Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 3x02 - "The Least Dangerous Game"

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Commander Richard

Yo! Man!
Premium Member


Animated Trek is back again. And if the Federation News Network is anything to go by, everyone has moved on from Pakeld Planet. And they say the future is different. What a disaster that was. Not the episode. That was good.

This one looks to be jam-packed. Martok puts in an appearance.

"On a tropical paradise planet, Mariner questions Commander Ransom on how he structures his away team. Boimler makes a bold career decision." - TrekMovie.com

Martok as the bat'leths and cowards game host reminds me of Gowron in ST: Klingon or Kavok in the board game :D

But nothing in this episode really stood out, it sadly wasn't that interesting.
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Lower Decks is killing it this season already. The Jack and Mariner stuff was a little too repetitive from Season 1 but it was still fun. The stuff with Boimler and K'ranch was awesome though, and I loved the look of the guy. They are really being creative with some of the alien species for the animated show.

Last week I gave the episode a 10 and probably was a little too generous (Even though talking to Newsome about it at the Convention is a memory I will never forget), but this week's episode is not quite a 10. I would probably go with a high 8.
I loved the "Selfie Stick" at the end of the hunt.
That feels like such a modern take on "Ethical Hunting".

And seriously, how many Psychic Babies & Evil AI's are out there?

Who doesn't love "Orbital Elevators" & Sky Diving =D
The show is usually pretty on-point with the refs, so I was surprised to see them refer to it as springball when they were actually playing racquetball.

Chris Westlake did a pretty passable Silvestri Predator pastiche.

I'm kinda glad that Hertzler played "Martok" instead of Martok. So that's one real Martok and three fake ones he's played so far. ;)
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That was a fun episode. Ethical hunters is a new one, but matches the vibe of the show. Tendi in a towel? Shame Bradward. Hmm, I know it’s only two episodes in but that and the the grape pickers makes me wonder if something else is coming later in the season.
Can anyone who has seen Lower Decks S3E2 please let me know if it has any content that should not be seen by a 10YO, specifically gratuitous sex or violence.
I need to work on my lava tubes. Right now they're a magma mound.

Martok on screech slays me! My death by Ferengi knockoff program is not honorable.

And all the bleeping out of **** and ****!

Damn I love this show.
This was a step up from last week. More of a "classic" Lower Decks episode too, insofar as it was more of a "slice of life" which involved three random vignettes rather one overarching plot. Both Mariner and Boimler got forward movement to their long-form character arcs, and I thought it was impressive they were (kinda) paired with Tendi and Rutherford respectively, as the show doesn't mix up the four of them as frequently as it should.

Oh yeah, and it was great they found a way to give JG Hertzler a much larger speaking role this season. And as Martok (sorta).

Were the aliens supposed to be the ones from the TOS episode The Apple, or just highly reminiscent of them?

I still didn't laugh out loud at anything this week, but I at least smirked a bit at a lot of it.
I love this show so much! Klingon D&D, buff Ransom is back, Mariner making her way back up the orbital lift killed me :lol:

I know Tendi has crazy chemistry with everyone but it feels like they're giving us hints Tendi x Boimler, expecially considering that whole Boimler calming down scorpion Tendi escapade last season. And honestly, I'm all for it! I'd be cool to have a strong platonic male-female friendship on screen as well but maybe that's the endgame of Tendi and Rutherford.
I know Tendi has crazy chemistry with everyone but it feels like they're giving us hints Tendi x Boimler, expecially considering that whole Boimler calming down scorpion Tendi escapade last season. And honestly, I'm all for it! I'd be cool to have a strong platonic male-female friendship on screen as well but maybe that's the endgame of Tendi and Rutherford.

I didn't see any real hints of Tendi/Boimler here, unless you consider Tendi being comfortable enough to be around Boimler in nothing but a towel sexual tension. And we know from last season that everyone does co-ed group showers anyway, so the gang have all seen one another naked.
I didn't see any real hints of Tendi/Boimler here, unless you consider Tendi being comfortable enough to be around Boimler in nothing but a towel sexual tension. And we know from last season that everyone does co-ed group showers anyway, so the gang have all seen one another naked.

Yeah exactly, though I feel like I'm misconstruing these things due to a personal bias though. Again, it'd be amazing to just have strong platonic friendships where both parties are comfortable with being affectionate and all.
I gave this one a 7.
It was more goofy than funny.
Some nice Easter eggs, but I wasn't as amused as last weeks episode.

Boimler is so into his Career I don't think he has any interest in Sex at this point.
He probably uses the holodeck for release when his hormones act up just to be done with it.
Yeah exactly, though I feel like I'm misconstruing these things due to a personal bias though. Again, it'd be amazing to just have strong platonic friendships where both parties are comfortable with being affectionate and all.

Yeah, I admit that Tendi seems like the kind of woman it would be easy to crush on...though very hard to actually imagine dating.