew again, and Picard is back to life and saying "engage."

Raffi said she'd go half-way because of her son. When he rejected her, the crew was the only family she had left.

The producers have said that Jurati will face the authorities in Season 2.

It was a single, 10-hour episode that hits the reset button so we can have a second 10-hour episode.

Great! I'm looking forward to it!
^ Nope, that was Riker playing the SOS message that Picard had sent out the previous episode, to make the point that the Federation was there first.

ETA: Ninja'd!
It was his outgoing call requesting diplomatic assistance from the last episode that Riker played back to Oh as a claim that the Federation was here first.

Thanks. Totally missed that.
The producers have said that Jurati will face the authorities in Season 2.
I'd be skeptical if Jurati gets locked up or her crew turn on her.
She murdered someone..but it's okay because she's Rios's girl, and because actually her human mind wasn't stable enough to handle the Admonition, and Commodore Oh manipulated her into doing it, and we need the quirky geek-girl to round out the crew...so yeah, reset button.

Who knows, the writers might treat her crime seriously and she gets locked up but even during this first season it was treated way too lightly except for Picard's brief comments about it in one episode. And Alton Soong saying, "shame on you."
"His own terms" in that he was able to come to that decision in peace and not being forced to sacrifice his existence with mere moments to decide what to do and how. Sure, he chose to die to save Picard from Shinzon and his thalaron weapon but it was forced upon him. He saw no alternative despite what it would cost him.

Result of all the reshoots and reediting I guess?
As has been pointed out, that was Picard on-planet. But still, a thermostat and light switch? We practically have voice control now, and they certainly do on starships in Picard's time. Surely two tech-inclined hermits would have avoided the manual labor of adjusting a thermostat!
What exactly was the purpose of launching the orchids anyway, other than to be disruptor fodder? There was no way they were going to bring down over 200 warbirds.