Star Trek: Continues? Wow..very sad..


Hi all! (been a long time:mallory:)

I must say I'm pretty dissapointed someone decided to literally rehash TOS..So now we have exactly the "same" TOS with different actors? To me personally, it feels like cheapening the whole genre. Instead of thinking of new ideas, someone decided to recycle TOS.

I don't think it's the right way to go..How bout you guys?
This topic doesn't make any sense, because your premise is mistaken.

First, Star Trek Continues is a fan film, so this topic belongs...elsewhere. It has nothing to do with the future of Star Trek. can only be referring to the initial vignette which these folks produced, which recreates the end of the final episode of TOS before segueing into an original scene.

They've since produced another short film and have shot an episode from an original script which is in post production. So the notion that their intent is to reproduce the "same TOS with different actors" is ill-informed.

That pretty much covers it.
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Yes, lets criticize folks who love the show, spend their own money to build the sets and produce episodes for people who love trek to enjoy. Meanwhile others sit at home eating cheetos and type crap on their computer and contribute nothing.

If you don't like it; don't watch it.
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Meanwhile others sit at home eating cheetos and type crap on their computer and contribute nothing.

So when you disagree with someone's opinion you call it crap?
May I call your opinion crap then?

My Name is Legion:
Ok. thanks, I wasn't aware of all the facts. If it's a fan made show, that's fine with me.
That you thought they were a legit Trek production must be a good sign for the Star Trek Continues gang!

The "real" future of Trek is the movie Star Trek Into Darkness, which arrives in 2 months.
Keep in mind that TOS sets are probably the cheapest to make compared to the much more expensive sets of the modern Trek shows. They can get away with being cheesy if it is TOS.
Meanwhile others sit at home eating cheetos and type crap on their computer and contribute nothing.

So when you disagree with someone's opinion you call it crap?
May I call your opinion crap then?

My Name is Legion:
Ok. thanks, I wasn't aware of all the facts. If it's a fan made show, that's fine with me.

I don't really care what you call my opinion. I worked on the Star Trek Continues show and I'm sure my opinion differs greatly from your own. To each his own.
Obviously this person has never heard of Phase II or the other TOS projects.

This is a niche, and either you support it or you don't.
Keep in mind that TOS sets are probably the cheapest to make compared to the much more expensive sets of the modern Trek shows. They can get away with being cheesy if it is TOS.

I would imagine the TNG bridge would be cheaper to reproduce. You only have to use four monitors for the back wall and every other control interface is simply painted plexiglass.

Every station that rings the upper level of the TOS bridge has to have working monitors to recreate the blinkies.
Obviously this person has never heard of Phase II or the other TOS projects.

This is a niche, and either you support it or you don't.

Well, it's possible, and this is merely idle speculation on my part, that Breadfan actually had heard of Star Trek New Voyages/Phase II. (Breadfan's last activity here on the TrekBBS board was back in May of 2009 when the movie Star Trek was released, and New Voyages/Phase II had been around for several years before that.) It could well be that Breadfan thought the new production Star Trek Continues was some kind of offically made thing: it clearly couldn't be a fan production because the notion of fans getting together and putting on a show in the barn that looks just like the continuing adventures of TOS was already being done by someone. Why would a bunch of fans want to get together and spend time and money and effort to trod the exact same ground that some other fan production was already todding?

It would be easy to assume that it wasn't another fan film doing the exact same thing as what was being done already. What would be the point? (But, of course, it's also possible that Breadfan, being out of the TrekBBS loop for four years, just hadn't heard of the concept of fan films.)
I've been coming to this board for over 5 years, if not close to 10 years (Though mostly the General SciFi side, prior to actually joining in January 2011) and it's only about 6 months to a year ago that I learned of Fan Films. So, I was a fairly active daily poster with TrekBBS for at least a year, before I ever ran acoss the fact there were fan films, and I still have yet to try any of them out other than Of Gods and Men.

So, it's not really all that unbelievable that someone who comes just for the latest movie would have no idea about Fn Films, IMHO.
I don't think Chris was in PhaseII? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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I like Continues and Phase II . . .

I agree 100% I think there is plenty of room for many interpretations of Trek and personally I enjoy them all and the different takes that people have on the characters. Mostly I admire the people who devote their time and money into producing them. I really am disappointed when I hear of petty bickering between the different fan films. I wish everyone could just respect and enjoy what each other is doing.
Thanks Greg. We are going to try to give him a small (yet still undetermined) role in Renegades as well
Keep in mind that TOS sets are probably the cheapest to make compared to the much more expensive sets of the modern Trek shows. They can get away with being cheesy if it is TOS.

As well, they should be budgeting some money to get LCD monitors so that the bridge screens will looks like they actually work.