Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 5x09 - "Lagrange Point"

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A really big fucking complaint about the episode though:


The magic box was stored at Lagrange Point 1, in the middle between the two black holes.
Apart from being the most boring one - it's actually an unstable one!
If the mcguffin really should have stayed for 800 years - it should have been parked in Lagrange points 4 or 5 - which are much cooler anyway!
Since when is Duranium impervious to scans?
Ships were made of Duranium and Tritanium alloys in the 24th century (heck, VOY and the Delta Flyer were made from Duranium), and sensors at the time were easily able to scan through Duranium hulls (unless someone put up a dampening field to disrupt scans), but 32nd century tech CAN'T?

IIRC it was specifically described as a duranium alloy. Whatever the other metal is, it would presumably be responsible for blocking the sensors.

Exactly, There are multiple kinds of alloys for any particular kind of metal. this particular one blocks sensors.
I must have been under the false impression that reshoots/add-ons were conducted throughout the season in order to give it a sense of finality. So, they only did that for the upcoming finale? That’s A LOT to pile on a season finale that wasn’t intended as the series finale. It makes me wish Paramount would have given Disco a special movie to serve as the ending if they didn’t want to spend money on a whole season. Oh well. I was just kinda distracted throughout this episode over how it doesn’t feel like it’s actually leading up to the end of the show.

Having overstuffed finales seems to be a Disco signature though. Except for S4 it feels like they have had a lot of strings to tie together in the last episode and it always feels over stuffed.

I’d watch a series with Rayner in the chair

Saru is so gentle and loving............. Now go kill badguys! :D
T'Rina (via Vulcan telepathic communication): Use the logic Saru. Let go, Saru.

Tahal: The logic is strong with this Kelpien.

Vance: Saru's computer's off.

Rillak: Saru, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?

Saru: Nothing. I'm all right.

Tahal: I have you now. Wait what---? (Tahal's ship is blown off course)

Burnham: YAHOOO!! You're all clear Saru now let's blow up the Breen and go home!
This was a passable episode for me.
I was really annoyed that the whole plot happened, basically, because the crew sat there oo-ing and awe-ing at the floating barrel instead of just putting it in the shuttlebay ASAP and getting out of there.
I found the Book-Burnham heart-to-heart really annoying. You're saying in all the time they were doing repairs, she didn't have a chance until RIGHT THEN to talk to him?
I did, conversely, love Rayner's line about touchy-feely encouragement. I've been missing seeing characters who were just confident in what they were doing and don't need constant reassurance. Like a whole ship full of Barclays.
This would have been a great moment to make mention of Adira being joined, and her past experiences giving her an advantage on hacking the Breen. But of course, they still don't ever mention it.
Great to see Saru back. Disappointed we still don't see him interacting with the rest of the crew.
Moll's character, and my enjoyment of her, has dipped dramatically.
I'm tired of Tilly and Stamets being sidelined so much.
So...is that Dreadnaught the only ship Ruhn had? Is it unique to Ruhn? It's hard to tell based on how the characters were talking about it.
Frakes does a great job directing, as usual. But you can only work with what you're given.

I, too, found it annoying. The Breen got there 2nd but still got the thing first because Tilly was doing a dissertation about the metal the thing was made of instead of just grabbing it. And then they failed to nab it AGAIN on the way out. Owo would have had it.

Are we gonna mention Book & Burnham opening the bay doors with the knocked out guards being dragged about & nobody inside noticing?

With some exceptions (S3 Die Hard retaking the ship), DISCO does a poor job in the action sequences, especially post time jump. The Burnham/Booker vibe is so relaxed/flippant that you don't really think the danger is real. Like Anakin and Obi-Wan in the Star Wars prequels.

Putting the thing at the LaGrange point is silly in that system.

IDGAF about Moll. L'ak was better, and he's dead.

I do not mean to pile on, but this one was a poor episode for me. And S5 has been the poorest season so far. YMMV, of course.

I am thankful for DISCO. It has had it's moments of excellence (1st half of S1, most of S3, end of S4, chunks of the first half of S2, But To Connect, etc.), but also some stuff that is not so great.

Hoping for a better finale but I am not real optimistic. Feels like Red Angel/Burn reveal time to me.
A really big fucking complaint about the episode though:


The magic box was stored at Lagrange Point 1, in the middle between the two black holes.
Apart from being the most boring one - it's actually an unstable one!
If the mcguffin really should have stayed for 800 years - it should have been parked in Lagrange points 4 or 5 - which are much cooler anyway!
Given how close together the Black Hole's were, that is just one of a number of problems with that scene.
Since when is Duranium impervious to scans?
Ships were made of Duranium and Tritanium alloys in the 24th century (heck, VOY and the Delta Flyer were made from Duranium), and sensors at the time were easily able to scan through Duranium hulls (unless someone put up a dampening field to disrupt scans), but 32nd century tech CAN'T?
As of this episode. That's how it works
What ever they alloyed the Duranium with in the 32nd Century makes it impervious to scans,
One funny observation:
Discovery seems to have entirely done away now with the trope of "redshirts". Since several season now, there haven't been some poor extras killed by monsters or bad guys to show the situation is serious. Which is good.
I feel like the pandemic and COVID protocols is part of the reason behind this. If you add more extras or stunt folks to the testing pools, it'll slow production down.

I swear I read that while Paramount told them they could do reshoots after cancelation, they declined to add anything.

No. They did additional shooting for a coda that's integrated into the existing finale footage. They finished this filming just before the double strikes began last summer.
Since when is Duranium impervious to scans?
Ships were made of Duranium and Tritanium alloys in the 24th century (heck, VOY and the Delta Flyer were made from Duranium), and sensors at the time were easily able to scan through Duranium hulls (unless someone put up a dampening field to disrupt scans), but 32nd century tech CAN'T?
There were some ships that Voyager couldn't scan through, depending on the alloy, there might be certain Duranium alloys that are designed to be strong and to block sensor signatures.

These were scientists who wanted to hide something, give them a bit of credit on coming up with good ways to hide things passively.

We have stealth coatings and materials that are designed to absorb/block/redirect EM signals IRL, you'd think that the scientists who want to hide such important knowledge would come up with good passive materials that would block the fundamentals of scanning tech.

Especially Long Range sensors.

A really big fucking complaint about the episode though:


The magic box was stored at Lagrange Point 1, in the middle between the two black holes.
Apart from being the most boring one - it's actually an unstable one!
If the mcguffin really should have stayed for 800 years - it should have been parked in Lagrange points 4 or 5 - which are much cooler anyway!
It's only unstable if there were Stellar Objects of uneven size, but since the Black Holes appear to be similar, the Lagrange Point 1 that is shared by both of them might be stable
As of this episode. That's how it works
What ever they alloyed the Duranium with in the 32nd Century makes it impervious to scans,

They didn't do it in the 32nd century... the container surrounding the portal was made in the 24th century (because most of the clues were hidden with tech and science of that era)

There were some ships that Voyager couldn't scan through, depending on the alloy, there might be certain Duranium alloys that are designed to be strong and to block sensor signatures.

These were scientists who wanted to hide something, give them a bit of credit on coming up with good ways to hide things passively.

I will concede the point that they can line Duranium alloy with another material that is good at actively blocking scans of the 24th century design (and maybe some forward thinking that can block some scans from perhaps early 25th century), HOWEVER, this should be IRRELEVANT when it comes to 32nd century scanners, because they should have advanced to the point where material science of the 24th century shouldn't be able to trump over 32nd century sensor [and other tech/science] advancements).

Heck, even 29th century scanning technology was easily able to penetrate VOY shielding and hull to beam Starling back to his office.

We have stealth coatings and materials that are designed to absorb/block/redirect EM signals IRL, you'd think that the scientists who want to hide such important knowledge would come up with good passive materials that would block the fundamentals of scanning tech.

Especially Long Range sensors.

There is no way that I can buy the idea that this would remain the case for 800 years.
Heck, I don't even buy the premise it would be the case after 50 or 100 years.
This is kinda the problem with Disco writers... in some respects, they try and maintain the idea things have advanced, but in most, they almost seem to be no better than what was available in the 22nd or 23rd century.
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